93 research outputs found

    Images of the World in the Year 2000; Finland, 1968

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    Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This inquiry into the views of the year 2000 held by the younger generation took place under the auspices of the European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in the Social Sciences, established at Vienna, which was founded by UNESCO and which is a division of the International Social Science Council at Paris. The technical coordination was in the hands of the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, under the direction of Johan Galtung. The objective of the inquiry was to examine attitudes of people in the age group 15 - 40 years towards various aspects of the future, with particular reference to war, peace and disarmament. The great attractiveness of such an inquiry lies in comparing the results of countries with very different political and philosophical backgrounds. Eleven countries are covered by this study.Main Topics: Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Respondent's future-consciousness is assessed in terms of his thinking about the future of the world and of his country, his perception of the year 2000 as the near or distant future, his talking, seeing, hearing and reading about the future. Respondent predictions: what he considers will be the main differences between life today and life in the year 2000 (particularly what he feels would be the best and worst things that could happen). Employing a 9-point scale (i.e. 'best' - 'worst' possible life) the respondent is requested to indicate where he would place himself: a) at the present time, b) five years ago, c) five years from now, d) in the year 2000. Using the same procedure he is asked to assess future trends of his country and of the world. More specifically, the respondent is asked to predict social trends in his country covering topics such as: happiness and work satisfaction, leisure, unemployment, religion, kinship and marriage, material wealth, spiritual contentment, sexual freedom, mental illness, use of narcotics and drugs, crime, social differentiation, the role of women, the role of young people, city dwelling and manual work. It is recorded whether, in most cases, the respondent's hopes coincide with his predictions. Respondent predictions of the possibilities of science in the year 2000 are ascertained. Namely, whether it will be possible: to predetermine the sex and major personality feature of one's child, to cure dangerous diseases (e.g. cancer), to predetermine the weather, to travel to other planets. The respondent is again asked to state whether his hopes coincide with his predictions. War, armament and disarmament: respondent assessments of world trends in this area are recorded. In addition, he is asked to assess the probable effects of a third world war on his native country, and to state his opinion on how such a war is most likely to break out (i.e. by accident, by extension of a limited conflict or by one big power attacking another big power). Any value, goal or ideal the respondent believes could justify a war with nuclear weapons/without nuclear weapons is noted. A list of 25 ideas on how world peace might be obtained is included and respondents are asked to state whether they agree or disagree with each statement (e.g. 'to obtain peace, hunger and poverty must be abolished all over the world', 'to obtain peace, we must have general and complete disarmament as soon as possible', etc.). Information also includes whether the respondent thinks that peace can be realised by the year 2000 and whether he believes he can contribute anything himself to the realisation of this proposal; what he believes is most likely to happen in the relations between capitalist and socialist countries, between rich and poor countries and between different races. Finally, respondent's knowledge of the membership of NATO and the Warsaw Pact is tested. Opinion is ascertained on a number of items tapping the personality of the respondent (e.g. dogmatism). Social satisfaction of the respondent is measured in regard to income, job, influence on public affairs, living in his country, whether the respondent believes he has control over his future and, if so, how he feels he should direct this future. He is also asked to comparatively evaluate certain activities and views of the younger and older generations. Background Variables Age, sex, marital status, education, occupational details, work satisfaction (ideal occupation is noted), personal monthly income quartile, satisfaction with income received, occupation of head of household (where different), total monthly income quartile of household, household composition, area of residence (i.e. density of population, geographical region - where available), whether respondent practises religion or considers himself to be a `believer', parental household composition, father's occupational details, whether mother worked outside the home, area of childhood residence (i.e. density of population, geographical region - where available), age at which respondent moved away from parental home, and finally, details of the respondent's organisational membership is given.<br

    Young adults in changing welfare states Prolonged transitions and delayed entries for under-30s in Finland, Sweden and Germany in the '90s

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    Die Autorin untersucht die Bildungs- und Berufsuebergaenge von jungen Erwachsenen im internationalen Vergleich der Laender Finnland, Schweden und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Neben den Uebergaengen in der Schule und Familie richtet sich ihr Interesse vor allem auf den Uebergang in das Beschaeftigungssystem und die Erreichung wirtschaftlicher Unabhaengigkeit der 18-29Jaehrigen. Sie gibt zunaechst einen Ueberblick ueber die Entwicklungstrends der Uebergaenge in den 90er Jahren. Im Anschluss daran stellt sie die familien- und arbeitsmarktpolitischen Merkmale und Beguenstigungen fuer junge Erwachsene und Studenten in den drei Laendern dar. Die Uebergangsmodelle diskutiert sie abschliessend unter dem Aspekt einer 'sozialen Staatsangehoerigkeit' junger Erwachsener. (ICI)German title: Junge Erwachsene in sich aendernden Wohlfahrtsstaaten; verlaengerte Berufsuebergaenge und aufgeschobene Berufseintritte bei Leuten unter dreissig in Finnland, Schweden und Deutschland in den 90er JahrenAvailable from UuStB Koeln(38)-2000106122 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Poster Session. 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,

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    In this paper, we explored how to use meta-data information in information retrieval task. We presented a new language model that is able to take advantage of the category information for documents to improve the retrieval accuracy. We compared the new language model with the traditional language model over the TREC4 dataset where the collection information for documents is obtained using the k-means clustering method. The new language model outperforms the traditional language model, which verifies our statement

    The social construction of lone mothers A case study of the welfare service in Venice

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    'This paper examines how the welfare services of the municipality of Venice deal with lone-mother clients in a welfare system that has no provisions specifically for lone mothers. The analysis is based on interviews with six social workers operating in different districts of the city. The paper interprets discursive and ideological dimensions of social policies, highlighting the mechanisms by which the welfare programs and practices define the needs of lone mothers. It outlines the dynamics of negotiation in the welfare services, which try to reconcile the legislative and administrative norms with the social workers' professional practices and the lone mothers' claims. The analysis rejects the commonplace view that social welfare beneficiaries are exclusively people in 'extreme discomfort', and presents two biographical pathways through which lone mothers turn to welfare services. The social workers' image of the two subcultures of lone mothers influences their attitudes and the strategies they set in motion for lone mothers. Despite the Veneto region's universal law on social assistance, access to economic support is determined more selectively through proving a 'qualifying need'. Interpreting lone mothers' claims as qualifying needs along psycho-social and educational dimensions serves to transform their expressed claims into claims that can be dealt with institutionally. Social workers prefer to supply 'professional' psycho-social support for lone mothers, using their major discretion in that area. They explicitly aim at helping mothers to recover their resources so that they are able to maintain themselves and their children through paid work. Lone mothers seem to acquire a specific position among users of welfare services, as social workers perceive their problems as more complex and sound than those of other users. Therefore lone mothers are provided with a broader range of discretionary support. Social workers' discretion in supporting lone mothers in maternity and in accommodating paid employment and family compensates for the gaps left by national and local welfare policies.' (author's abstract)Die Studie berichtet ueber Interviews mit sechs Sozialarbeitern aus verschiedenen Stadtteilen Venedigs ueber die Beduerfnisse alleinziehender Muetter in Bezug auf ihre soziale Situation, berufliche Taetigkeit und die Erziehung ihrer Kinder. Dargestellt und interpretiert werden ferner die ideologischen Dimensionen der Sozialpolitik und die Mechanismen von Wohlfahrtsprogrammen fuer alleinerziehender Muetter. Die unterschiedlichen Positionen der Sozialarbeiter gegenueber denen der Muetter in Bezug auf die Ansprueche auf finanzielle und psychosoziale Unterstuetzung werden diskutiert. (pra)German title: Die soziale Situation alleinerziehender Muetter: eine Fallstudie des Wohlfahrtsdienstes in VenedigSIGLEAvailable from UuStB Koeln(38)-980106312 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman


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    ABSTRACT This paper deals with the prediction of ash related problems in fluidized bed boilers during co-firing of various bio-fuels. A study was performed where the slagging and fouling behavior was monitored in three different sized bubbling fluidized bed combustors, a 20 kW semi-pilot reactor, a 2 MW pilot-scale device and a 105 MW full-scale boiler. The aim of the study was to learn about how well slagging and fouling in a small-scale device compares to a full-scale boiler and to see how well the slagging and fouling can be predicted with a small-scale device. Various types of Scandinavian bio-fuels as well as peat were used both separately and mixed. From all three devices ash and deposit samples were collected during as uniform and stable conditions as possible. The fuels used in the three devices during the test campaigns were carefully chosen so that they would be as similar as possible. Bed, furnace and flue gas temperatures were monitored as well as flue gas emissions. The fuels, ashes and deposits were analyzed on their main components and deposition rates were calculated based on the deposit measurements. These data were finally used for assessing the slagging and fouling propensity of the fired fuel. The paper compares and discusses the results from the three different size classes. INTRODUCTION Ash related problems such as slagging and fouling of heat exchanger surfaces and de-fluidization of the bed in fluidized bed firing systems continue to challenge the operators and designers. The problem has during the last 10 years received increased attention and substantial research efforts have been put into the area to both solve the problem as well as to predict it. Still, however, the problem remains, partly due to lack of basic knowledge about ash behavior in FBC systems, partly also due to the fact that new and more problematic fuels are introduced to the system. In many FBC applications also co-firing is used, and the traditional ash behavior prediction methods such as standard melting temperatures and ash composition based indexes were simply not designed to be able to predict co-firing cases. In this paper we present results from a study where we wanted to test how well ash behavior could be predicted in a small-scale rig compared to a full-scale FBC boiler /1/

    The big leap to the west The impact of EU on the Finnish political system

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Auswirkungen eines moeglichen EU-Beitritts Finnlands auf das politische System dort. Im Gegensatz zu Daenemark und Schweden scheint die finnische Regierung entschlossen, den Beitritt rasch zu vollziehen. Wie ist dieser Pragmatismus und Integrationswille zu erklaeren? Akzeptiert die Bevoelkerung das Vorgehen der Regierung? Die Autoren gehen davon aus, dass die finnische Integrationspolitik zum grossen Teil nationalen wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Interessen geschuldet ist. Der Beitrag geht zunaechst detailliert auf die Gruende ein, die Finnland veranlassen, die Mitgliedschaft in der EU zu beantragen. Im dritten Abschnitt wird das Referendum von 1994 beleuchtet. Im vierten Abschnitt analysieren die Autoren die Auswirkungen des Beitritts auf politische Parteien und Verwaltung. Die Europaeisierung der finnischen Politik und oeffentlichen Meinung ist Inhalt des fuenften Kapitels. Abschliessend werden kurz die Hauptaspekte finnischer Integrationspolitik, unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der zukuenftigen Entwicklung der EU, untersucht. (ICD2)German title: Der grosse Sprung nach Westen: der Einfluss der EU auf das politische System FinnlandsAvailable from http://www.zei.de/download/zei dp/dp c89 wiberg.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Color Filter Array Interpolation Based on Spatial Adaptivity

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    Conventional approach in single-chip digital cameras is a use of color lter arrays (CFA) in order to sample di erent spectral components. Demosaicing algorithms interpolate these data to complete red, green, and blue values for each image pixel, in order to produce an RGB image. In this paper we propose a novel demosaicing algorithm for the Bayer CFA. For the algorithm design we assume that the initial interpolation estimates of color channels contain two additive components: the true values of color intensities and the errors. The errors are considered as an additive noise, and often called as a demosaicing noise, that has to be removed. This noise is not white and strongly depends on the signal. Usually, the intensity of this noise is higher near edges of image details. We use specially designed signal-adaptive lter to remove the interpolation errors. This lter is based on the local polynomial approximation (LPA) and the paradigm of the intersection of con dence intervals (ICI) applied for selection adaptively varying scales (window sizes) of LPA. The LPA-ICI technique is nonlinear and spatially-adaptive with respect to the smoothness and irregularities of the image. The e ciency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by simulation results
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