157 research outputs found

    Box Compactification and Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We discuss all possible compactifications on flat three-dimensional smooth spaces. In particular, various fields are studied on a box with opposite sides identified, after two of them are rotated by π\pi, and their spectra are obtained. The compactification of a general 7D supersymmetric theory in such a box is considered and the corresponding four-dimensional theory is studied, in relation to the boundary conditions chosen. The resulting spectrum, according to the allowed field boundary conditions, corresponds to partially or completely broken supersymmmetry. We briefly discuss also the breaking of gauge symmetries under the proposed box compactification.Comment: 11 pages, 1figure. As it appeared in Phys. Lett.

    Localized Gravitons, Gauge Bosons and Chiral Fermions in Smooth Spaces Generated by a Bounce

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    We study five-dimensional solutions to Einstein equations coupled to a scalar field. Bounce-type solutions for the scalar field are associated with AdS_5 spaces with smooth warp functions. Gravitons are dynamically localized in this framework in analogy to the Randall-Sundrum solution whereas, a bulk fermion gives rise to a single chiral zero mode localized at the bounce. Additional bulk scalar fields are incorporated in this picture. The dilaton, as a bulk scalar leads, through its coupling, to localized gauge boson fields, something that holds also in the case that the bounce system is replaced by a brane.Comment: latex, 14 page

    Inflation in no-scale supergravity

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    R+R2R+R^2 Supergravity is known to be equivalent to standard Supergravity coupled to two chiral supermultiples with a no-scale K\"ahler potential. Within this framework, that can accomodate vanishing vacuum energy and spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, we consider modifications of the associated superpotential and study the resulting models, which, viewed as generalizations of the Starobinsky model, for a range of the superpotential parameters, describe viable single-field slow-roll inflation. In all models studied in this work the tensor to scalar ratio is found to be small, well below the upper bound established by the very recent PLANCK and BICEP2 data.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, references and comments adde

    A Self-Tuning Solution of the Cosmological Constant Problem

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    We discuss the four-dimensional cosmological constant problem in a five-dimensional setting. A scalar field coupled to the SM forms dynamically a smooth brane with four-dimensional Poincare invariance, independently of SM physics. In this respect, our solution may be regarded as a self-tuning solution, free of any singularities and fine-tuning problems.Comment: latex, 4 pages, some new material adde

    Palatini inflation in models with an R2R^2 term

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    The Starobinsky model, considered in the framework of the Palatini formalism, in contrast to the metric formulation, does not provide us with a model for inflation, due to the absence of a propagating scalar degree of freedom that can play the role of the inflaton. In the present article we study the Palatini formulation of the Starobinsky model coupled, in general nonminimally, to scalar fields and analyze its inflationary behavior. We consider scalars, minimally or nonminimally coupled to the Starobinsky model, such as a quadratic model, the induced gravity model or the standard Higgs-like inflation model and analyze the corresponding modifications favorable to inflation. In addition we examine the case of a classically scale-invariant model driven by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. In the slow-roll approximation, we analyze the inflationary predictions of these models and compare them to the latest constraints from the Planck collaboration. In all cases, we find that the effect of the R2R^2 term is to lower the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, JCAP accepted versio

    Rescuing Quartic and Natural Inflation in the Palatini Formalism

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    When considered in the Palatini formalism, the Starobinsky model does not provide us with a mechanism for inflation due to the absence of a propagating scalar degree of freedom. By (non)--minimally coupling scalar fields to the Starobinsky model in the Palatini formalism we can in principle describe the inflationary epoch. In this article, we focus on the minimally coupled quartic and natural inflation models. Both theories are excluded in their simplest realization since they predict values for the inflationary observables that are outside the limits set by the Planck data. However, with the addition of the R2R^2 term and the use of the Palatini formalism, we show that these models can be rendered viable.Comment: JCAP accepted version, 16 pages, 7 figure

    Rare Top-quark Decays to Higgs boson in MSSM

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    In full one-loop generality and in next-to-leading order in QCD, we study rare top to Higgs boson flavour changing decay processes t→qht\to q h with q=u,cq=u,c quarks, in the general MSSM with R-parity conservation. Our primary goal is to search for enhanced effects on Br(t→qh)Br(t\to q h) that could be visible at current and high luminosity LHC running. To this end, we perform an analytical expansion of the amplitude in terms of flavour changing squark mass insertions that treats both cases of hierarchical and degenerate squark masses in a unified way. We identify two enhanced effects allowed by various constraints: one from holomorphic trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms and/or right handed up squark mass insertions and another from non-holomorphic trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms and light Higgs boson masses. Interestingly, even with O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) flavour violating effects in the, presently unconstrained, up-squark sector, SUSY effects on Br(t→qh)Br(t\to q h) come out to be unobservable at LHC mainly due to leading order cancellations between penguin and self energy diagrams and the constraints from charge- and colour-breaking minima (CCB) of the MSSM vacuum. An exception to this conclusion may be effects arising from non-holomorphic soft SUSY breaking terms in the region where the CP-odd Higgs mass is smaller than the top-quark mass but this scenario is disfavoured by recent LHC searches. Our calculations for t→qht\to q h decay are made available in SUSY_FLAVOR numerical library.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures; version accepted for publication in JHEP: additional comparison with literature added, minor misprints correcte
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