40 research outputs found

    Susceptibility of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans to tetracycline

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    Fifty five thermophilic Campylobacter spp. strains were isolated from cecum of broilers, cecum and colon of pigs and from human feces. The strains were identified as Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. The more prevalent species in broilers and humans was C. jejuni and in pigs C. coli. In the framework of this study, sensitivity to tetracycline in isolated strains of C. jejuni and C. coli was tested by E-test. In 16 tested strains isolated from broilers, 56.25% were resistant to tetracycline. Resistance occured more frequent in C. coli strains (66.67%). In 15 strains of termophilic Campylobacter spp. isolated from pigs the percentage of resistant strains was 80%. Resistance was detected more often in C. coli (90.00%) isolates. The percentage of resistant C. jejuni strains from pigs was 60.00%. Resistance to tetracycline occurred in 29.17% of 24 thermophilic Campylobacter spp. strains isolated from humans. Generally, strains of thermophilic campylobacters, especially C. coli isolated in pigs are more frequent resistant to tetracycline than strains isolated in poultry and human. Therefore, attention should be directed to the tetracycline application monitoring in swine farming in order to prevent resistance appearance in animal strains and its subsequent spread to human strains

    Promene EKG tokom hiperinfuzione terapije konja sa hroničnim opstruktivnim oboljenjima

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    This study describes investigations into the electrocardiogram changes in 27 horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), during hyperinfusion therapy with isotonic saline solution. Immediately after hyperinfusion therapy the equine ECG showed a temporary sinus tachycardia without atrial and ventricular rhythm disturbances. After infusion a highly significant shortening of the PQ-, QT and TP-intervals was observed. There was a positive correlation between the RR-interval and the duration of the PQ- and QT-intervals, but not with the duration of the P-, QRS- and T-waves.Ova studija opisuje ispitivanja promena u elektrokardiogramu 27 konja sa hroničnim plućnim oboljenjima (COPD) utoku hiperinfuzione terapije izotoničnim rastvorom soli. Neposredno posle hiperinfuzione terapije, EKG konja je pokazivao postojanje povremene sinusne tahikardije bez poremećaja ritma rada pretkomora i komora. Posle infuzije zapaženo je veoma izraženo skraćenje PQ, QT, TP intervala. Izražena je povezanost između RR intervala i trajanja PQ i QT intervala, ali ne i sa pojavom P, QRS i T talasa

    Resistance to erythromycin of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans

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    The sensititivity of thermophilic Campylobacter strains isolated from caecum of broiler chickens as well as caecum and colon of pigs and human stools, were tested against erythromycin. In 16 strains isolated in broiler chickens, resistance rate was found to be 12.50%. Three of 10 strains of Campylobacter jejuni and one of 6 strains of Campylobacter coli isolated from broiler chickens were resistant to erythromycin. In 15 strains of thermophilic Campylobacters isolated from pigs, resistance rate to erythromycin was 40.00%. Resistance was exhibited more often in C. coli (50.00%) as compared to C. jejuni (20.00%). In 24 strains isolated from humans, resistance was demonstrated at the rate of 12.50%. Out of 17 strains of C. jejuni isolated from humans, resistance was exhibited in 17.65% strains. None of 7 strains of C. coli isolated from humans exhibited resistance to erythromycin. Thermophilic campylobacters, especially C. coli isolated from pigs were more resistant to erythromycin than strains isolated from humans and broiler chickens. Therefore, a great attention should be directed to the macrolides monitoring in swine farming in order to prevent resistance in animals and its subsequent spread to human

    Scarabidae - prelazni domaćini za macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus

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    Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus infestation is parasitosis caused by Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus Adult forms parasite in small intestine of swine. Development of parasite is happening through intermediate hosts - coleopteras from Scarabaeidae family (Melolontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis etc). Infection begins when swines ingest infected coleopteras. Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus infestation is encountered in swines in extensive breeding, as well as in wild boars.Makrakantorinhoza je parazitoza uzrokovana akantocefalom Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Odrasli paraziti parazitiraju u tankim crevima svinja. Razvoj parazita se odvija preko prelaznih domaćina - koleoptera iz familije Scarabidae (Melolontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr). Infekcija nastaje kada svinje pojedu zaražene koleoptere. Makrakantorinhoza se sreće kod svinja u ekstenzivnom držanju, kao i kod divqih svinja

    Prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    This study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in western Serbia. Throughout 2011 faecal samples were collected from 600 calves aged up to 180 days, samples were examined with the flotation method and a modified McMaster technique. The parasitizing helminth species were identified and the level of infection compared between different age groups. As many as 64.17% animals were found to be infected. The following parasite species were diagnosed: Moniezia spp. (3.17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35.00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34.50%), gastrointestinal strongyles (4.50%) and Trichuris discolor (2.17%). The majority of calves were infected with two, fewer with three or one helminth species, and the smollest number of calves harboured four parasite species. The prevalence of established helminth infections varied depending on the calves' age.Studija je sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnom delu Srbije. Tokom 2011. godine prikupljeni su uzorci fecesa ukupno 600 teladi starosti do 180 dana. Uzorci su pregledani metodom flotacije i modifikovanom metodom po McMasteru. Determinisane su vrste helminata i određena je prevalencija infekcije kod teladi različite starosti. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su da je infekcija helmintima bila prisutna kod 64,17% pregledanih životinja. Ustanovljene su sledeće vrste helminata: Moniezia spp. (3,17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35,00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34,50%), želudačnocrevne strongilide (4,50%) i Trichuris discolor (2,17%). Većina teladi istovremeno je bila inficirana dvema vrstama, zatim sa tri i jednom vrstom helminta, dok je kod samo nekoliko životinja bilo ustanovljeno prisustvo četiri vrste ili grupe helminata. Prevalencija infekcija helmintima razlikovala se kod teladi različite starosti

    Dijagnoza, anestezija i operativni zahvat kod rupture mokraćne beÅ”ike novorođene ždrebadi

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    This study describes methods for the diagnosis, anesthesia and operative repair in 4 neonatal foals with urinary bladder rupture. Diagnosis was based on case history, clinical signs, changes in serum chemistry analyzes (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis and increased serum creatinine and urea nitrogen levels), abdominocentesis, ultrasound and electrocardiographs. As electrolyte abnormalities and acid-base derangement can lead to the development of cardiac arrhythmia during general anesthesia, surgical treatment of urinary bladder rupture in neonatal foals should be performed when the animal's condition has been stabilized. This includes infusion of physiological saline solution, 5 % glucose infusion with insulin (0.1U/kg) and 1.4% sodiumdrogencarbonate.Ova studija opsuje dijagnostikovanje, anesteziju i operativni tretman pri rupturi mokraćne beÅ”ike novorođene ždrebadi. Dijagnoza je zasnovana na istoriji bolesti, kliničkim simptomima, promenama u serumu ustanovljenim biohemijskim analizama (hiponatrijemija, hipokalijemija, hipohloremija, metabolička acidoza sa porastom nivoa serumskog kreatinina i ureje), abdominocintezi, ultrazvuku i elektrokardiografiji. Kao Å”to poremećaji elektrolita i acido-bazne ravnoteže mogu dovesti do pojave srčane aritmije u toku opÅ”te anestezije, hirurÅ”ki tretman rupture beÅ”ike kod novorođene ždrebadi može biti primenjen kada je stabilizovano zdravstveno stanje životinje. Ovo uključuje infuziju fizioloÅ”kog rastvora, 5% glukoze sa insulinom (0,1 U/kg) i 1,4% Na-bikarbonat

    Inhibitory effects of different medicinal plants on Candida albicans growth

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antifungal properties of ethanol extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants from Serbia against Candida albicans (C. albicans) ATCC 10231. Ethanol extracts of fifteen plants were investigated, and their effects were compared with those of three different essential oils. The sensitivity of C. albicans to all plants was tested by the agar dilution method. The assay plates were estimated to contain 300, 150, 75, and 37.5 mu g/ml of active extracts and 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 mu g/ml of active essential oils. Inocula were applied to agar surfaces, giving approximately 10(6) cfu/ml of C. albicans. No inhibitory effects were observed for ethanol extracts of Hypericum perforatum and Salvia officinalis (MIC > 300 mu g/ml). The most effective were the ethanol extract of Aesculus hippocastanum (MIC = 37.5 mu g/ml) and the essential oil of Satureja kitaibelii (MIC = 12.5 mu g/ml). Other plants showed MIC from 25 to 300 mu g/ml. As far as we know, the inhibitory effects of these medicinal plants against the reference strain of C. albicans have not been commonly investigated in our country. Although the essential oil of Satureja kitaibelii shows strong activity against C. albicans, these results need clinical evaluation

    Antiproliferative effects of Camellia sinensis, Frangula alnus and Rosmarinus officinalis

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    The use of medicinal plants is becoming increasingly appreciated in suppressing cancer growth and cancer prevention. In this study the antiproliferative effects of the water extracts of previously obtained ethanolic dry extracts of three different medicinal plants (Camellia sinensis, Frangula alnus from two different places and Rosmarinus officinalis) using cell lines derived from human cervix adenocarcinoma (Hela cells) were investigated. The extract of Camellia sinensis exhibited significant cytotoxic effect against Hela cells (IC50 40.88 Ī¼g/ml). Screening in Hela cells revealed a moderate cytotoxic effect (IC50 80.26Ī¼g/ml) of the extract of Rosmarinus officinalis, a mild cytotoxic effect (IC50 148.05 Ī¼g/ml) of the extract of Frangula alnus (originating in Bosnia), and the extract of Frangula alnus (originating in Serbia) did not show active cytotoxicity (IC50 > 200 Ī¼g/ml). The best antiproliferative properties are those of Camellia sinensis, followed by Rosmarinus officinalis, and the least effective was Frangula alnus. As regards geographic origin, the Frangula alnus from Bosnia possessed better antiproliferative effects than Frangula alnus from Serbia

    Prisustvo termofilnih Campylobacter vrsta kod brojlera i svinja na nekim klanicama u republici Srbiji

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    Examinations were carried out during the period from January 2006 until March 2007 on a total of 449 samples of the cecum of broilers and the cecum and the colon of pigs. These samples included 251 samples originating from broilers and 198 samples of pig cecums and colons. All the listed samples were obtained by scraping the surface of these parts of the digestive system of broilers and pigs. At the site of sampling, the diluted material was sown on a medium (Karmali agar), in order to get individual colonies. After sowing, the bases were placed in anaerobic jars in which microaerophilic conditions were achieved using Campy Pak, BBL bags. On arrival at the laboratory, the jars containing the sown bases were placed in a thermostat, at a temperature of 42oC for 48 hours for the purpose of incubation. Following incubation, the grown colonies were examined macroscopically, and then microscopic preparations were made from them, which were stained with 2% carbol fuchsin after drying and fixation. Those isolates which were in the form of a comma, the letter S, or gull's wings in the microscopic preparations were considered Campylobacter species (Figures 1 and 2). The isolated thermophilic campylobacteria were identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests API Campy, manufactured by Bio MĆ©rieux, France. With the application of these microbiological methods, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 203 (80.88%) of the 251 samples of broiler cecums. Furthermore, thermophilic campylobacteria were isolated from 153 (77.27%) of the 198 samples from the cecum and colon of pigs taken within these investigations. The obtained results indicate that there is a somewhat greater prevalence of these bacteria among the broilers. However, such a high percentage of both broilers and pigs colonized by thermophilic Campylobacter species could pose a serious problem, in particular when it is known that infections of humans caused by the consumption of insufficiently thermally processed meat of broilers or pigs are not infrequent.Ispitivanjima obavljenim u periodu od januara 2006. godine do marta 2007. godine ukupno je pregledano 449 uzoraka cekuma brojlera i cekuma i kolona svinja. Od navedenog broja 251 uzorak je poticao od brojlera, a 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja. Svi navedeni uzorci dobijeni su struganjem povrÅ”ine navedenih delova digestivnog sistema brojlera i svinja. Materijal je na mestu uzorkovanja zasejavan sa razređenjem na podlogu (Karmali agar), radi dobijanja pojedinačnih kolonija. Nakon zasejavanja podloge su odlagane u lonce za anaerobe, u kojima su mikroaerofilni uslovi postignuti primenom Campy Pak, BBL kesica. Lonci sa zasejanim podlogama po dopremanju u laboratoriju stavljani su u termostat na temperaturu od 42oC tokom 48 časova radi inkubiranja. Nakon inkubacije izrasle kolonije su pregledane makroskopski, a zatim su od njih pripremani mikroskopski preparati koji su nakon suÅ”enja i fiksiranja bojeni 2% karbol fuksinom. Oni izolati koji su na mikroskopskim preparatima imali oblik zareza, latinskog slova S ili galebovih krila smatrani su Campylobacter vrstama (slika 1 i 2). Identifikacija izolovanih termofilnih kampilobakterija vrÅ”ena je primenom klasičnih i komercijalnih biohemijskih testova API Campy, proizvođača Bio MĆ©rieux, Francuska. Primenom navedenih mikrobioloÅ”kih metoda od 251. uzorka iz cekuma brojlera iz 203 (80,88%) izolovane su termofilne Campylobacter vrste. Takođe, od 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja koji su bili obuhvaćeni ispitivanjem termofilne kampilobakterije su izolovane iz 153 (77,27%). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neÅ”to veću prevalenciju ovih bakterija kod brojlera. Međutim, ovako visok procenat kolonizovanih, kako brojlera, tako i svinja termofilnim Campylobacter vrstama može predstavljati ozbiljan problem, posebno ako se zna da infekcije ljudi izazvane konzumiranjem nedovoljno termički obrađenog mesa brojlera i svinja nisu tako retke

    Characterization of antibiotic resistance phenotypes and resistance genes in enterococcus spp. Isolated from cheeses

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    Strains of Enterococcus spp. isolated from a collection of 123 artisanal and industrial cheese samples were studied for the phenotypic and genotypic assessment of antibiotic resistance. A total of 226 isolates included 119 E. faecium (52.65%), 40 E. durans (17.7%), 37 E. hirae (16.37%), 29 E. faecalis (12.83%) and 1 E. gallinarum (0.44%). Out of 61 tested strains, 15 (24.59%) strains exhibited resistance to one or more tested antibiotics, as determined by the disc diffusion method. The resistance phenotypes were as follows: gentamicin (45.45%), tetracycline (31.82%), erythromycin (9.09%), vancomycin (9.09%) and penicillin (4.55%). The presence of tetracycline and erythromycin resistance genes [tet(M), tet(L) and erm(B), respectively] and integrase gene (int), associated with Tn916-1545 transposon family, was detected by PCR procedures. The tet(M) gene was determined in all 7 tested strains, but none of the analyzed strains harbored tet(L) determinant. The erm(B) gene was not detected in 9 strains characterized by phenotypic resistance to erythromycin. All 16 strains were positive for the presence of the int gene. The presented results show the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and the transposon integrase gene associated with transferable resistance in enterococci, indicating a potential for gene transfer through the food chain