44 research outputs found

    A case report on refractory ulcerative stomatitis associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    症例は難治性潰瘍性口内炎を契機に判明した急性リンパ性白血病の 1 例である.患者は 60 歳台,女性.下口唇に難治性潰瘍を認め紹介となった.血液検査にて汎血球減少を認めたため,血液疾患を疑った.骨髄検査にて,Ph 染色体陰性急性 B 細胞性リンパ性白血病と診断され,初診の 4 日後からステロイド療法が開始された.なお,下口唇生検の病理組織には明らかな白血病細胞の浸潤は認めなかった.口腔症状が白血病の初発症状となることがあり,これを主訴に受診した白血病患者を早期診断することは大変重要である.しかし,口腔病変の原因は多彩であり,さまざまな科が対応することが多く,各科が連携して診療にあたることが重要と考える.We herein report a case on refractory ulcerative stomatitis associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The female patient in her 60s showed refractory ulcer on her lower lip ; and the referral was made. Since pancytopenia was found by a blood test, hematologic disease was suspected. Bone marrow examination presented the diagnosis of Philadelphia chromosome-negative B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Based on this diagnosis, steroid therapy had been initiated from four days after the first visit. On biopsy of lower lip, the pathological tissue did not show obvious infiltration of leukemia cells. Since oral manifestation may sometimes be an initial symptom of leukemia, an early diagnosis on leukemia patient with main complaint of oral symptom is critically important. Oral lesions, however, have various causes, and it thus often requires care of various clinical department. Based on this, it is considered to be important to implement treatment with cooperation among each clinical department

    Low-grade B-cell lymphoma presenting primarily in the bone marrow

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    Cases of low-grade B-cell lymphoma presenting primarily in the bone marrow are rare, and its clinicopathology remains unclear. We retrospectively examined patients with low-grade B-cell lymphoma presenting primarily in the bone marrow. Fourteen patients met the inclusion criteria, including 5 with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL), 3 with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, 2 with follicular lymphoma (FL), and 4 with low-grade B-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (LGBCL-NOS). The median age was 69.5 years (range, 42-89 years), and a slight male predominance was noted (9 men and 5 women, 1.8: 1). Immunohistochemically, all cases were positive for CD20. One case was positive for CD138. Both cases of FL were positive for CD10 and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2), and immunoglobulin heavy locus (IgH)/B-cell lymphoma 2 rearrangement was observed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) leucine to proline mutation was observed in 3 of 5 LPL, 1 of 2 FL, and 2 of 4 LGBCL-NOS patients. Paraproteinemia was observed in 10 patients; IgM and IgG paraproteinemia were observed in 6 and 3 patients, respectively. In this patient series, 3 patients had died at a median follow-up of 36.5 months; the cause of death of 1 LPL patient was malignant lymphoma itself. Thus, low-grade B-cell lymphoma presenting primarily in the bone marrow has various subtypes, and approximately one-third of the patients had LGBCL-NOS. The immunophenotypic features and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) leucine to proline mutation data of LGBCL-NOS suggested that some cases present with characteristics similar to those of LPL or marginal zone lymphoma

    Harmonizing solubility measurement to lower inter-laboratory variance – progress of consortium of biopharmaceutical tools (CoBiTo) in Japan

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    The purpose of the present study was to harmonize the protocol of equilibrium solubility measurements for poorly water-soluble drugs to lower inter-laboratory variance. The “mandatory” and “recommended” procedures for the shake-flask method were harmonized based on the knowledge and experiences of each company and information from the literature. The solubility of model drugs was measured by the harmonized protocol (HP) and the non-harmonized proprietary protocol of each company (nonHP). Albendazole, griseofulvin, dipyridamole, and glibenclamide were used as model drugs. When using the nonHP, the solubility values showed large inter-laboratory variance. In contrast, inter-laboratory variance was markedly reduced when using the HP

    A case of ectopic hamartomatous thymoma: controversy over the designation

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    Abstract Background Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma, which usually occurs in the lower neck, is a rare benign tumor containing spindle cells, epithelial nests, and adipose tissue. Although the origin of this tumor is still unknown, recent reports suggest that the designation of this tumor is inappropriate. Case presentation A 38-year-old with an anterior cervical mass in the suprasternal region of her neck was referred to our hospital. An ultrasound examination showed that the well-defined oval mass was 31 × 23 × 17 mm in size. A non-enhanced computed tomography scan of the neck revealed that the distinct neck mass in the subcutaneous tissue had a mixture of soft tissue and fatty components. The cervical tumor was clinically diagnosed to be an unusual lipoma with degeneration. The patient underwent the neck mass extirpation. During the surgery, the cervical mass was well demarcated and did not adhere to the surrounding tissues. The postoperative course was uneventful. The gross pathology report showed that the neck mass measured 3.0 × 2.5 × 2.0 cm. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of spindle cells, epithelial nests, and mature adipose tissue. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that both spindle cells and epithelial nests were positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3. These histopathological findings were consistent with the features of ectopic hamartomatous thymoma. Over a follow-up period of 30 months, this patient exhibited no evidence of recurrence. Conclusions Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of subcutaneous tumors in the lower neck, when the CT shows the tumor has the mixed components of fat and soft tissues

    Diversity of Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia Ciliates in Coastal Marine Sediments and in Overlying Plankton▿

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    Elucidating the relationship between ciliate communities in the benthos and the plankton is critical to understanding ciliate diversity in marine systems. Although data for many lineages are sparse, at least some members of the dominant marine ciliate clades Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia can be found in both plankton and benthos, in the latter either as cysts or active forms. In this study, we developed a molecular approach to address the relationship between the diversity of ciliates in the plankton and those of the underlying benthos in the same locations. Samples from plankton and sediments were compared across three sites along the New England coast, and additional subsamples were analyzed to assess reproducibility of methods. We found that sediment and plankton subsamples differed in their robustness to repeated subsampling. Sediment subsamples (i.e., 1-g aliquots from a single ∼20-g sample) gave variable estimates of diversity, while plankton subsamples produced consistent results. These results indicate the need for additional study to determine the spatial scale over which diversity varies in marine sediments. Clustering of phylogenetic types indicates that benthic assemblages of oligotrichs and choreotrichs appear to be more like those from spatially remote benthic communities than the ciliate communities sampled in the water above them

    Synthesis of 4‑Halo-3(2<i>H</i>)‑furanones Using Intramolecular Cyclization of Sulfonium Salts

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    A simple and efficient synthesis of 4-halo-3­(2<i>H</i>)-furanones by halogenative intramolecular cyclization of sulfonium salts is described, which can expedite the production of a variety of 4-bromo- or 4-iodo-3­(2<i>H</i>)-furanones, useful synthetic building blocks, in good to high yield under mild conditions

    Ouabagenin is a naturally occurring LXR ligand without causing hepatic steatosis as a side effect

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    Abstract Ouabagenin (OBG) is an aglycone of the cardiotonic steroid ouabain and until now was considered a biologically inactive biosynthetic precursor. Herein, we revealed that OBG functions as a novel class of ligand for the liver X receptor (LXR). Luciferase reporter assays and in silico docking studies suggested that OBG has LXR-selective agonistic activity. In addition, OBG repressed the expression of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a LXR target gene, without causing hepatic steatosis, a typical side effect of conventional LXR ligands. This remarkable biological activity can be attributed to a unique mode of action; the LXR agonist activity mainly proceeds through the LXRβ subtype without affecting LXRα, unlike conventional LXR ligands. Thus, OBG is a novel class of LXR ligand that does not cause severe side effects, with potential for use as an antihypertensive diuretic or a tool compound for exploring LXR subtype-specific biological functions