263 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to: Sodium–glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors in Heart Failure: Potential Mechanisms of Action, Adverse Effects and Future Developments

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    Heart failure is a common complication in patients with diabetes, and people with both conditions present a worse prognosis. Sodium– glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2Is) increase urinary glucose excretion, improving glycaemic control. In type 2 diabetes (T2D), some SGLT2Is reduce major cardiovascular events, heart failure hospitalisations and worsening of kidney function independent of glycaemic control. Multiple mechanisms (haemodynamic, metabolic, hormonal and direct cardiac/renal effects) have been proposed to explain these cardiorenal benefits. SGLT2Is are generally well tolerated, but can produce rare serious adverse effects, and the benefit/risk ratio differs between SGLT2Is. This article analyses the mechanisms underlying the cardiorenal benefits and adverse effects of SGLT2Is in patients with T2D and heart failure and outlines some questions to be answered in the near future

    Sodium–glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors in Heart Failure: Potential Mechanisms of Action, Adverse Effects and Future Developments

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    Heart failure is a common complication in patients with diabetes, and people with both conditions present a worse prognosis. Sodium– glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2Is) increase urinary glucose excretion, improving glycaemic control. In type 2 diabetes (T2D), some SGLT2Is reduce major cardiovascular events, heart failure hospitalisations and worsening of kidney function independent of glycaemic control. Multiple mechanisms (haemodynamic, metabolic, hormonal and direct cardiac/renal effects) have been proposed to explain these cardiorenal benefits. SGLT2Is are generally well tolerated, but can produce rare serious adverse effects, and the benefit/risk ratio differs between SGLT2Is. This article analyses the mechanisms underlying the cardiorenal benefits and adverse effects of SGLT2Is in patients with T2D and heart failure and outlines some questions to be answered in the near future

    Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Shooting in the Dark

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    The identification of effective interventions against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a health priority. The rational treatment of a disease is based on the knowledge of its pathophysiology, the identification of a therapeutic target and the confirmation of the efficacy and safety of the selected therapeutic intervention in randomised controlled trials. However, we are facing the COVID-19 pandemic without a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease. As we are fighting against a viral infection, drugs previously developed or approved to treat other viral infections or that exhibit a broad-spectrum antiviral activity, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs against cytokine storm are currently being tested. Unfortunately, the efficacy and safety of these medications remain uncertain, and some may increase the risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with COVID-19. Thus, at the present time, due to the lack of solid scientific data to support a therapeutic strategy, we truly are shooting in the dark with the treatment of COVID-19. We must wait for the results of ongoing randomised, controlled studies before the widespread adoption of these drugs. In the meantime, investigational anti-COVID-19 drugs should be used in hospitals or as part of clinical trials

    Tratamiento de la gripe aviar

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    Tratamiento de la gripe aviar

    Estudio de procesos y herramientas aplicables a la generalización vectorial de entidades lineales.

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    Se presenta un estudio de algoritmos que ofrecen resultados óptimos en cuanto a lo que a la generalización vectorial de entidades lineales se refiere. Este estudio se encuentra dentro del marco del proyecto CENIT España Virtual para la investigación de nuevos algoritmos de procesado cartográfico. La generalización constituye uno de los procesos cartográficos más complejos, cobrando su mayor importancia a la hora de confeccionar mapas derivados a partir de otros a mayores escalas. La necesidad de una generalización se hace patente ante la imposibilidad de representar la realidad en su totalidad, teniendo ésta que ser limitada o reducida para la posterior elaboración del mapa, manteniendo, eso sí, las características esenciales del espacio geográfico cartografiado. La finalidad, por tanto, es obtener una imagen simplificada pero representativa de la realidad. Debido a que casi el ochenta por ciento de la cartografía vectorial está compuesta por elementos lineales, la investigación se centra en aquellos algoritmos capaces de procesar y actuar sobre éstos, demostrando además que su aplicación puede extenderse al tratamiento de elementos superficiales ya que son tratados a partir de la línea cerrada que los define. El estudio, además, profundiza en los procesos englobados dentro de la exageración lineal que pretenden destacar o enfatizar aquellos rasgos de entidades lineales sin los que la representatividad de nuestro mapa se vería mermada. Estas herramientas, acompañadas de otras más conocidas como la simplificación y el suavizado de líneas, pueden ofrecer resultados satisfactorios dentro de un proceso de generalización. Abstract: A study of algorithms that provide optimal results in vector generalization is presented. This study is within the CENIT project framework of the España Virtual for research of new cartographic processing algorithms. The generalization is one of the more complex mapping processes, taking its greatest importance when preparing maps derived from other at larger scales. The need for generalization is evident given the impossibility of representing whole real world, taking it to be limited or reduced for the subsequent preparation of the map, keeping main features of the geographical space. Therefore, the goal is to obtain a simplified but representative image of the reality. Due to nearly eighty percent of the mapping vector is composed of linear elements, the research focuses on those algorithms that can process them, proving that its application can also be extended to the treatment of surface elements as they are treated from the closed line that defines them. Moreover, the study focussed into the processes involved within the linear exaggeration intended to highlight or emphasize those features of linear entities that increase the representativeness of our map. These tools, together with others known as the simplification and smoothing of lines, can provide satisfactory results in a process of generalization

    Estado del arte de algoritmos de generalización vectorial de núcleos urbanos.

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    Se presenta este artículo con el ánimo de enumerar y estudiar diferentes algoritmos que tratan la generalización de datos cartográficos vectoriales de zonas urbanas, debido a que en ellas se concentran la mayoría de los conflictos que se pueden encontrar en los procesos de generalización cartográfica. A pesar de que la generalización es uno de los procedimientos más difíciles de automatizar, existen herramientas que implementan estos algoritmos y ofrecen resultados satisfactorios, aunque ninguna de ellas es capaz de automatizar por completo el proceso de generalización. A continuación, se incluyen las pruebas realizadas al respecto, describiendo y analizando los resultados obtenidos, estableciendo una comparativa con trabajos realizados por diferentes autores. Se concluye el documento valorando los posibles trabajos futuros para solventar la problemática de la generalización cartográfica. Este estudio se encuentra en el marco del proyecto CENIT España Virtual. Abstract: This article is focused in studying different algorithms about generalization of vector map data from urban areas, because most of the conflicts in the processes of cartographic generalization are concentrated in these areas. Although generalization is one of the most difficult processes to automate, there are tools that implement these algorithms and provide satisfactory results. However,none of them can automate the process of generalization completely. Then tests in describing and analyzing the results are included, establishing a comparison with works of various authors. The document concludes by assessing the possible future works to solve the problem of cartographic generalization. This study is within the CENIT project España Virtual

    Los poros y los canales iónicos regulan la actividad celularc

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    The pores and the ionic channels regulate the cellular activity JUAN TAMARGO MENÉNDEZLos poros y los canales iónicos regulan la actividad celular JUAN TAMARGO MENÉNDE

    Nuevas aproximaciones para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares

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    New approximations for the treatment of the cardiovascular diseasesNuevas aproximaciones para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculare
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