4 research outputs found

    Distribución weibull para Pinus patula schiede ex schltdl. Et. Cham. En plantaciones forestales comerciales

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    Los sistemas de rendimiento que proveen estimaciones de volumen maderable por clase diamétrica (predicción implícita) son una herramienta de alto valor para la planificación del manejo forestal, ya que, al revelar la estructura del rodal, permite definir los tratamientos silvícolas que se pueden aplicar y saber a qué edad y diámetro se encuentra la mayor concentración de volumen. Sin embargo, la Cooperativa Integradora Forestal de Zacualpan, Veracruz (CIFZA) ha establecido 3,000 ha con Pinus patula durante los  últimos 14  años,  y no  cuenta con  estudios  que permitan  estimar  productividad o  predecir  el crecimiento maderable para programar la cosecha. Considerando lo anterior, se desarrolló un sistema en base a distribuciones diamétricas. En su construcción se utilizó información dasométrica derivada de dos remediciones en 50 parcelas permanentes de muestreo de 400 m2; en una crono-secuencia de edades que van de manera compacta de los 3 a los 11 años pero que tienen parcelas aisladas de hasta 21 años.  El sistema implícito se desarrolló tomando como base la distribución Weibull de tres parámetros y sugiere que a los 15 años la distribución diamétrica más probable concentra el 45.17% del volumen de árboles mayores de 25 cm. Evidentemente en plantaciones forestales comerciales se requiere de prácticas silvícolas intensivas y bien programadas a fin de maximizar el potencial de crecimiento durante los primeros 20 años


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    The branch of the supermarkets is seen threatened each day by radical changes and sometimes involuntary those which should be faced in a way practical and direct as if is tried to minority problems. Furthermore, as all in the life changes and evolves, the market is not left behind being this obligator to improve their/its continuous improvement strategies to reach the excellence and the permanency before the competition every time but direct. The present study is carried out in the state self-service company in Delicias City, Chihuahua, who requested the one which anonymity devotes to the foods and products marketing for household. It is I accomplished a study that consisted of measuring the cultural dimensions of the groups that meet in Delicias and the Region, under the theoretical perspective of Hofstede, considering four dimensions: - elimination of the uncertainty, distance in the power, womanliness Vs masculinity, and collectivism Vs individualism, under the premise of the fact that a society is of high context when has a high elimination of the uncertainty, high distance in the power, it is of high values in masculinity and highly collective. Achieving with this study the direct objective that was to know the fundamental essence that governs this company showing thus continuous improvement frames of reference that permitted the efficiency of daily and permanent productivity, through measurement scales that permitted to know the type of society upon comparing it with each one of the cultures


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    The branch of the supermarkets is seen threatened each day by radical changes and sometimes involuntary those which should be faced in a way practical and direct as if is tried to minority problems. Furthermore, as all in the life changes and evolves, the market is not left behind being this obligator to improve their/its continuous improvement strategies to reach the excellence and the permanency before the competition every time but direct. The present study is carried out in the state self-service company in Delicias City, Chihuahua, who requested the one which anonymity devotes to the foods and products marketing for household. It is I accomplished a study that consisted of measuring the cultural dimensions of the groups that meet in Delicias and the Region, under the theoretical perspective of Hofstede, considering four dimensions: - elimination of the uncertainty, distance in the power, womanliness Vs masculinity, and collectivism Vs individualism, under the premise of the fact that a society is of high context when has a high elimination of the uncertainty, high distance in the power, it is of high values in masculinity and highly collective. Achieving with this study the direct objective that was to know the fundamental essence that governs this company showing thus continuous improvement frames of reference that permitted the efficiency of daily and permanent productivity, through measurement scales that permitted to know the type of society upon comparing it with each one of the cultures.Cultural dimensions, Uncertainty, power, womanliness, masculinity, collectivism, individualism, society., Agribusiness,


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    The article shows how to operate in the Future worldwide markets, focusing on agricultural commodities or agricultural derivatives, their advantages and benefits, analyzing the situation of the futures market for agricultural Mexican products. The importance of the creation of the Camera Nacional Agropecuaria (CANAGRO) to regulate the farming producer's commercial activities and a small example of the worldwide database of Chambers of Commerce for Agricultural Commodites in which Mexican farm products could trade