6 research outputs found
Tyrimas atliktas 2014.05–2014.06 laikotarpiu. Buvo apklausinėjami 18 metų sulaukę respondentai. Iš pradžių 450 anketų buvo išskirstytos į registratūras, iš jų 442 anketos grįžo (grįžtamumas 98,2 proc.). Anketa buvo duodama kas dešimtam pirmą kartą besikreipiančiam pacientui. Daugiau respondentų (60,7 proc.), turinčių aukštąjį/ nebaigtą aukštąjį išsilavinimą, nei respondentų (4,4 proc.), turinčių nebaigtą vidurinį išsilavinimą, 21–40 m. amžiaus nei 41–60 m. amžiaus respondentų, nurodė, kad buvo patenkinti poliklinikos darbo laiku. Apklausoje dalyvavusių pacientų nuomone, poliklinikos registratūroje, norint užsiregistruoti pas gydytoją sugaištama nuo 5 iki 10 minučių. Dauguma tyrime dalyvavusių 21–40 m. (47,1 proc.) ir 41–60 m. (34,8 proc.) pacientų nurodė, kad pas savo šeimos gydytoją vizito teko laukti apie 1–5 dienas. Daugiausia respondentų (66,7 proc.), nurodžiusių, kad juos šeimos gydytojas priima per 1–5 dienas, buvo respondentai, turintys aukštąjį/nebaigtą aukštąjį išsilavinimą, o mažiausiai taip teigusių buvo respondentai (5,7 proc.), turintys nebaigtą vidurinį išsilavinimą. Daugiau jaunesnio (42,3 proc.) nei vyresnio (15,5 proc.) amžiaus respondentų nurodė, kad pas neurologą jiems teko laukti apie mėnesį, o daugiau vyresnio (44,4 proc.) nei jaunesnio (34,7 proc.) amžiaus respondentų nurodė, kad jiems teko laukti ilgiau kaip mėnesį. Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis nustatyta, jog 40,6 proc. 21–40 m. respondentų į gydytojo kabinetą buvo pakviesti paskirtu laiku, o 45,2 proc. 41–60 m. amžiaus respondentų teigė, kad jiems teko laukti ilgiau kaip 30 minučių. Daugiau respondentų (53,7 proc.), turinčių aukštąjį/ nebaigtą aukštąjį išsilavinimą, nei respondentų (3,3 proc.), turinčių nebaigtą vidurinį išsilavinimą, nurodė, kad jiems poliklinika priminė apie profilaktines programas.The study was conducted during the 2014.05–2014.06 period. It was questioned respondents 18 years of age. Initially, 450 questionnaires were distributed to the registries of the 442 questionnaires returned (98.2 percent reversibility.). The questionnaire was administered to every tenth referring a patient for the first time. More respondents (60.7 percent), with higher / incomplete higher education than respondents (4.4 percent), with incomplete secondary education 21–40 years than 41–60 years the respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the clinic working hours. The surveyed patients opinion, clinic reception, to register with a doctor wasted 5 to 10 minutes. Many study participants 21–40 years. (47.1 percent) and 41–60 years. (34.8 percent) reported that with your family doctor‘s visit had to wait for about 1–5 days. The majority of respondents (66.7 percent) indicated that they adopt a family doctor within 1–5 days were respondents with higher / incomplete higher education, at least as contention was the respondents (5.7 percent) with incomplete secondary education. Upon analysis of the data showed that 40.6 percent 21–40 years respondents to the doctor‘s office was called at the scheduled time while 45.2 percent. 4 –60 years age of the respondents said that they had to wait longer than 30 minutes. More respondents (53.7 percent), with higher / incomplete higher education than respondents (3.3 percent) with incomplete secondary education, said the surgery is that they are reminded of preventive programs
Alcohol-related child maltreatment
Aim: To increase understanding of alcohol-related child maltreatment on the basis of child protection cases in Lithuania. The study is based on a document content analysis of 203 case records of families at social risk. It identifies the prevalence of alcohol-related harm by analysing associations between types of drinkers and child maltreatment. It also maps the distribution of people who typically report this maltreatment. Both qualitative and quantitative analytical approaches are employed. Results: Child neglect was the most prevalent type of child maltreatment and was usually reported together with other types of child maltreatment. Child maltreatment was typically mentioned in the context of a caregiver’s heavy drinking. In 85.7% (174) of the cases, the family had at least one problem drinker. More than one problem drinker was detected in as many as a third of all cases. At least one form of child maltreatment was detected in families with a drinking mother in 60% of the cases (w2 ¼ 4.825, p 0.05), and in 15% of the cases (p >0.05) when there was a drinking partner in the family. The most common source of reporting by the authorities was the police (26.6%), and the most typical non-official source was the child’s relatives (16.3%). Conclusions: Alcoholrelated child maltreatment needs special attention if issues of child safety in Lithuania are to be disclosed, evaluated, and responded to. Further research on this topic is needed