3 research outputs found

    Language Identification and Identity

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    В статье рассматривается соотношение понятий этноса, нации и языка на примере языковой политики на Украине.The paper examines the correlation of the concepts of ethnos, nation, and language on the example of the language policy in Ukraine and explores the conceptual content and functional positions of language identification and identity in the process of ethnic identification

    Self-Identification of Donbas Residents

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    В статье рассматривается современное состояние этнической структуры населения Донбасса.The paper is partly an overview and is devoted to the issues of the history and current state of the ethnic structure of the Donbas population and the peculiarities of the identity of the region residents, in particular their eth-nic/national self-identification

    Party Names as Markers of Ideological Concepts of Political Discourse

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    The article is devoted to the study of the concepts of South Ossetia political discourse represented in the names of political parties.Статья посвящена исследованию концептов политического дискурса, репрезентированных в названиях политических партий