252 research outputs found

    Weak Measurement and Quantum Smoothing of a Superconducting Qubit

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    In quantum mechanics, the measurement outcome of an observable in a quantum system is intrinsically random, yielding a probability distribution. The state of the quantum system can be described by a density matrix (t), which depends on the information accumulated until time t, and represents our knowledge about the system. The density matrix (t) gives probabilities for the outcomes of measurements at time t. Further probing of the quantum system allows us to refine our prediction in hindsight. In this thesis, we experimentally examine a quantum smoothing theory in a superconducting qubit by introducing an auxiliary matrix E(t) which is conditioned on information obtained from time t to a final time T. With the complete information before and after time t, the pair of matrices [(t), E(t)] can be used to make smoothed predictions for the measurement outcome at time t. We apply the quantum smoothing theory in the case of continuous weak measurement unveiling the retrodicted quantum trajectories and weak values. In the case of strong projective measurement, while the density matrix (t) with only diagonal elements in a given basis |n\u3e may be treated as a classical mixture, we demonstrate a failure of this classical mixture description in determining the smoothed probabilities for the measurement outcome at time t with both diagonal (t) and diagonal E(t). We study the correlations between quantum states and weak measurement signals and examine aspects of the time symmetry of continuous quantum measurement. We also extend our study of quantum smoothing theory to the case of resonance fluorescence of a superconducting qubit with homodyne measurement and observe some interesting effects such as the modification of the excited state probabilities, weak values, and evolution of the predicted and retrodicted trajectories

    A Green Dialogue for Aging Society

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    This thesis addresses the issue about disconnections of communication between human to human, and human to environment. It seems like we got connections with other people via various smart devices, meanwhile we are so disconnected with the people and environment where we are currently living. Technologies sometimes hinder the communicating ability of human. Architecture could become a media that contains more messages send to human, helping on the communication between human to human, and human to environment


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis (1) pengaruh citra merek terhadap kepuasan pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya. (2) pengaruh citra merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya. (3) pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kejeran Surabaya. (4) pengaruh citra merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan yang dimediasi kepuasan pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang melalui tahap pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas terlebih dahulu. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur. Kesimpulan dari hasil pengujian setiap hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa (1) citra merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya, dibuktikan menghasilkan nilai T statistics sebesar 13.833 dengan probabilitas sebesar (0.000) < 0,05. (2) citra merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya, dibuktikan menghasilkan nilai T statistics sebesar 2.382 dengan probabilitas sebesar (0.019) < 0,05. (3) Kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya, dibuktikan menghasilkan nilai T statistics sebesar 5.709 dengan probabilitas sebesar (0.000) < 0,05. (4) Kepuasan pelanggan memediasi pengaruh citra merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan kosmetik wardah di kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya, dibuktikan dari hasil analisis jalur dengan teknik causal steps, di mana pengaruh citra merek terhadap kepuasan pelanggan menghasilkan pengujian yang dinyatakan berpengaruh signifikan, dan pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan menghasilkan pengujian yang dinyatakan berpengaruh signifikan, oleh karena itu kepuasan pelanggan dinyatakan mampu memediasi citra merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan

    Methyl pyrazine-2-carboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C6H6N2O2, is approximately planar [r.m.s. deviation = 0.0488 (3) Å]. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O and C—H⋯N inter­actions join the mol­ecules into an infinite three-dimensional network


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C20H15NO2, contains one half-molecule with the central N atom and two C atoms of the benzene moiety lying on a twofold rotation axis. Weak C—H⋯O inter­actions join the mol­ecules together into an infinite three-dimensional network

    Secretion of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase, an Immunomodulatory Substance, by Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell

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    Lipoaspirate, a wasted by product from liposuction procedure recently has been shown to contain abundant adipose-derived-mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been studied in many research areas to regenerate many cell lineages. In addition, MSCs have immunomodulatory effect. This capability has been utilized in several clinical studies in hematopoetic stem cell and organ transplantation as a strategy to reduce the risk of Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD). It has been reported that the ‘stimulated’ MSC is able to secrete substances to suppress tissue rejection. One of the substances was known to be indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO).  A previous study has characterized the secretion of IDO by bone marrow-derived MSCs stimulated by an inflammatory mediator interferon gamma (IFN-γ). IDO has been detected using Western blot analysis and by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) assay. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of IDO in AD-MSCs culture with and without INFγ stimulation. Our study showed that AD-MSC stimulated with IFN-γ significantly secreted high level of IDO as detected by Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA). Despite its property as a proinflammatory mediator, IFN-γ has shown to be able to induce IDO secretion in MSC culture which suggests the immuno modulatory effect of MSC. This study clearly demonstrates the potential application of adipose-derived MSC in the immunomodulatory strategy for allogenic transplantation. Keyword : mesenchymal stem cell, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, IFN-


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C6H7NO3, contains two mol­ecules (A and B) related by a non-crystallographic twofold pseudo-axis. The mol­ecules are joined in the (AABB)n manner by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between their hy­droxy groups, thus forming C(2) chains along the a-axis direction. Neighboring mol­ecules of the same kind (A and A, or B and B) are related by inversion centers, so that all hy­droxy H atoms are disordered other two sets of sites with half occupancies (superimposed O—H⋯O and O⋯H—O fragments). The mol­ecules are further linked by C—H⋯O inter­actions, which can be considered to be weak hydrogen bonds

    Peningkatan Kadar Imunosupresan IDO (Indoleamin 2,3-dioksigenase) pada Supernatan Kultur Sel Punca Mesenkim yang Distimulasi dengan Agregat Imunoglobulin G

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    Mesenchymal stem cells have been known to have the nature of supressing immune response. This cell have been proven to reduce the symptoms of organ transplants rejection. Clinically proofing is also being performed on an autoimmune disease caused by the complex immune such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This study aimed to know aggregated IgG-stimulating effects of mesenchymal stem cells in relation to IDO secretion, an immunosuppressant agent. Mesenchymal stem cells was isolated from liposuction waste and characterized based on its surface molecule accrording to ISCT criterias. The confirmed cell culture was used to the next culture by the addition of heat aggragated immunoglobulins gamma (HAGG) for six days. IDO secreted on supernatant culture was collected and assayed by elisa method at 450 nm. The results showed that there was elevated levels of IDO (16.73-49.5%) on culture with HAGG stimulation than without stimulation. This study could be a part of the basicSelama ini sel punca mesenkim telah diketahui mempunyai aktivitas imunosupresan. Secara klinis, sel ini terbukti mampu mampu mengurangi gejala penolakan organ transplan. Pembuktian secara klinis juga sedang dilakukan pada penyakit berbasis inflamasi seperti pada penyakit autoimun yang disebabkan karena kompleks imun, seperti pada lupus eritematosus sistemik (SLE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari efek stimulasi sel punca mesenkim dalam hubungannya dengan efek imunosupresan. Sel punca mesenkim diisolasi dari limbah liposuction dan dikarakterisasi berdasarkan molekul permukaannya untuk konfirmasi identitasnya berdasarkan kreiteria ISCT. Selanjutnya sel punca mesenkim dikultur dengan penambahan Heat Aggragated Immunoglobulin Gamma (HAGG) selama 6 hari. Untuk mengetahui sifat imunosupresannya, dilakukan pemeriksaan kandungan senyawa indoleamin 2,3-dioksigenase (IDO) pada supernatan hasil kultur dengan metode ELISA pada panjang gelombang 450 nm. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan kadar IDO pada kultur dengan stimulasi dibanding tanpa stimulasi sebanyak 16,73-49,5 %. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar ilmiah yang memperkuat penggunaan terapi sel punca mesenkim pada penyakit autoimun berbasis kompleks imun

    Identification of 10 SUMOylation-Related Genes From Yellow Catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, and Their Transcriptional Responses to Carbohydrate Addition in vivo and in vitro

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    SUMOylation is a kind of important post-translational modification. In the present study, we identified 10 key genes involved in SUMOylation and deSUMOylation (sumo1, sumo2, sumo3, sae1, uba2, ubc9, pias1, senp1, senp2, and senp3) in yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, investigated their tissue expression patterns and transcriptional responses to carbohydrate addition both in vivo and in vitro. All of these members shared similar domains to their orthologous genes of other vertebrates. Their mRNAs were widely expressed in all the tested tissues, but at variable levels. Dietary carbohydrate levels differentially influenced the mRNA levels of these genes in liver, muscle, testis, and ovary of yellow catfish. Their mRNA levels in primary hepatocytes were differentially responsive to glucose addition. Our study would contribute to our understanding into the molecular basis of SUMOylation modification and into the potential SUMOylation function in the carbohydrate utilization in fish