21 research outputs found

    Characterization of immunogenicity of avian influenza antigens encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles following mucosal and subcutaneous delivery in chickens.

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    Mucosal vaccine delivery systems have paramount importance for the induction of mucosal antibody responses. Two studies were conducted to evaluate immunogenicity of inactivated AIV antigens encapsulated in poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs). In the first study, seven groups of specific pathogen free (SPF) layer-type chickens were immunized subcutaneously at 7-days of age with different vaccine formulations followed by booster vaccinations two weeks later. Immune responses were profiled by measuring antibody (Ab) responses in sera and lachrymal secretions of vaccinated chickens. The results indicated that inactivated AIV and CpG ODN co-encapsulated in PLGA NPs (2x NanoAI+CpG) produced higher amounts of hemagglutination inhibiting antibodies compared to a group vaccinated with non-adjuvanted AIV encapsulated in PLGA NPs (NanoAI). The tested adjuvanted NPs-based vaccine (2x NanoAI+CpG) resulted in higher IgG responses in the sera and lachrymal secretions at weeks 3, 4 and 5 post-vaccination when immunized subcutaneously. The incorporation of CpG ODN led to an increase in Ab-mediated responses and was found useful to be included both in the prime and booster vaccinations. In the second study, the ability of chitosan and mannan coated PLGA NPs that encapsulated AIV and CpG ODN was evaluated for inducing antibody responses when delivered via nasal and ocular routes in one-week-old SPF layer-type chickens. These PLGA NPs-based and surface modified formulations induced robust AIV-specific antibody responses in sera and lachrymal secretions. Chitosan coated PLGA NPs resulted in the production of large quantities of lachrymal IgA and IgG compared to mannan coated NPs, which also induced detectable amounts of IgA in addition to the induction of IgG in lachrymal secretions. In both mucosal and subcutaneous vaccination approaches, although NPs delivery enhanced Ab-mediated immunity, one booster vaccination was required to generate significant amount of Abs. These results highlight the potential of NPs-based AIV antigens for promoting the induction of both systemic and mucosal immune responses against respiratory pathogens

    Effects of early feeding and dietary interventions on development of lymphoid organs and immune competence in neonatal chickens : A review

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    With the ongoing intensification of the poultry industry and the continuous need to control pathogens, there is a critical need to extend our understanding of the avian immune system and the role of nutritional interventions on development of immune competence in neonatal chicks. In this review, we will focus on the ontogeny of the lymphoid organs during embryonic life and the first 2 weeks post-hatch, and how early feeding practices improve heath and modulate the development and function of the immune system in young chicks. The evidence for the positive impact of the nutrition of breeder hens on embryonic development and on the survival and immunity of their chicks will also be outlined. Additionally, we will discuss the vital role of supplemental feeding either in ovo or immediately post-hatch in chick health and immunity and the importance of these approaches in ameliorating immune system functions of heat-stressed chicks. To conclude, we provide some perspectives on a number of key issues, concerning the mechanisms of nutritional modulation of immunity, that need to be addressed. A thorough investigation of these mechanisms may assist in the formulation of diets to improve the immunity and general health status

    Local Innate Responses to TLR Ligands in the Chicken Trachea

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    The chicken upper respiratory tract is the portal of entry for respiratory pathogens, such as avian influenza virus (AIV). The presence of microorganisms is sensed by pathogen recognition receptors (such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs)) of the innate immune defenses. Innate responses are essential for subsequent induction of potent adaptive immune responses, but little information is available about innate antiviral responses of the chicken trachea. We hypothesized that TLR ligands induce innate antiviral responses in the chicken trachea. Tracheal organ cultures (TOC) were used to investigate localized innate responses to TLR ligands. Expression of candidate genes, which play a role in antiviral responses, was quantified. To confirm the antiviral responses of stimulated TOC, chicken macrophages were treated with supernatants from stimulated TOC, prior to infection with AIV. The results demonstrated that TLR ligands induced the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, type I interferons and interferon stimulated genes in the chicken trachea. In conclusion, TLR ligands induce functional antiviral responses in the chicken trachea, which may act against some pathogens, such as AIV

    Characterization of Innate Responses Induced by PLGA Encapsulated- and Soluble TLR Ligands In Vitro and In Vivo in Chickens.

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    Natural or synthetic Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands trigger innate responses by interacting with distinct TLRs. TLR ligands can thus serve as vaccine adjuvants or stand-alone antimicrobial agents. One of the limitations of TLR ligands for clinical application is their short half-life and rapid clearance from the body. In the current study, encapsulation of selected TLR ligands in biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) polymer nanoparticles (PLGA NPs) was examined in vitro and in vivo as a means to prolong innate responses. MQ-NCSU cells (a chicken macrophage cell line) were treated with encapsulated or soluble forms of TLR ligands and the resulting innate responses were evaluated. In most cases, encapsulated forms of TLR ligands (CpG ODN 2007, lipopolysaccharide and Pam3CSK4) induced comparable or higher levels of nitric oxide and cytokine gene expression in macrophages, compared to the soluble forms. Encapsulated CpG ODN, in particular the higher dose, induced significantly higher expression of interferon (IFN)-γ and IFN-β until at least 18 hr post-treatment. Cytokine expression by splenocytes was also examined in chickens receiving encapsulated or soluble forms of lipopolysaccharide (a potent inflammatory cytokine inducer in chickens) by intramuscular injection. Encapsulated LPS induced more sustained innate responses characterized by higher expression of IFN-γ and IL-1β until up to 96 hr. The ability of TLR ligands encapsulated in polymeric nanoparticles to maintain prolonged innate responses indicates that this controlled-release system can extend the use of TLR ligands as vaccine adjuvants or as stand-alone prophylactic agents against pathogens

    Comparative Susceptibility of Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) Derived Cell Lines for Isolation of Swine Origin Influenza A Viruses from Different Clinical Specimens

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    Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are commonly used for the isolation of mammalian influenza A viruses. The goal of this study was to compare the sensitivity and suitability of the original MDCK cell line in comparison with MDCK-derived cell lines, MDCK.2, MDCK SIAT-1 and MDCK-London for isolation of swine-origin influenza A viruses (IAV-S) from clinical specimens. One-hundred thirty clinical specimens collected from pigs in the form of nasal swabs, lung tissue and oral fluids that were positive by PCR for the presence of IAV-S RNA were inoculated in the cell cultures listed above. MDCK-SIAT1 cells yielded the highest proportion of positive IAV-S isolations from all specimen types. For nasal swabs, 58.62% of the specimens were IAV-S positive in MDCK-SIAT1 cells, followed by MDCK-London (36.21%), and conventional MDCK and MDCK.2 cells (27.5%). For lung specimens, 59.38% were IAV-S positive in MDCK-SIAT1 cells, followed by MDCK-London (40.63%), and conventional MDCK and MDCK.2 cells (18.75–31.25%). Oral fluids yielded the lowest number of positive virus isolation results, but MDCK-SIAT1 cells were still had the highest rate (35%) of IAV-S isolation, whereas the isolation rate in other cells ranged from 5–7.5%. Samples with lower IAV-S PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values were more suitable for culturing and isolation. The isolated IAV-S represented H1N1-β, H1N2-α, H1N1pdm and H3N2 cluster IV and cluster IVB viruses. The result of the current study demonstrated the importance of using the most appropriate MDCK cells when isolating IAV-S from clinical samples

    Induction of immune response in chickens primed in ovo with an inactivated H9N2 avian influenza virus vaccine

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    Abstract Objective Infection of chickens with low pathogenic avian influenza virus, such as H9N2 virus, culminates in decreased egg production and increased mortality and morbidity if co-infection with other respiratory pathogens occurs. We have previously observed the induction of antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses after intramuscular administration of an H9N2 beta-propiolactone inactivated virus vaccine to chickens. Given the fact that in ovo vaccination represents a practical option for vaccination against H9N2 AIV in chickens, in the current study, we set out to characterize immune responses in chickens against a beta-propiolactone inactivated H9N2 virus vaccine after primary vaccination in ovo on embryonic day 18, and secondary intramuscular vaccination on day 14 post-hatch. We also included the Toll-like receptor 21 ligand, CpG ODN 2007, and an oil emulsion adjuvant, AddaVaxâ„¢, as adjuvants for the vaccines. Results Antibody-mediated immune responses were observed after administering the secondary intramuscular vaccine. Cell-mediated immune responses were observed in chickens that received the beta-propiolactone inactivated H9N2 virus combined with AddaVaxâ„¢. Our results demonstrate that adaptive immune responses can be induced in chickens after a primary in ovo vaccination and secondary intramuscular vaccination

    Nitric oxide (NO) production from chicken macrophages (six replicates/group) stimulated with encapsulated and soluble forms of three TLR ligands, measured by Griess reagent system.

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    <p>(A). LPS; (B). Pam3CSK4, and (C). CpG ODN. Significance (<i>P</i> <0.05) between delivery systems (encapsulated and soluble TLR ligands) within a treatment dose was determined. P-LPSHi—encapsulated high dose LPS; P-LPSlo—encapsulated low dose LPS; LPSHi—soluble high dose LPS; LPSlo—soluble low dose LPS. P-PamHi—encapsulated high dose Pam3CSK4; P-Pamlo—encapsulated low dose Pam3CSK4; PamHi—soluble high dose Pam3CSK4; Pamlo—soluble low dose Pam3CSK4. Similar designations were made for CpG ODN. * indicates significant difference.</p