45 research outputs found

    Heritage house maintenance using 3D city model application domain extension approach

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    Heritage house is part of the architectural heritage of Malaysia that highly valued. Many efforts by the Department of Heritage to preserve this heritage house such as monitoring the damage problems of heritage house. The damage problems of heritage house might be caused by wooden decay, roof leakage and exfoliation of wall. One of the initiatives for maintaining and documenting this heritage house is through Three-dimensional (3D) of technology. 3D city models are widely used now and much used by researchers for management and analysis. CityGML is a standard tool that usually used by researchers to exchange, storing and managing virtual 3D city models either geometric and semantic information. Moreover, it also represent multi-scale of 3D model in five level of details (LoDs) whereby each of level give a distinctive functions. The extension of CityGML was recently introduced and can be used for problems monitoring and the number of habitants of a house

    Issues on 3D Property

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    Abstract-A questionnaire survey was carried out on 114 personnel from government authorities and professional companies administering cadastre registration in Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Johore. The aim of the study was to elicit the opinions of the respondents and to appraise their understanding on five study areas, viz. land legislation, land administration, cadastre registration, and cadastral survey and mapping issues. The respondents were from State Lands and Mines Office, State District Land Office

    Green Purchasing Practices and Environmental Performance

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    Green purchasing aims to minimize negative environmental impacts in manufacturing process and transportation by using durable, recyclable and reusable materials. This study aims investigate the impact of green purchasing practices including green product, green process and green supplier on environmental and business performance in the context of Malaysian manufacturing companies. A total of 156 questionnaires were distributed to different industry sectors. The findings show that green product, green process and green supplier are significantly and positively related to environmental performance. In addition, green product is the main predictor of the environmental performance. Ultimately, the results could offer useful guidance for green purchasing practices implementation in Malaysian manufacturing companies and provide a springboard for further empirical research in the area

    Exploring the influence of governmental policies on hybrid car purchase intention in Malaysia

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    Malaysia continues-face environmental problems caused by rapid development and urbanization. The environmental issues have induced automotive industries to produce more environmental friendly cars that will reduce the damage to the environment. The objective of this study is to explore the influence of governmental policies including free parking fee, car price subsidization, auto scrappage program, road tax exemption, import tax exemption, sales tax exemption and excise tax exemption on consumer hybrid car purchase intention in Malaysia. In addition, this study also examines the relationship between governmental policies and hybrid car purchase intention. The finding of the study enables to provide valuable information to the policy maker and vehicle manufacturer on improving the penetration rate of hybrid car in Malaysia's market. The questionnaires will be distributed to 400 respondents who live in Malaysia. SPSS and A1'v10S will be used to analyze the data collected

    Internet application for online cadastral services : a case study in Nigeria

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    The new innovative of technology by (GIS) Geographic Information System, (LIS) Land Information System and (CIS) Cadastral Information System has been playing a leading role in the development of cadastral and land administration in this study area. The Customary ways and approach to the land titling and registration in the time past has resulted in the delay in the processes of obtaining title to the land. Land administration system in Nigeria includes the processes of land registration, cadastral mapping, land valuation and land inventory. Most of developing nation particularly Nigeria is faced with the problem of poor land administration and management. Technology is paramount in acquiring a proper technological development in land administration. This study tried to encourage land title registration by providing web technologies that are faster and suitable with a low rate and minimum delay. The need to develop a dynamic web for the processes in the land registration arises from the dynamic relationship to the land of the people. The delay in time and process of land registration couple with the exploitation in land related activities has called for the urgent intervention of all the stakeholders in land administration. PHP programming language was used as a server side scripting languages together with MyAdmin SQL, a website was developed for the processes involved in the land registration having examined the fastest way to solve the problem. A robust dynamic database that is reliable and easy to use was also developed which is capable of accommodating several numbers of applicants. The applicants, monitoring agency and the government have the advantage of checking all the processes on line without any contact with the officers working on the certificate

    Factors driving consumers participation in collaborative consumption with Airbnb

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    Airbnb is a community marketplace where people can share, find and book unique accommodations around the world just using a smart phone or tablet via online. Airbnb enables tourists to experience the unique fun in more than 65,000 cities and 191 countries with reasonable prices. Airbnb also is a way for people to find extra income with a surplus rent to millions of customers. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of perceived authenticity, perceived risk, perceived value and electronic word-of-mouth on intention of collaborative consumption using Airbnb. Quantitative method using questionnaire was used for data collection. Sample was selected through purposive sampling technique. Data were collected from 108 respondents via offline and online, and the data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The result show that perceived value and electronic word-of-mouth are positively and significantly related to intention of collaborative consumption using Airbnb. In fact, electronic word-of-mouth has the biggest impact on intention of collaborative consumption using Airbnb. However, perceived authenticity and perceived risks have no relationship with intention of collaborative consumption using Airbnb. The findings of this study are important to Airbnb marketing managers to improve the intention of collaboration consumption of their customer

    An application of cadastral fabric system in improving positional accuracy of cadastral databases in Malaysia

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    Cadastral fabric is perceived as a feasible solution to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of the cadastral measurement data to implement Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) and to support Coordinated Cadastral System (CCS) and Dynamic Coordinated Cadastral System (DCCS) in Malaysia. In light of this, this study aims to propose a system to upgrade the positional accuracy of the existing cadastral system through the utilisation of the cadastral fabric system. A comprehensive investigation on the capability of the proposed system is carried out. A total of four evaluation aspects is incorporated in the study to investigate the feasibility and capability of the software, viz. performance of geodetic least squares adjustment, quality assurance techniques, supporting functions, and user friendliness. This study utilises secondary data obtained from the Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM). The test area is coded as Block B21701 which is located in Selangor, Malaysia. Results show that least square adjustment for the entire network is completed in a timely manner. Various quality assurance techniques are implementable, namely error ellipses, magnitude of correction vectors and adjustment trajectory, as well as inspection of adjusted online bearings. In addition, the system supports coordinate versioning, coordinates of various datum or projection. Last but not least, user friendliness of the system is identified through the software interface, interaction and automation functions. With that, it is concluded that the proposed system is highly feasible and capable to create a Cadastral Fabric to improve the positional accuracy of existing cadastral system used in Malaysia

    A survey related to 3D property

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    A questionnaire survey was carried out on 114 personnel from government authorities and professional companies administering cadastre registration in Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Johore. The aim of the study was to elicit the opinions of the respondents and to appraise their understanding on five study areas, viz. land legislation, land administration, cadastre registration, and cadastral survey and mapping issues. The respondents were from State Lands and Mines Office, State District Land Office, Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Department of Director General of Lands and Mines Office, State Local Authority and Licensed Land Surveyors

    Towards e-government’s 3D property

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    This paper provides an introduction into the 3D property type in Malaysia. It provides a brief introduction on Malaysia as a country then be followed by an explanation on the land administration and cadastral system. This paper discusses literature on good governance and e-government. It continues with the discussion on e-government in Malaysia, which consists of e-Land, e-Cadastre which is part of Coordinated Cadastral System, Virtual Survey System and Cadastral Data Integrity System as well as the Electronic Strata Module that consists of Strata Lodgement Module, Electronic Strata Survey Module and Strata Verification Module before end with the conclusion. Through this paper, we understand the government activities on cadastre system in Malaysia

    Towards 3D property formation

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    This paper presents a solution to reformulate, further improve and enhance usefulness of the existing cadastral system and title registration of multi-layer properties in order to facilitate a modern Malaysian Cadastral and Land Administration Systems. In this paper, field 3D property and its rights as well as the categorisation of 3D property issues relating to rights are looked into. Later, 3D property types in Malaysia are presented with an explanation on land legislation framework, cadastral survey and registration. Furthermore, discussions on ways towards 3D property formation and the criteria associated with the establishment of Malaysian 3D cadastre for 3D property rights are included with some approaches to achieve its implementation