1 research outputs found

    Hubungan Supervisi Kepala Ruangan dengan Kepuasan Perawat Pelaksana di RSUD Liunkendage Tahuna

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    Supervision is an act of direct observations and periodically by the supervisor of the work performed by subordinates and then if there are any problems, immediately given guidance or assistance that is directly in order to cope. Satisfaction is a person's emotional response to the work he does. Job satisfaction is also inseparable from the role of the various parties, and one of them is the role of supervision. Aim for the head room supervision relationship is known to nurse satisfaction in hospitals implementing Liunkendage Tahuna. The study design is observational analytic cross-sectional approach. The population of the entire nurse practitioner working in eight wards in hospitals Liunkendage Tahuna. Sampling using purposive sampling. Data processed through the analysis of univariate and bivariate Chi Square. The results obtained by the analysis of the probability (p) = 0.001 <α (0.05). Conclusion, the relationship supervision chief nurse executive room with satisfaction. Advice, For the hospital in order to make improvements to the quality of head room to be included in the training and special education for the head of the room