77 research outputs found

    Educating teacher for muallaf: the tawhidic base

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    The main aim of this paper is to discuss the role of tawhid in developing teacher education system for the muallaf. Basically, every teacher should have good akhlak, since they are generally regarded as the role models or exemplars for their students especially for the muallaf students. These teachers are the persons who directly educate the muallaf about Islam and guide them closely how live as good Muslim. Therefore, in Islam, tawhid is not limited to divine or metaphysical aspects, but it also should be regarded as the universal principle or rule that will guide all human activities in order to confirm to the will of Allah. This primary concept is related to the human beingā€™s temporal duty in this universe as khalÄ«fatullāh, and with his or her permanent duty as ā€˜abdullāh. As a result, education in Islam cannot be separated from the concept of tawhid. Thus, this concept of tawhid should be correctly understood by the teachers particularly in educating our new Muslim brothers and sisters

    Pengaruh media massa terhadap pegangan nilai akhlak remaja: Kajian ke atas fakir miskin di kawasan luar bandar

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    Kewujudan bahan-bahan negatif dari majalah hiburan (dari dalam atau luar negeri), suratkhabar hiburan, VCD, TV, radio serta internet telah menimbulkan masalah yang begitu serius kepada perkembangan remaja masa kini. Hasil dari perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi dan kemudahan asas yang sempurna, kesan dan pengaruh media massa bukan sahaja dirasai oleh remaja di kawasan bandar, malah ianya turut melibatkan golongan remaja dikawasan luar bandar. Objektif utama kertas kerja ini adalah untuk membincangkan satu kajian yang telah dijalankan di daerah Sabak Bernam, Selangor. Objektif kajian ini antaranya ialah untuk mengenal pasti tahap pendedahan media massa di kalangan pelajar-pelajar luar bandar, mengenal pasti jenis-jenis kandungan dalam media yang memberi kesan positif dan negatif kepada nilai dan akhlak mereka, mengkaji pegangan nilai akhlak pelajar-pelajar, dan menganalisa hubungan pendedahan media massa dan minat pelajar terhadap kandungan media massa dengan pegangan nilai akhlak mereka. Kajian ini menggunakan satu set borang soal selidik dan diedarkan kepada 61 pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 5 yang dikategorikan sebagai golongan fakir miskin di daerah Sabak Bernam, Selangor

    A psychometric analysis of the Self-Efficacy Encouragement Questionnaire (SEEQ) in the university environment

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    AbstractThis article presents the theoretical construct of self-efficacy encouragement and then introduces a 14 items scale known as Self-efficacy Encouragement Questionnaire (SEEQ) that is developed to measure what degree university lecturers encourage students to develop their academic sense efficacy. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used to explore the psychometric properties of the scale. 194 undergraduate students participated in the pilot study section while another 300 undergraduate students involved in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis test. The PCA attempts to answer the research question 1: What is the psychometric soundness of the self-efficacy encouragement questionnaire? The CFA aims to answer the research question 2: Do the self-efficacy encouragement hypothesized model fit the collected data from the UKM undergraduate students? The PCA and CFA results indicated that the Self-efficacy Encouragement Questionnaire (SEEQ) is an established instrument with acceptable validity and reliability and it justified to be used in other studies

    Latar belakang guru tahfiz dan amalan kaedah pengajaran tahfiz al-Quran di Malaysia

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    The aim of this study is to explore the teaching method of Quran memorization (tahfiz) at Darul Quran JAKIM and State Maahad Tahfiz Quran (MTQN). This study involved 103 teachers in 11 institutions of tahfiz and maahad who are teaching the JAKIM Diploma programme at the Tahfiz Darul Quran. The questionnaires were developed by the researcher and the contents were validated by an expert panel. The reliability score of alpha Cronbach for all parts of the questionnaires was found to be high (> 0.9). The quantitative data of the questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical descriptive method such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviations. They were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This study found that the level of practices effectiveness for teaching methods in tahfiz was moderately high. The result of the inferential studies showed that there was no significant difference between the methods of tahfiz teaching and the teachersā€™ background (i.e. the gender, types of maahad tahfiz, professional qualification and teachersā€™ experiences). This result also described that the weak teaching process was not influenced by the teachersā€™ backgrounds. The implications of this study indicated that the practices of Quran tahfiz teaching should be in line with the development of the educational technology. Staff training programs should be developed to ensure that the teachers have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching and learning so that the tahfiz education will always be updated with the current educational mainstream

    Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Penghayatan Akidah

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    This article discussed the construct validity and reliability of faith appreciation questionnaire. The instrument was developed based on past literature, expert opinion and research objectives. Expert interview has been done to validate the instrument construct and content while Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficient has been used to identify the value and level of internal consistency. Result shows the overall value of Cronbachā€™s alpha for the instrument is 0.868. However, each construct show a different value of reliability such as moderate level in understanding, Ī± = 0.662; very high value of feeling, Ī± = 0.910 and high in practicing, Ī± = 0.830. Based on the result, some improvements on the instrument item need to be done for the next research


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    This study aims to find out how to implement problem solutions to bullying behavior that tends to occur in Islamic educational institutions. Islamic educational institutions, which in their curriculum are ensured to have a lot of character education content, are considered not optimal in giving strict sanctions to students who are perpetrators of bullying and all other dishonorable acts. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. To obtain research data, researchers used open interview techniques with informants. The participants in this study were students from 4 Integrated Islamic Middle Schools in Medan City, totaling 4 students. Data triangulation techniques were also used in this study by checking records from interviews, field notes, surveys and also documentation records from various data obtained. The results of the study show that bullying that occurs in several Integrated Islamic schools does not receive serious attention, teachers and schools often ignore this behavior by not providing consequences or punishments so that bullies feel rewarded or empowered for their actions. The school should not tolerate the slightest bit of disgraceful actions committed by students so that it becomes a deterrent effect for other students and parents are also required to be responsible for providing good ethical education in the family. teachers and schools often ignore this behavior by not giving consequences or punishments so that bullies feel rewarded or empowered for their actions. The school should not tolerate the slightest bit of disgraceful actions committed by students so that it becomes a deterrent effect for other students and parents are also required to be responsible for providing good ethical education in the family. teachers and schools often ignore this behavior by not giving consequences or punishments so that bullies feel rewarded or empowered for their actions. The school should not tolerate the slightest bit of disgraceful actions committed by students so that it becomes a deterrent effect for other students and parents are also required to be responsible for providing good ethical education in the family

    Persediaan dan perancangan pengajaran guru Pendidikan Islam menyepadukan Ilmu Sains dan al-Quran

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    Perancangan pengajaran bermaksud pemahaman guru tentang apa yang harus disampaikan dan proses pengajaran perlu dilaksanakan adalah berasaskan kepada kesesuaian pelajar dan keperluan isi kandungan bidang tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan meneroka tentang aspek perlaksanaan persediaan dan perancangan guru pendidikan Islam (GPI) menyepadukan ilmu sains dan Al Quran dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kajian in melibatkan seramai empat GPI yang mengajar di maahad tahfiz sains yang melaksanakan kurikulum integrasi aliran tahfiz sains. Pemilihan empat peserta yang ditemubual kajian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Kajian ini menggunakan perisian program Atlas t.i 7.5.7 untuk menganalisa setiap dapatan yang diperolehi. Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat tiga tema utama berdasarkan perspektif berdasarkan maklum balas keempat-empat peserta kajian. Pertama adalah merancang pengajaran dan sub tema Rancangan Pengajaran Harian dan Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan, kedua adalah tema penyediaan bahan bantu mengajar dan sub tema adalah bahan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, ketiga adalah tema perbincangan dan subtemanya adalah rakan-rakan. Oleh yang demikian, guru perlu merancang dan membuat persediaan pengajaran yang dapat membangun kesedaran, kefahaman dan keyakinan pelajar-pelajar yang Allah s.w.t adalah satu-satu-Nya Tuhan Pencipta yang wajib disembah. Perancangan pengajaran hendaklah disusun dengan lebih teratur terutamanya dalam aspek perancangan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran, bahan bantu mengajar dan perbincangan dengan rakan guru agar memberikan kesan yang maksimum kepada tahap pemerolehan ilmu dalam kalangan pelajar

    Competency, Attitude and Islamic Teachersā€™ Issue in Using Computer for Learning and Teaching Process

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    This research is aimed to know phases of competency, attitude and Islamic teachersā€™ issue in using computer for learning process. This research uses qualitative and quantitative mixed method (explanatory mixed methods design). Quantitative data were obtained from sixty-four Islamic teachers by using questionnaire and were analyzed with descriptive statistics through SPSS Windows Version 15.0. Meanwhile, Qualitative data were taken from eight teachers through intensive interview and were analyzed thematically by using software NVivo 7. Results of the research show that the teachersā€™ competency in using computer is still at poor phase (Mean = 2.32, SD = 0.22), while their attitude toward that issue in learning process is very positive (Mean = 3.94, SD = 0.36). Furthermore, Qualitative results find that there are four important themes related with the issue enforced by the teachers in applying computer to the learning process. Such are; i) lower self-competency to use computer, ii) lack of computer facilities provided in shool, iii) lack of computer training for the teachers, and iv) lack of time in designing computer-based learning due to over-task issue in the school

    Pelaksanaan amalan talaqqi dan mushafahah dalam kalangan pensyarah Tahfiz al-Quran di Malaysia

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    Tahfiz al-Quran adalah satu mata pelajaran tradisi yang menjadi kebanggaan umat Islam sepanjang zaman. Kelebihan mempelajari bidang ini telah disebut dalam kebanyakan kitab muktabar karangan ulama silam. Di Malaysia, ia menjadi mata pelajaran teras dan wajib diikuti oleh semua pelajar dalam program tahfiz al-Quran termasuklah Diploma Tahfiz al-Quran wa al-Qiraat di bawah kelolaan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia. Tonggak penting dalam pengajaran bidang ini adalah pensyarah atau tenaga pengajar yang melaksanakan pengajaran. Artikel ini adalah hasil analisa dapatan kajian berkaitan pelaksanaan amalan talaqqi dan mushafahah dalam pengajaran tahfiz al-Quran di Malaysia. Tulisan ini adalah hasil kajian kualitatif ini terhadap pelaksanaan amalan talaqqi dan mushafahah yang dilakukan semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran tahfiz al-Quran. Seramai enam orang pensyarah Tahfiz al-Quran dari empat buah Maahad Tahfiz di bawah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia dipilih sebagai peserta di dalam kajian ini. Data kajian ini telah diperoleh melalui temu bual, pemerhatian pengajaran dan analisis dokumen. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan semua peserta kajian menyatakan bahawa mereka mengamalkan kaedah talaqqi dan mushafahah. Namun berdasarkan pemerhatian didapati kaedah tersebut tidak diamalkan sepenuhnya kerana mereka lebih mengutamakan kaedah tasmiā€™. Secara keseluruhannya dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat dijadikan panduan untuk meningkatkan lagi kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran tahfiz al-Quran melalui kaedah talaqqi dan mushafahah kerana kaedah ini telah dipelopori sejak penerimaan wahyu pertama ke atas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui perantaraan Jibril AS
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