6 research outputs found

    Methodological Tools for Carrying Out Psychological Training

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    In article theoretical, methodological and methodical bases of carrying out of psychological training are reflected; essence of psychocorrectional technique as training technology is opened. The psychological and technological approach to the methodological means of psychological training as a technology of impact on learning and personal development of the participants of training and correction to change their behavior is carried out. The psychological conditions of the use of methodological tools in psychological training are indicated. On the basis of the theoretical and methodological analysis the methodological tools are divided into basic blocks: educational-informational, psychological, simulation and role-playing. The stages of creating a self-efficient team are suggested. The main task of the trainer is to understand individual psychological features of clients and to choose the most adequate methodological means of training in order to change behavior or personal development in the necessary and used training technologies. Depending on the paradigm and purpose of psychological training, partner (democratic) and authoritarian (centrally managed) means of its carrying out are distinguished. The trainer's perceptions of the expectations and needs of the customers (training participants) and their capabilities are directly related to the design and selection of methodological tools for psychological training and to individual effectiveness and development - accordingly to the technological concept of training. The training technologies represent a creative resource for the training activity of a psychologist. The effectiveness of training depends on the technological concept of training, methodological principles and rules, taking into account the individual approach, the specificity of the problems of training in accordance with its main goals and objectives, the personal and professional competence of the trainer and partnership relations of the active group-team.</p

    Neuropsychological and Personality Development of Adolescents with Depressive Disorders

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    The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the neuropsychological and personality development of adolescents with depressive disorders. The equal role of biological and psychological factors in the development of adolescent depression is emphasized. The neuropsychological symptom complex of depressive disorders in adolescence is considered. The emotional and motivational features of personal development in the context of adolescent neurodevelopment are analyzed. We have noted strong mutual influences of neuropsychological and personal development of an adolescent; neurohormonal mechanisms of child behavior; connection of neuropsychological mechanisms of depressive disorders of psychogenic origin and character accentuations of asthenic, hypotensive, hysteroid type; propensity of teenagers to reactive depression with sensitive and labile character accentuations.To effectively prevent suicides, neuropsychocorrection of mental states in adolescents and implementation of a sociopsychological program for their personal development, and timely diagnosis of symptoms of depression and psychotherapeutic intervention have been proposed. A program for the development of emotional self-regulation in adolescents with depressive disorders and neuropsychological correction of their depressive states has been developed. A preventive and psycho-corrective program for expanding internal resources, reducing the risk of suicidal tendencies and overcoming depressive disorders in an adolescent, taking into account neuropsychological and personal developmental features of adolescence, has been proposed.</p

    Modern Methods of Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection

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    The article considers modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection as a means of providing psychological assistance. The scientific understanding of the differences and similarities in modern psychotherapeutic and technologies of psychocorrection and their role in the application of modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection in the experience of foreign and domestic scientists and specialists of psychological services has been deepened. The specificity of the relationship and the ratio of the terms "psychotherapy" and "psychocorrection" are argued. The analysis of an integrated approach to the question of the relationship between the methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection is carried out according to the tasks, goals and content of practical psychological work. It is noted that psychocorrection is very closely related to neurosciences, in particular neuropsychology. It is recommended to consider the role of neuropsychocorrection in the context of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the formation of psychotherapeutic knowledge about the pathological functioning of the brain and systemic mental disorders in medical practice. The classification of modern methods of psychocorrection (psychotherapy) is presented. Some recommendations are given for the correctional and developmental work of a practical psychologist. The content of the article argues that modern methods of psychotherapy (correction) in psychological practice can be viewed as an eclectic combination within the framework of different psychological approaches in order to increase the psychological resource capacity of the client.</p

    Peculiarities of Application of Metaphor in Group Psychological Correction

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    The article analyzes the peculiarities of psychological method of metaphor application in group psychocorrective work on a theoretical and methodological level. An attempt to define metaphor in the context of the basic tasks of rendering psychological assistance, especially as a method of psychodiagnostics, neuropsychology and group psychocorrection is undertaken. The resources of metaphor in group psychocorrection are described because of its properties. The definition of metaphor as a neuropsychological means of activation of the right hemisphere of the brain is argued. The functions of fairy tale metaphors for the purpose of correction and development of personality are considered. It is underlined that metaphor is the psychological mechanism of integration of components of self-consciousness: self-understanding (the cognitive aspect), the attitude to itself (the emotional aspect), self-regulation (the behavioral aspect) in a context of group psychocorrection. Practically confirmed that the metaphor in the process of group work has a positive impact on changing the strategy of competition to a strategy of cooperation through the adoption of individuality of self and another. The criterion for the effectiveness of metaphorical psychological correction is the feedback of the group participants through trust, acceptance and self-acceptance. Recommendations for conducting group psychological correction with the use of metaphor are developed.</p

    Прояви сімейної тривоги у родинах з онкологічним пацієнтом

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    Background. Cancer is a hard challenge for the patient's family that causes changes in family functioning. In the study analyzed manifestations of family anxiety in families with cancer patients, depending on the stage of the disease and the level of adaptation in families. Contingent and research methods. Based on informed consent, a psychological examination of 288 families with a cancer patient was conducted, of which 174 patients were women and 114 were men. The respondents were further divided into subgroups depending on the stage of cancer and the level of adaptability of the family system. In the study used the Family Anxiety Questionnaire and the Family Adaptation and Cohesion Scale (FACES-3), a clinical-psychological interview. Results. Oncology was a powerful stress factor that affected family functioning and potentiated changes in marital relationships, perceptions of family events, attitudes and responsibilities. On the level of family, anxiety influenced the progression of cancer, the adaptability of the family system, the gender of the couple. With continued cancer or relapse, the family responds with increasing family anxiety, guilt and hyper responsibility for the family situation, tension. The progression of cancer in a family member led to increasing manifestations of family anxiety, which expressed in a sense of helplessness, uncontrollability, independence of the situation in the family from their efforts, exaggeration of responsibility for events, failure to fulfil family obligations. Particularly striking was the increased anxiety and guilt in patients' wives. Violations of family adaptability were accompanied by increased family anxiety in all its structural components. Conclusions. Medical-psychological help for a family of cancer patients is an important part of interventions in oncology practice.Актуальність. Онкологічне захворювання – це складний виклик для сім'ї пацієнта, що обумовлює зміни у сімейному функціонуванні. У дослідженні проаналізовано прояви сімейної тривоги у родинах з онкологічним пацієнтом в залежності від етапу перебігу хвороби та рівня адаптованості сімейної системи. Контингент та методи дослідження. На основі інформованої згоди було проведено психологічне обстеження 288 сімей з онкологічним пацієнтом, з яких у 174 родинах хворими були жінки та 114 – чоловіки.Опитуваних додатково розділили на підгрупи в залежності від етапу перебігу онкологічного захворювання та рівня адаптованості сімейної системи. У дослідженні було використано опитувальник «Аналіз сімейної тривоги» та шкалу сімейної адаптації і згуртованості FACES-3, &nbsp;клініко-психологічне інтерв’ю. Результати. Онкологічне захворювання виступало потужним стресовим фактором, який впливав на сімейне функціонування та потенціював зміни у подружніх стосунках, сприйняття сімейних подій, ставлення до своїх ролей та обов’язків. На рівень сімейної тривоги впливали прогресування онкологічного захворювання, адаптованість сімейної системи, стать подружжя. Прогресування онкологічного захворювання у одного з членів родини спричиняло зростання проявів сімейної тривоги, що виражалося у відчутті безпомічності, неконтрольованості, незалежності ситуації у сім¢ї від власних зусиль, перебільшенні відповідальності за події, напруження, непосильності виконання сімейних зобов’язань, які зросли . При продовженні онкологічної хвороби чи її рецидиві родина реагувала зростанням сімейної тривожності, почуття провини та гіпервідповідальності за сімейну ситуацію, напруженості. Особливо виразним було посилення тривожності та провини у дружин пацієнтів. Порушення сімейної адаптованості супроводжувалися підвищенням сімейної тривоги за всіма її структурними складовими. Висновки. Медико-психологічна допомога для родини онкологічного пацієнта є невід’ємною складовою інтервенцій в онкологічній практиці