15 research outputs found

    Intervensi Politik Dalam Dunia Manajemen Pendidikan Di Indonesia

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    Pendidikan merupakan upaya untuk mencerdaskan generasi bangsa agar dapat menjadi warga Negara yang memiliki daya saing yang tinggih di era globalisasi. Pada dasarnuya pendidikan bagi masyarakat Indonesia sangat penting karena pendidikaan merupakan dasar untuk memanusiakan manusia, akan tetapi di Indonesia pendidikan mudah diIntervensi oleh kekuasasaan atau polik, kita bisa lihat dari setiap bergantian mentri pendidikan yang membuat sistem pendidikan berubahah-ubah. Di Indoensia perubahan sistem pendidikan atau yang kita sebut kurikulum mengalami perubahan sebanyak 11 kali, mulai dari tahuin 1947 sampai dengan sekarang, hal ini akang mengakibatkan masalah dalam pendidikan, karena perubahan kurikulum yang sering kali terjadi, tak hanya itu sistem pendidikan di Indoensia pun terbilang rendah, karena perhitungannya hanya menggukan angka-angka. Intervensi politik dalam dunia pendidikan semakin menjadi-jadi dan berkembangbiak setelah masuknya era reformasi. Pada era ini pendidikan betul-betul telah dijadikan alat politik untuk mendulang suara demi mencapai kemenangan dan memenuhi hasrat politik. Intervensi politik dalam dunia pendidikan tidak selamanya bernilai negative, intervensi ini dapat pula bernilai positif apabila diintervensi oleh politisi-politisi yang memiliki idealism yang tinggi tanpa memperhitungkan untung rugi baik bagi diri maupun kelompoknya. Namun sayang, politisi seperti ini jumlahnya masih relatif sedikit sehingga tidak terlihat pada permukaan

    The Ability Of Administrative Management And Work Motivation On Teacher Performance Catholic Religious Teacher At The Primary School Manado City, Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze and interpret administrative management capabilities and performance performance of Catholic religious education teachers (survey conducted at elementary school in the city of Manado). The population in use is the teachers of Catholic primary school education in Manado city that is as much as 45 people using cluster sampling technique. This research is quantitative research with survey method and questionnaire. Data analysis using descriptive analysis with the help of SPSS 17 application program. The results showed that the administrative management ability has a contribution of 34.2% on the performance of Catholic primary education teachers in the city of Manado. Work motivation contributed 37.1% to the performance of Catholic primary education teachers in Manado city. Together, administration and work motivation contributed 48.8% to the performance of Catholic religious teachers in Manado. Keywords: Administrative Management Capability, Work Motivation, Teacher Performanc

    The Effect of School Head Managerial Capability and Learning Facilities on Performance Teacher Department of Tourism Vocational School in Manado City

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    This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of principal’s managerial ability toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City, 2) the effect of learning facilities toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City, and 3) the effect of principal’s managerial ability, and learning facilities simultaneously toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City. Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 97 teacher of tourism major at Vocational High School in Manado City. Research sample were 49 teachers which randomly selected from 97. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis using simple and multiple correlation analysis. The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of principal’s managerial ability toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City, 22,7%. 2) there was effect of learning facilities toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City, 51,6%. and 3) there was effect principal’s managerial ability, and learning facilities simultaneously toward teacher tourism performance at vocational high school in Manado City, 51,6%. Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) Principal's managerial competencies to be improved so that a professional school managerial system can be formed, 2) the availability of learning facilities is more adequate, so that it raises efficiency in the learning process, 3) The regional education department is expected to be able to synergize with the school in an effort to improve the principal managerial competencies, such as in terms of education and training, improvement of academic qualifications, and assistance with learning facilities. Keywords: Teacher Performance, Managerial Abilities, Learning Facilities, , DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-11-07 Publication date: April 30th 201

    The Effect of Pedagogic Competence, Giving Compensation on Teacher Work Motivation (Study at Vocational High School Manado City, Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of an analysis of the effect of pedagogic competence and compensation for work motivation of vocational teachers in the city of Manado. More specifically the purpose of this study is to obtain the results of the analysis: The effect of pedagogic competence on the work motivation of state vocational school teachers in the city of Manado, The effect of giving compensation to the work motivation of teachers at the State Vocational School in Manado city,The effect of pedagogic competence, compensation, on the work motivation of teachers of State Vocational Schools in the City of Manado. Object that becomes the variable in this study is Pedagogic competence, Giving compensation and working motivation of teachers at Manado State Vocational School. While the subjects of the analysis are teachers at the Manado City Public Vocational School. The research location is State Vocational Schools in Manado City. This research was conducted from October 2018 to April 2019. The population in this study is the overall characteristics of the study regarding pedagogic competence of teachers, the provision of teacher compensation and teacher work motivation with the population unit are all teachers at the Manado City Public Vocational School with a total of 504 people spread across 9 (nine) Public Vocational Schools in Manado City and recorded in the data teachers of Manado City State Vocational School Academic Year 2018/2019Determination of the sample in this study will use an error rate of 10%, with a confidence level of 95% using the formula from Taro Yamane. Using this formula, a sample of 84 teachers was obtained. Based on the results of the test, it can be seen that the questionnaire reliability coefficient pedagogic competence variable (X1) r1 = 0.971, teacher compensation r1 = 0.969, and the Aplha-Cronbach reliability coefficient (r = 0.981). The data analysis technique in this study uses simple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 21. The stages of the analysis include (1) descriptive analysis, (2) test requirements analysis, (3) hypothesis testing. Based onthe study, conclusions can be drawn as follows:1. In general, the level of feasibility of pedagogical skills of state vocational school teachers in the city of Manado is quite high. This means that teachers in general have fully understood the duties, work and obligations of the teacher so that they can carry out professionally.2. In general, the provision of compensation that is perceived by state vocational school teachers in the city of Manado is already quite high. This means that compensation has been carried out fairly. The level of teacher perceptions of the provision of compensation for State Vocational Schools in the city of Manado is quite feasible.3. In general the work motivation of the State Vocational School teachers in the city of Manado is quite high. This means that the work motivation of teachers at Manado City Vocational School is quite good.4. The pedagogical ability of the teacher has a significant contribution to the motivation of work of the State Vocational School teachers in the city of Manado. This means that the higher the pedagogical ability of the teacher will also contribute high to the motivation of the teacher's work. This means that the work motivation of the teacher depends on pedagogic abilities.5. The provision of compensation has a significant contribution to the motivation of work of the State Vocational School teachers in the city of Manado. This means that the provision of compensation contributes significantly to the work motivation of the teacher.6. Teacher's pedagogical ability and the provision of compensation together have a significant contribution to the work motivation of teachers of Vocational Schools in the city of Manado. This means that the teacher's pedagogic ability and compensation, together provide meaningful contributions to the motivation of teacher work Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Giving Compensation On Teacher Work Motivation DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-21-01 Publication date:July 31st 201

    The Effect of Time Management and Teaching Motivation on Professional Teacher Competence ( Study at Junior High School Manado City, Indonesia)

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    This research aims to o analyze the influence of time management on teacher professional competencies in Manado City Public Middle School, to analyze the effect of teaching motivation on teacher professional competence in Manado City Public Middle School, to analyze the influence of time management, and motivation to teach together on the professional competence of teachers in Manado City Public Middle School. The population in this study were all teachers at the Manado City State Middle School who had the following characteristics: a) having homogeneity in the profession, namely as a teaching profession; b) the experience of working as a teacher is not the same; c) the teachers of the Manado City Public Middle School are often not involved in training, workshops, upgrading and certification; d) most state junior high school teachers have various educational qualifications according to their fields; e) most of the state junior high school teachers live in the city of Manado close to workplace schools; f) teachers from the Manado City Public Middle School are assigned to schools with different conditions from each other; g) most husband and wife of Manado City Public Middle School work so they should be able to manage time.The population size in this study were all Public Middle School Teachers in Manado City, which numbered 601 teachers rounded up to 600.The sample is taken by cluster random sampling technique that is sampling based on school units proportionally or balanced and the taking is done randomly. Random means not selected but based on lottery. Krecjie in calculating sample size is based on a 5% error. So that the sample obtained has 95% confidence in the population. The number of samples is 234 junior high school teachers in the city of Manado. Testing data using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Based on the results of research and discussion, conclusions can be taken, among others: 1. There is a significant positive effect of time management on the professional competence of teachers in Manado City Public Middle School. 2. There is a significant positive effect on teaching motivation on teacher professional competence in Manado City Public Middle School. 3. There is a simultaneous influence of time management and teaching motivation on teacher professional competence in Manado City Public Middle School. Keywords: Time Management, Teaching Motivation, Teacher Competenchies DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-21-04 Publication date:July 31st 201

    The Effect of School Head Competency and Motivation on Teacher Performance (Study on Elementary School Sub District Wenang, Manado City, Indonesia)

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    This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) the effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) the effect of the principal competence and motivation simultaneously on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City. Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 162 teachers. Research sample were 62 teachers which randomly selected from 162. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) there was effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) there was effect of the principal competence and motivation on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) hopely, this research can be useful as a contribution of thought in the effort to develop the science of education management, especially in relation to the competence of principals and motivation with teacher performance, 2) hopely, this research can be used as input to other educators in Wenang Subdistrict, Manado City in the context of developing and fostering teacher performance in the future. Keywords: principal competence, motivation, teacher performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    The Assessment Design of Leadership Instructional Competence of Principal of Vocational High School

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    Vocational High School (VHS) is intended to produce graduates who are ready to work in industry and the business world. This is a challenge for the headmaster of VHS in the 21st century, namely to produce graduates who are able to deal with the increasingly massive development of science and technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The instructional leadership competence of the VHS head is very important as school management to produce graduates who can be relied upon to face the industrial revolution 4.0. Thus, the Education Office in each province of Indonesia needs to select candidates for VHS heads who have instructional leadership skills so that VHS education goals can be achieved. In this regard, it is necessary to design an instructional leadership assessment to select someone who will serve as the head of VHS. The purpose of this research is to design the instructional leadership competence of the VHS Principal. The method in this research is the research and development of the Borg and Gall model which is planned for three years of research. This article is to report on the activities of the first year of research implementation. The results showed that the instructional leadership assessment of the head of VHS met the content aspect and was valid based on the assessment of competent experts in the field of education management. This article is to report on the activities of the first year of research implementation. The results showed that the instructional leadership assessment of the head of VHS met the content aspect and was valid based on the assessment of competent experts in the field of education management. This article is to report on the activities of the first year of research implementation. The results showed that the instructional leadership assessment of the head of VHS met the content aspect and was valid based on the assessment of competent experts in the field of education management. Keywords: Assessment design, Leadership, Instructional Competence, Vocational high school DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-32-05 Publication date: November 30th 202

    The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance Emergency Installation

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    This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) the effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) the effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction simultaneously toward the performance of emergency department employees.Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 167 teachers. Research sample were 63 teachers which randomly selected from 167. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) there was effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) there was effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandow Manado.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) organizational culture should get attention from all institutional devices, such as; the leaders of hospitals, doctors, administrative staff, laboratory personnel, and the community, 2) the efforts to improve employee performance, it is expected that hospital leaders need to pay attention to policies, such as; job satisfaction for employees. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employees performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-02 Publication date:May 31st 201