8 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Fenomena erosi yang disebabkan oleh kandungan pasir menyebabkan kerusakan pada komponen-komponen perpipaan Drain line gas production separator pada Blinded tee 3”×2” dan Reducer 3”×2”. Pada penelitian kali ini, dari data yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan interpolasi Lagrange, perubahan laju erosi yang disebabkan oleh laju aliran massa pasir pada Reducer 3”×2” lebih stabil dan lebih linear dengan tingkat kelinearitasan sebesar 100% daripada Blinded Tee 3”×2” yang memiliki tingkat kelinearitasan sebesar 97,99%. Untuk memprediksi nilai laju erosi dari laju aliran massa pasir yang belum diketahui dengan menggunakan interpolasi lagrange memiliki nilai keakurasian yang sangat tinggi karena memiliki nilai eror yang sangat kecil sebesar 0,37% pada Blinded Tee 3”×2” dan 0% pada Reducer 3”×2”.Kata Kunci : Blinded tee 3”×2”, Reducer 3”×2”, Laju Erosi, Interpolasi Lagrange, dan Laju Aliran Massa Pasir.  DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/scan.v14i3.168

    Kajian Numerik Terhadap Pola Aliran Upward Push-Pull Air Curtain dengan Rasio Kecepatan 8 dan 10 untuk Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 pada Pekerja Pabrik Manufaktur

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    Abstract – COVID-19 continues to spread globally, including in Indonesia. One of the contributing factors to the increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is the transmission within industrial clusters. Maintaining a minimum distance of 1 to 2 meters between workers is challenging due to the constraints imposed by the industry's work systems, space, and layout. Consequently, there is a need for a mechanism to safeguard industrial workers from potential COVID-19 exposure. The air-curtain technology emerges as a promising solution with significant potential for application. In this study, the focus is on the push-pull air curtain, which incorporates push-pull ventilation to protect employees from inhaling microdroplets. The study assesses the capability of push-pull ventilation to withstand droplet bursts at two velocity ratios: 8 and 10. To investigate this, a simulation was conducted using Salome's, Open FOAM , Para view tools, and Jupiter Notebook. The simulation results demonstrate that a velocity ratio of 8 effectively resists droplet bursts, with only 0.007 percent of droplets able to penetrate the system. Meanwhile, the ratio of 10 showed a slightly lower effectiveness, with 0.05 percent of droplets penetrating the system. These findings highlight the potential of the push-pull air curtain technology in mitigating COVID-19 transmission risks in industrial settings. &nbsp

    Analisa Pemodelan Matematis dari Proses Pemasangan Pipa MDPE dan Nilai Pulling Load saat Proses Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

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    Abstrak - PT. PGAS Solution acts as a service provider contractor who has been appointed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (Energy and Mineral Resources), through the DITJEN MIGAS (Directorate General of Oil and Gas) as the owner of the natural gas network distribution system project or the so called (jargas). One of the supporting facilities for this project is a pipeline network. In the pipeline routing process, the design to be constructed requires a 143 m long pipeline crossing the Balong Gabus river, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency. The pipe material used in this project is PE (Pholyethelene) pipe of the MDPE (Medium Density Pholyethelene) type with an outside diameter of 125 mm / 5 inches. In resolving these conditions, it has been decided to take the HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) method. Based on the results and discussion, a mathematical drawing is determined by making a free body diagram in determining the forces that occur during the drawing process. The total pulling load value is 23787.70 lb or 105.81 kN compared to the maximum allowable pulling force of the material capability of 139075.4 lb and the machine capacity which has a value of 177.90 k


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    Abstract –In the distribution of clean water in the city of Surabaya, it is divided into 5 zones includingzone 1 (southern region), zone 2 (eastern region), zone 3 (northern region), zone 4 (part of the northwest region) and zone 5 (west region). As the population increases each year, the distribution of cleanwater is also expanding which causes uneven distribution of water, especially in areas far from the DC(Distribution Center).Based on these problems, in 2023 PDAM Surya Sembada City of Surabaya willrealize a pressure equalization program for water distribution to all customers.In this study, an analysiswas carried out to determine the amount of discharge needed in the Kalimas Baru area based on thenumber of customers in the area which is projected until 2028. The results of the research obtainedwere in the form of the method chosen to project the water demand for the Kalimas Baru area, namelythe arithmetic method with the result that the amount of water demand after being projected until 2028is 0.01495 m3/s, with details of the water demand in residential homes of 0.013153 m3/s, in hospitalsof 0.00 1509 m3/s and in elementary schools it is 0.000227 m3/s

    Dampak Laju Aliran Massa Pasir pada Laju Erosi Pipa di Pengolahan Gas Bumi Berbasis Interpolasi Newton

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    Abstract – In the separation process for natural gas processing at SKK Migas, there is a sand content that must be separated so that it does not cause erosion in the pipe. To find out the impact of the mass flow rate of sand on the erosion rate in the pipe, it is necessary to do research. In this study, two methods were used, that is measurement and calculation. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Recommended Practice 0501 was used by using two sample pipe, Blinded tee 3”×2”, and Reducer 3”×2”. Based on the measurement results, the Reducer pipe 3”×2” has better linearity than the Blinded tee 3”×2”. However, the calculation method used Newton's Interpolation. This method can be used to predict the rate of erosion of pipes in very large numbers even with little data. When compared between the measurement results and the calculation results, the Blinded Tee Pipe 3”×2” has an error of 0.368% and the Reducer Pipe 3”×2” has no error at all

    Potensi Pemaparan Light Emitting Diode (LED) Untuk Fotoinaktivasi Bakteri Streptococcus Mutans

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    Pada penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pemaparan LED pada spektrum gelombang tertentu untuk fotoinaktivasi bakteri Streptococcus mutans dengan cara mengetahui terlebih dahulu panjang gelombang cahaya yang sesuai dengan spektrum serap fotosensitiser bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode total plate counting untuk mengetahui jumlah persentase kematian koloni bakteri. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pemaparan LED ungu dengan panjang gelombang 408,6 nm dan energi sebesar 61,2 joule berpotensi untuk fotoinaktivasi bakteri Streptococcus mutans dengan menghasilkan efek fotoinaktivasi bakteri sebesar 42,11%

    Redesign Support dan Analisis Tegangan Pada Sistem Perpipaan Line Gas Sales Receiver akibat Soil Settlement

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    Abstract – The gas sales receiver piping system in one of the companies engaged in the oil and gas industry is experiencing a problem of soil subsidence on the support. The subsidence on the support has resulted in a reduction in pipe support. Due to the reduced pipe support, stress analysis needs to be conducted, and the repositioning of the supports based on the stress analysis results is necessary. After the stress analysis, the highest sustained stress value obtained from the software is 31,860.9 psi with a ratio to the allowable stress of 159.1%. After the repositioning is done, a reanalysis is conducted in the software, and the stress value obtained is 14,363.7 psi with a ratio to the allowable stress of 71.8%. From these results, it can be confirmed that the pipeline system with the new supports can function properly

    Desain Jalur Underground Pipeline Sistem Transfer Air Perkebunan Tebu Dari Pump Room Menuju Reservoir

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    Abstract – The production of sugarcane plants will decrease when experiencing moderate stress due to water shortage. The availability of irrigation water is a problem in the tegalan land area. PT Muria Sumba Manis is engaged in sugar factory and integrated sugarcane plantation activities, with the water source located below the sugarcane plantation area and at a considerable distance. Planning will be carried out by estimating the underground pipeline system route along 6.834 KM from the river to the reservoir, with a required flow rate of 350 m3/h. Therefore, a pipeline system design is needed from the river to the reservoir location. The activities involved designing the pipeline system from the pump room to the reservoir, determining the pump head, pump power, and pump specifications to distribute water along the pipeline, starting with manual calculations and then conducting hydraulic analysis using a computer program. By considering the manual calculations and hydraulic analysis, a pipeline system design was obtained along 6.834 KM using FRP PN40 pipes for 2020 m, FRP PN32 pipes for 960 m, HDPE PN20 pipes for 2100 m, and PVC PN10 pipes for 1754 m. Based on the calculation results, a total pump head of 267.339 m was obtained using two pumps in a parallel configuration. The selected pump is the Caprari Electric Submersible type E12S42/7M+MAC12400C with a flow rate capacity of 270 m3/h and a head level of 291 m. The hydraulic analysis yielded satisfactory results, including pressure values and water flow rates that meet the minimum requirement of 350 m3/h, with a headloss difference of 4.75% between manual calculations and the software