1,002 research outputs found

    Counting inequivalent monotone Boolean functions

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    Monotone Boolean functions (MBFs) are Boolean functions f:0,1n→0,1f: {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1} satisfying the monotonicity condition x≤y⇒f(x)≤f(y)x \leq y \Rightarrow f(x) \leq f(y) for any x,y∈0,1nx,y \in {0,1}^n. The number of MBFs in n variables is known as the nnth Dedekind number. It is a longstanding computational challenge to determine these numbers exactly - these values are only known for nn at most 8. Two monotone Boolean functions are inequivalent if one can be obtained from the other by renaming the variables. The number of inequivalent MBFs in nn variables was known only for up to n=6n = 6. In this paper we propose a strategy to count inequivalent MBF's by breaking the calculation into parts based on the profiles of these functions. As a result we are able to compute the number of inequivalent MBFs in 7 variables. The number obtained is 490013148

    Embedding a pair of graphs in a surface, and the width of 4-dimensional prismatoids

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    A prismatoid is a polytope with all its vertices contained in two parallel facets, called its bases. Its width is the number of steps needed to go from one base to the other in the dual graph. The first author recently showed that the existence of counter-examples to the Hirsch conjecture is equivalent to that of dd-prismatoids of width larger than dd, and constructed such prismatoids in dimension five. Here we show that the same is impossible in dimension four. This is proved by looking at the pair of graph embeddings on a 2-sphere that arise from the normal fans of the two bases.Comment: This paper merges and supersedes the papers arXiv:1101.3050 (of the last two authors) and arXiv:1102.2645 (of the first author
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