26 research outputs found

    Menuju Terciptanya Sistem Transportasi Berkelanjutan Di Kota-kota Besar Di Indonesia

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    This paper describes some urban transportation problems faced by big cities in Indoniesia. Several problems related to sustainable transportation are described and alternative solutions are presented. Transport Demand Management Policy is recommended as one alternative for solving the problems

    Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pengguna Ojek Sepedamotor

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    Perceived service quality and satisfaction by users is important aspects on service decision making of travel mode choice. Ojek motorcycle (MC) is an informal public transport recently tends to increase used for short distance in Indonesia cities. This study aim to investigate effect and the relationships of service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of USAge of ojek's MC. the study employs a questionnaire survey and home interviews for ojek's MC users in Bandung City. The analysis is conducted by using structural equation modeling (SEM). The study's results are as follows: from second order confirmatory factor analysis, it's found that time reliability and accessibility factors are significant reflection of service quality, but environment factor is not significant. From analysis the structural relationships between latent variables, it is found that service quality influence directly and significantly to satisfaction and then affect loyalty. Finally, it concludes that the ojek's MC is still popularity used for urban passenger's public transport, especially for short distance in Indonesia citie

    Pengaruh Jumlah Dan Kesalahan Data Arus Lalu Lintas Terhadap Akurasi Estimasi Matriks Asal Tujuan (Mat) Menggunakan Data Arus Lalu Lintas

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    Dalam perencanaan dan pemodelan transportasi sangat diperlukan tersedianya informasi pola pergerakan yang biasanya diwakili dengan Matriks Asal Tujuan (MAT). Untuk memperkirakan MAT berdasarkan data arus lalu lintas, data arus lalu lintas merupakan input utama yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap akurasi MAT yang dihasilkan. Tingkat akurasi MAT bukan saja dipengaruhi oleh lokasi pengumpulan data arus lalu lintas, akan tetapi dipengaruhi juga oleh jumlah data arus lalu lintas (ruas jalan) dan tingkat kesalahan dalam pengumpulan data arus lalu lintas tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa tidak seluruh ruas jalan perlu didapatkan informasi arus lalu lintasnya. Sehingga, sangat dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat menentukan jumlah optimum data arus lalu lintas serta kajian dampak kesalahan pada arus lalu lintas terhadap akurasi MAT yang dihasilkan. Untuk memperoleh jumlah optimum ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 (dua) pendekatan, yaitu menggunakan data berdasarkan hasil urutan lokasi terbaik (sorted) serta berdasarkan hasil urutan secara acak (random). Sedangkan analisis kajian dampak kesalahan pada data arus lalu lintas dilakukan dengan cara memberikan variasi skenario kesalahan terhadap data arus lalu lintas. Hasil analisis untuk Kota Bandung menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan 500 buah data arus lalu lintas sudah menunjukkan tingkat akurasi yang cukup baik dalam estimasi MAT. Jumlah tersebut merupakan 22% dari total ruas jalan yang ada di Kota Bandung. Sedangkan tingkat kesalahan sampai dengan 20% merupakan kesalahan yang masih dapat ditolerir untuk menghasilkan MAT dengan tingkat akurasi yang cukup tinggi.Kata

    Kajian Lanjut Pengembangan Model Simultan

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    The four step model (4SM) has been the most famous demand modeling for person travel. That model developed by formulating the process as a sequential four step model, which was Trip Generation-Trip Distribution-Mode Choiceand Route Choice. As an alternative way of modeling supply-demand equilibrium in transportation systems, many combined/simultaneous models have been formulated, since the 4SM is time consuming and needs many data in developing & calibrating the model. This study discusses research which deal with model that combine steps in transportation planning, in order to be more effective and efficient

    Kinerja Angkutan Umum Bis Damri Di Bandar Lampung

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    The public transport service is very important for people who live in a city. The service is, therefore, to be maintained to satisfy the public transport users. This study aims to investigate the performance of bus service in the city of Bandar Lampung. The indicators used to measure the performance are those of the World Bandk. The results suggest that, in general, routes investigated have met the accessibility standards of the Worls Bank

    Penggunaan Model Gravity (Gr) Dalam Estimasi Matriks Asal-tujuan (Mat) Menggunakan Data Arus Lalulintas

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    Many problems in transport planning and management tasks require an origin-destination (O-D) matrix to represent the travel pattern. However, O-D matrices obtained through a large scale survey such as home or road side interviews, tend to be costly, labour intensive and time disruptive to trip makers. Therefore, the alternative of using traffic counts to estimate O-D matrices is particularly attractive. Models of transport demand have been used for many years to synthesize O-D matrices in study areas. A typical example of this is the gravity model (GR); its functional form, plus the appropriate values for the parameters involved, is employed to produce acceptable matrices representing trip making behaviour for many trip purposes and time periods. Four estimation methods have been analysed and tested to calibrate the transport demand models from traffic counts, namely: Non-Linear-Least-Squares (NLLS), Maximum-Likelihood (ML), Maximum-Entropy (ME) and Bayes-Inference (BI). The Bandung\u27s Urban Traffic Movement survey has been used to test the developed method. Based on several statistical tests, the estimation methods are found to perform satisfactorily since each calibrated model reproduced the observed matrix fairly closely. The tests were carried out using two assignment techniques, all-or-nothing and equilibrium assignment

    Pengaruh Jenis Metode Estimasi Dalam Estimasi Matriks Asal Tujuan (Mat) Menggunakan Data Arus Lalulintas Pada Kondisi Pemilihan Rute Keseimbangan (Equilibrium Assignment)

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    Pada hampir semua aplikasi perencanaan transportasi, input data yang paling sulit dan mahal untuk diperoleh adalah Matriks Asal Tujuan (MAT). Metodologi telah dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan MAT tersebut yang secara garis besar dikelompokkan menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu metode konvensional dan metode tidak konvensional. Penggunaan metode tidak konvensional dalam hal ini mempunyai keunggulan komparatif dibandingkan metode konvensional dalam hal kemudahan memperoleh data, murah, cepat, dan tidak mengganggu arus lalulintas. Meskipun demikian terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi akurasi MAT yang dihasilkan dari data arus lalulintas, diantaranya adalah metode estimasi dan teknik pemilihan rute yang digunakan. Pada penelitian ini dikaji penggunaan teknik pemilihan rute tidak proporsional, yaitu pemilihan rute keseimbangan (equilibrium assignment), untuk melakukan estimasi MAT dengan berbagai jenis metode estimasi. Jenis metode estimasi yang akan ditinjau adalah Kuadrat Terkecil (KT), Kemiripan Maksimum (KM), Inferensi Bayes (IB), dan Entropi-Maksimum (EM). Penggunaan metode pemilihan rute ini memerlukan proses pengulangan, di mana proporsi pemilihan rute yang digunakan untuk menaksir MAT selanjutnya digunakan kembali untuk memperbaiki nilai proporsi tersebut. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat tingkat akurasi yang cukup tinggi dalam proses estimasi MAT. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh nilai optimum fungsi tujuan serta hasil pengujian statistika. Kata

    Pemilihan Metode Perhitungan Pengurangan Emisi Karbon Dioksida Di Sektor Transportasi

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    Climate change issues in the world is a problem that needs attention. In the last three wasrsa dasa, has been an increase of carbon dioxide in the air is very large, reaching about 70%. Carbon dioxide emissions have resulted in the Greenhouse Effect, which causes climate change, both in local and global scale. Meriupakan transport sector one of the sectors that contributed to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that there are three main sectors that affect theincrease in carbon dioxide emissions within 30 years, namely the transport sector, energy supply sector, and industrial sectors. Carbon dioxide emissions can be calculated using various methods available and seytiap method requires the data obtained in various ways. In this study the selection method of calculating carbon dioxide emissions generated by the transportation sector. From this study found that the method of using vehicle kilometer travel is the most suitable method for the conditions in Indonesia