13 research outputs found

    Evaluation in vitro et in vivo des proprietes anthelminthiques de feuilles de Spondias mombin sur Haemonchus contortus des ovins djallonke

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    Depuis longtemps, la lutte contre les maladies animales s’est faite avec l’utilisation des molécules chimiques de synthèse. Cette lutte chimique est à l’origine du développement de résistance de certains agents pathogènes. Face à cette contrainte, de nouvelles méthodes de lutte sont envisagées. La présente étude se propose d’évaluer in vitro et in vivo, les propriétés anthelminthiques de Spondias mombin sur Haemonchus contortus chez les ovins Djallonké. Des tests biologiques des extraits éthanoliques et méthanoliques de la plante ont été effectués sur les larves L3 et sur les vers adultes de H contortus. Pour les essais in vivo, trois lots de brebis parasitées sont constitués : Témoin sans traitement; Lot 1 et Lot 2 recevant respectivement 1,45g et 2,9g /kg/animal de poudre de feuilles de S. mombin pendant trois jours. Les tests in vitro ont montré des valeurs significatives (p < 0,01) de la capacité des extraits de S. mombin à inhiber la migration des larves L3 (45 à 80 %) et à réduire la motilité des vers adultes après 30 heures d’exposition (77 à 100 %), comparativement au témoin de référence négatif (PBS). L’activité antiparasitaire des feuilles de S. mombin obtenue in vitro est confirmée in vivo sur les brebis. Les résultats des travaux révèlent que les traitements avec la poudre de S. mombin a permis une réduction de plus de 50 % du niveau d’excrétion des œufs chez les brebis traitées. Mots clés : Parasites, Haemonchus contortus, ovins Djallonké, Spondias mombin. Anthelmintic activity of Spondias mombin ‘sleaves against Haemonchus contortusFor a long time, the fight against animal diseases has been done with the use of synthetic chemical molecules. This chemical fight is at the origin of the development of resistance of certain pathogens. Faced with this constraint, new control methods are being considered. This study proposes to evaluate in vitro and in vivo, the anthelmintic properties of Spondias mombin on Haemonchus contortus of Djallonke sheep. Biological tests of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the plant were carried out on the L3 larvae and on the adult worms of H contortus. For in vivo tests, three lots of parasitized ewes consist of: Control without treatment; Lot 1 and Lot 2 receiving respectively 1.45g and 2.9 g / kg / animal leaf powder of S. mombin for three days. In vitro tests showed significant (p < 0.01) values of the ability of S. mombin extracts to inhibit the migration of L3 larvae (45 - 80 %) and to reduce the motility of adult worms after 30 hours. exposure (77 to 100 %), compared to the negative reference control (PBS). It should be noted that, in general, the anthelmintic activity of S. mombin extracts is not influenced by the type of solvent used. The anti-parasitic activity of S. mombin leaves obtained in vitro is confirmed in vivo in ewes. The results of the work show that treatments with S. mombin powder resulted in a reduction of more than 50 % in the level of egg excretion in treated ewes. Key words: Parasites, Haemonchus contortus, Djallonke sheep, Spondias mombin

    Prévalence globale des pathologies majeures liées à la production laitière bovine en système d'élevage intraurbain à Hamdallaye (Ouagadougou)

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    Global prevalence of main pathologies related to dairy cattle production in urban flocks of Hamdallaye (Ouagadougou). The aim of this study was to assess prevalence of three main diseases related to dairy production in urban cattle herds: brucellosis, tuberculosis and mastitis. Serum samples collected from 290 bovines have been tested for brucellosis using antigen buffered test. A global prevalence of 13.2 % has been observed, and the females were significantly (p < 0.05) more infected than the males (14.3 % vs 5.6 %). Simple IntraDermoTuberculination (IDT) test with the PPD tuberculin was used on 325 cows. The global prevalence of the infection was 27.7 %, with a very high significant variation (p < 0.001) between 2 years old animals and those over 6 years. From 98 individual milk samples submitted to California Mastitis Test (CMT), mean cellular concentration was 5385. 103 ± 1061.103 TCN/ml. The prevalence of the three studied diseases is important enough to retain the attention of farmers, as well as technical and city authorities. This is particularly the case for tuberculosis and brucellosis which are major zoonosis and which can seriously damage consumer health

    Influence des facteurs climatiques sur les zébus laitiers de race Azawak et Peul soudanien en élevage périurbain à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    Les degrés d'adaptation du zébu Azawak et du zébu Peul Soudanien ont été évalués en condition d'élevage semi-intensif périurbain de la ville de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) au cours de l'année 2002. Les observations ont été faites en avril (saison sèche) et en août (saison pluvieuse). Elles ont porté sur les paramètres physiologiques liés à l'animal (température rectale, fréquence respiratoire, taux d'hématocrite) en fonction de la température et de l'humidité ambiante pour tester l'effet de la race et de la saison, et les corrélations existantes entre ces paramètres et la durée de la lactation. En août, la température rectale des zébus Azawak est significativement plus basse (

    Effet d’une infestation naturelle avec les nematodes gastro-intestinaux sur les performances zootechniques et la secretion de la prolactine des ovins djallonke

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    La présente étude se propose d’évaluer l’impact des parasites gastro-intestinaux sur la croissance pondérale et la production laitière des ovins Djallonké d’une part, d’autre part de mesurer l’influence des parasites gastro-intestinaux sur la prolactine. Pour ce fait, dans un premier essai, deux lots de brebis sont constitués après une infestation naturelle suivant le degré d’infestation après une coproscopie quantitative (les plus parasités et les moins parasités). Dans un deuxième essai, deux lots d’agneaux ont été constitués (1 lot d’agneaux déparasités et 1 lot d’agneaux non déparasités). Un contrôle de la charge parasitaire est fait aussi bien chez les brebis que chez les agneaux. Le poids vif des brebis et celui des agneaux, la production laitière journalière sont des paramètres zootechniques mesurés. Le taux de prolactine dans le sang des brebis est aussi mesuré. Les résultats des travaux révèlent que les parasites gastro-intestinaux influencent la variation du poids vif des brebis gestantes et le poids vif à la naissance des agneaux. Egalement la production laitière des brebis et la croissance avant sevrage des agneaux sont influencées par les parasites gastro-intestinaux. Contrairement aux performances zootechniques, la prolactine n’est pas influencée par l’infestation des brebis par les parasites gastro-intestinaux.Mots clés: Parasites, production laitière, croissance pondérale, brebis, agneaux,Djallonké, BéninEnglish Title: Effect of natural infestation with gastrointestinal nematodes on zootechnic performance and secretion of djallonke ovine prolactinEnglish AbstractThe aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of gastrointestinal parasites on the weight growth and milk production of Djallonké sheep on the one hand, and to measure the influence of gastrointestinal parasites on prolactin. For this purpose, in a first trial, two batches of ewes are constituted after a natural infestation according to the degree of infestation after quantitative coproscopy (the most parasitized and the least parasitized).  In a second trial, two lots of lambs were bred (1 lot of de-shedded lambs and 1 lot of lambs). Parasite load control is done in sheep as well as in lambs. Live weight of ewes and lambs, daily milk production are measured zootechnical parameters. The level of prolactin in the blood of ewes is also measured. The results show that gastrointestinal parasites influence the change in live weight of pregnant ewes and birth weight of lambs. Also the milk production of ewes and growth before weaning of lambs are influenced by gastrointestinal parasites. In contrast to zootechnical performance, prolactin is not influenced by ewe infestation by gastrointestinal parasites.Keywords: Parasites, milk production, weight gain, ewes, lambs, Djallonke, Republic of Beni

    Botanical and ethnoveterinary surveys of two acacias (Acacia raddiana and Acacia nilotica) exploited in small ruminant rearing in sahelian area of Burkina Faso

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    International audienceIn Burkina Faso, rural livestock farmers in arid and semi-arid areas rely heavily on woody plant resources such as Acacia nilotica and Acacia raddiana to satisfy the needs of small ruminant rearing. The assessment of the availability and the use of these two species are therefore essential to better manage them sustainably for their preservation. The survey carried out in the area showed that the questioned farmers exploited the leaves and pods of the two Acacia for the needs of the ruminants. 100% of the farmers exploit A. raddiana only for the feeding of small ruminants. However, A. nilotica was exploited for animal feed and health. The most commonly reported treatments are Foot and Mouth Disease (98.7%) followed by diarrhea (73.7%) and foot wounds (51.2%). In order to compare the results of the survey, a botanical inventory was carried out in the area and the results showed that A. raddiana is more available compared to A. nilotica. Also, other local species such as Faidherbia albida, Acacia senegal, Balanites aegyptiaca and Acacia siberiana are also exploited for the needs of small ruminant rearing in the study area. The most important constraints were excessive cutting, drought and overexploitation that negatively impact their survival. Data on these constraints provide the basis for a campaign to raise awareness among herders' communities to preserve these plants to sustainably improve the productivity of small ruminants and consequently farmer’s income

    Comparison of the in vitro anthelmintic effects of Acacia nilotica and Acacia raddiana

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    Gastrointestinal nematodes are a major threat to small ruminant rearing in the Sahel area, where farmers traditionally use bioactive plants to control these worms, including Acacia nilotica and Acacia raddiana. The main aim of this study was to screen the potential anthelmintic properties of aqueous and acetone extracts of leaves of these two plants based on three in vitro assays: (1) the egg hatch inhibition assay (EHA); (2) the larvae exsheathment inhibition assay (LEIA) using Haemonchus contortus as a model; and (3) an adult mortality test (AMT) applied on Caenorhabditis elegans. For the EHA, only A. raddiana was effective with IC50 = 1.58 mg/mL for aqueous extract, and IC50 = 0.58 mg/mL for acetonic extract. For the LEIA, all extracts inhibited the exsheathment of larvae compared to the controls, and the aqueous extract of A. nilotica was more larvicidal with IC50 = 0.195 mg/mL. In general, all responses to the substances were dose-dependent and were significantly different from the control group (p < 0.05). For the AMT, the extracts of the two Acacia species were effective but A. raddiana showed greater efficacy with 100% mortality at 2.5 mg/mL and LC50 = 0.84 mg/mL (acetonic extract). The addition of polyvinyl polypyrrolidone (PVPP) to the extracts suggested that tannins were responsible for blocking egg eclosion and inducing adult mortality but were not responsible for exsheathment inhibition. These results suggest that the leaves of these Acacia species possess ovicidal and larvicidal activities in vitro against H. contortus, and adulticidal effects against C. elegans