503 research outputs found

    1,5-Bis[1-(2,4-dihy­droxy­phen­yl)ethyl­idene]carbonohydrazide dimethyl­formamide disolvate

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    In the title compound, C17H18N4O5·2C3H7NO, two solvent mol­ecules are linked to the main mol­ecule via N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a hydrogen-bonded trimer. Intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds influence the mol­ecular conformation of the main mol­ecule, and the two benzene rings form a dihedral angle of 10.55 (18)°. In the crystal, inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link hydrogen-bonded trimers into ribbons extending along the b axis

    Neuroprotective effects of traditional Chinese medicine in treating glaucoma:A Meta-analysis

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    AIM:To assess the neuroprotective effects of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of glaucoma. METHODS:The electronic bibliographic databases were searched,including Medline(1966-01/2011-03), EMbase(1996-2010), Cochrane library, Wanfang database,VIP(1999-2011), CNKI, the radomized controlled trials of TCM treatment compares with Western medicine treatment of the glaucoma were assembled Data were extracted and evaluated by two reciewers independently with a designed extraction formation by Meta-analysis based on the Cochrane net suggestion. RESULTS:A total of 8 theses written in Chinese were retrieved,including 719 patients.The results of Meta-analysis showed the combination therapy of TCM and western therapy significant improves the effect of neuroprotection(P<0.01). In order to boost and qualify the curative effects of the aucupuncture, more precise samples should be designed and a multi-research central need to be bulit. however, according to the existing cases, the evidences of the effectiveness are weak due to the limited numbers of samples and the methodological defect. CONCLUSION: The existing evidence supports the combination therapy of TCM and western medicine stronger than the only used of western medicine(P<0.01). But owing to the limited studies and few number of TCM treatment for glaucoma's neuroprotection, the large sample andmulticenter random ized controlled trial is still needed to verify the superiority of TCM for neuroproctive effect of glaucoma's teatment

    Research on Automatic Identification of Rumors in Stock Forum Based on Machine Learning

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    When rumors prevail in securities market, it is very difficult for investors to identify valid information. In the meantime, investors have much more ways to access information with the evolution of internet. But there is an overwhelming quantity of information on the Internet, the coexistence of facts and rumors, namely, “widely circulated” and “specious”, yet “unconfirmed officially” vague information, makes it more difficult for investors who with limited rationality to distinguish facts from rumors. Existing studies are mainly devoted in the method of event study, namely screening rumors from “official channels” that clarified, which is neither timely efficient in terms of accessing to rumors nor providing the basis for decision-making. Traditional news has evolved into various forms of social media, including forums, blogs, micro-blogs etc., and users can not only gain quick access to more valuable and timely information, but also amplify information that embed the news effectively by participating in commenting on various social media. Dynamic information creation, sharing and coordination among Web users are exerting increasingly prominent impact on the securities market in now days. Thus, it is very necessary to study the effects of social media as online forums on the securities market. In this paper, the method of machine learning is adopted for the first time to identifying the Internet rumors automatically, and successfully in crawling massive forum data by smart computer technology. Unlike the case study and statistical sampling of rumors, this paper conduct automatic identification of Internet rumors by utilize the smart technology, thus paving the way for more in-depth analysis about the effects of Internet media on the securities market in future

    ALMA Reveals a Gas-rich, Maximum Starburst in the Hyperluminous, Dust-obscured Quasar W0533-3401 at z similar to 2.9

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    We present ALMA observations and multiwavelength spectral energy distribution analysis in a Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer-selected, hyperluminous dust-obscured quasar W0533-3401 at z = 2.9. We derive the physical properties of each of its components, such as molecular gas, stars, dust, and the central supermassive black hole (SMBH). Both the dust continuum at 3 mm and the CO (3-2) line are detected. The derived molecular gas mass M-gas = 8.4 x 10(10) M-circle dot and its fraction f(gas) = 0.7 suggest that W0533-3401 is gas-rich. The star formation rate (SFR) has been estimated to be similar to 3000-7000M(circle dot) yr(-1) by using different methods. The high values of SFR and specific SFR suggest that W0533-3401 is a maximum starburst. The corresponding gas depletion timescales are very short (t(depl) similar to 12-28 Myr). The CO (3-2) emission line is marginally resolved and has a velocity gradient, which is possibly due to a rotating gas disk, gas outflow, or merger. Finally, we infer the black hole mass growth rate of W0533-3401 ((M)over dot(BH) = 49 M-circle dot yr(-1)), which suggests a rapid growth of the central SMBH. The observed black hole to stellar mass ratio M-BH/M-* of W0533-3401, which is dependent on the adopted Eddington ratio, is over one order of magnitude higher than the local value, and is evolving toward the evolutionary trend of unobscured quasars. Our results are consistent with the scenario that W0533-3401, with both a gas-rich maximum starburst and a rapid black hole growth, is experiencing a short transition phase toward an unobscured quasar


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    Electrostatic effect due to patch potentials between closely spaced surfaces

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    The spatial variation and temporal variation in surface potential are important error sources in various precision experiments and deserved to be considered carefully. In the former case, the theoretical analysis shows that this effect depends on the surface potentials through their spatial autocorrelation functions. By making some modification to the quasi-local correlation model, we obtain a rigorous formula for the patch force, where the magnitude is proportional to 1a2(aw)β(a/w)+2{\frac{1}{{{a}^{2}}}{{(\frac{a}{w})}^{\beta (a/w)+2}}} with a{a} the distance between two parallel plates, w{w} the mean patch size, and β{\beta} the scaling coefficient from 2{-2} to 4{-4}. A torsion balance experiment is then conducted, and obtain a 0.4 mm effective patch size and 20 mV potential variance. In the latter case, we apply an adatom diffusion model to describe this mechanism and predicts a f3/4{f^{-3/4}} frequency dependence above 0.01 mHz{\rm mHz}. This prediction meets well with a typical experimental results. Finally, we apply these models to analyze the patch effect for two typical experiments. Our analysis will help to investigate the properties of surface potentials

    Gut microbiota therapy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Evidence from randomized clinical trials

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has a high prevalence worldwide, but there are no medications approved for treatment. Gut microbiota would be a novel and promising therapeutic target based on the concept of the gut–liver axis in liver disease. We reviewed randomized controlled trials on gut microbiota therapy in NAFLD in this study to evaluate its efficacy and plausibility in NAFLD