39 research outputs found

    Weak convergence of marked point processes generated by crossings of multivariate jump processes. Applications to neural network modeling

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    We consider the multivariate point process determined by the crossing times of the components of a multivariate jump process through a multivariate boundary, assuming to reset each component to an initial value after its boundary crossing. We prove that this point process converges weakly to the point process determined by the crossing times of the limit process. This holds for both diffusion and deterministic limit processes. The almost sure convergence of the first passage times under the almost sure convergence of the processes is also proved. The particular case of a multivariate Stein process converging to a multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is discussed as a guideline for applying diffusion limits for jump processes. We apply our theoretical findings to neural network modeling. The proposed model gives a mathematical foundation to the generalization of the class of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire models for single neural dynamics to the case of a firing network of neurons. This will help future study of dependent spike trains.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Spectral Density-Based and Measure-Preserving ABC for partially observed diffusion processes. An illustration on Hamiltonian SDEs

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    Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) has become one of the major tools of likelihood-free statistical inference in complex mathematical models. Simultaneously, stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have developed to an established tool for modelling time dependent, real world phenomena with underlying random effects. When applying ABC to stochastic models, two major difficulties arise. First, the derivation of effective summary statistics and proper distances is particularly challenging, since simulations from the stochastic process under the same parameter configuration result in different trajectories. Second, exact simulation schemes to generate trajectories from the stochastic model are rarely available, requiring the derivation of suitable numerical methods for the synthetic data generation. To obtain summaries that are less sensitive to the intrinsic stochasticity of the model, we propose to build up the statistical method (e.g., the choice of the summary statistics) on the underlying structural properties of the model. Here, we focus on the existence of an invariant measure and we map the data to their estimated invariant density and invariant spectral density. Then, to ensure that these model properties are kept in the synthetic data generation, we adopt measure-preserving numerical splitting schemes. The derived property-based and measure-preserving ABC method is illustrated on the broad class of partially observed Hamiltonian type SDEs, both with simulated data and with real electroencephalography (EEG) data. The proposed ingredients can be incorporated into any type of ABC algorithm and directly applied to all SDEs that are characterised by an invariant distribution and for which a measure-preserving numerical method can be derived.Comment: 35 pages, 21 figure

    First passage times of two-correlated processes: analytical results for the Wiener process and a numerical method for diffusion processes

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    Given a two-dimensional correlated diffusion process, we determine the joint density of the first passage times of the process to some constant boundaries. This quantity depends on the joint density of the first passage time of the first crossing component and of the position of the second crossing component before its crossing time. First we show that these densities are solutions of a system of Volterra-Fredholm first kind integral equations. Then we propose a numerical algorithm to solve it and we describe how to use the algorithm to approximate the joint density of the first passage times. The convergence of the method is theoretically proved for bivariate diffusion processes. We derive explicit expressions for these and other quantities of interest in the case of a bivariate Wiener process, correcting previous misprints appearing in the literature. Finally we illustrate the application of the method through a set of examples.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Network inference in a stochastic multi-population neural mass model via approximate Bayesian computation

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    In this article, we propose a 6N-dimensional stochastic differential equation (SDE), modelling the activity of N coupled populations of neurons in the brain. This equation extends the Jansen and Rit neural mass model, which has been introduced to describe human electroencephalography (EEG) rhythms, in particular signals with epileptic activity. Our contributions are threefold: First, we introduce this stochastic N-population model and construct a reliable and efficient numerical method for its simulation, extending a splitting procedure for one neural population. Second, we present a modified Sequential Monte Carlo Approximate Bayesian Computation (SMC-ABC) algorithm to infer both the continuous and the discrete model parameters, the latter describing the coupling directions within the network. The proposed algorithm further develops a previous reference-table acceptance rejection ABC method, initially proposed for the inference of one neural population. On the one hand, the considered SMC-ABC approach reduces the computational cost due to the basic acceptance-rejection scheme. On the other hand, it is designed to account for both marginal and coupled interacting dynamics, allowing to identify the directed connectivity structure. Third, we illustrate the derived algorithm on both simulated data and real multi-channel EEG data, aiming to infer the brain's connectivity structure during epileptic seizure. The proposed algorithm may be used for parameter and network estimation in other multi-dimensional coupled SDEs for which a suitable numerical simulation method can be derived.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Boundary crossing problems and functional transformations for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

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    We are interested in the law of the first passage time of driftless Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes to time varying thresholds. We show that this problem is connected to the law of the first passage time of the process to some two-parameter family of functional transformations which, for specific values of the parameters, appears in a realisation of a standard Ornstein-Uhlenbeck bridge. We provide three different proofs of this connection. The first proof is based on a similar result to the case of the Brownian motion, the second uses a generalisation of the so-called Gauss-Markov processes and the third relies on the Lie group symmetry method applied to the Fokker-Planck equation of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We investigate the properties of this transformation and study the algebraic and analytical properties of an involution operator which is used in constructing it. We also show that this transformation maps the space of solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations into the space of solutions of the associated nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Lastly, we discuss the interpretation of such transformations through the method of images and give new examples of curves with explicit first passage time densities.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure