863 research outputs found

    The Current Status of Secondary School Teacher’s Perception of Happiness in Nam Dinh Province during the Implementation Period of the 2018 General Education Program

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    In the current context of a major revolution in the Vietnamese education system, teachers’ perception of happiness makes an important criterion in evaluating effectiveness of the changes made to educational programs. The initial investigation of the positive effects of this renovation was conducted on the scale of Nam Dinh province and the results show multidimensional sources of information. In addition to positive information, there is still information that raises many questions for leaders to pay attention to. The outcome of the investigation suggests the evaluation of “The job is meaningful” is 3.10 out of 5 points, which is the lowest in assessment criteria. Meanwhile, the rates for “Completely disbelieve” and “Slightly disbelieve” in happiness of their profession in the future take up a large proportion (24.4%). However, other criteria namely “Being satisfied with current position” and “Feeling motivated with the job” received higher evaluation scores, respectively 4.05/5 points and 4.11/5 points. Via the results of the research, the author is looking forward to appropriate actions taken by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam with a view to enhancing the perception of happiness among teachers

    Copper Ferrite Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle-Catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction to Form Diindolylmethane (DIM): Effect of Experimental Parameters

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    Superparamagnetic copper ferrite (CuFe2O4) nanoparticles were utilized as a heterogenous catalyst for the cross-coupling reaction of indole to form 3,3’-diindolylmethane (DIM) as the desirable product. High reaction yield, at around 82%, was achieved under optimal conditions. The CuFe2O4 material could be easily separated from the reaction mixture by an external magnetic field and could be reutilized several times without a significant decrease in catalytic activity. We also showed that no sites of catalyst material leached into reaction solution was detected. To our best knowledge, the above cross-coupling reaction was not previously conducted under catalysis of superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)

    Results of acute cerebral infarction treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2020–2022

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    Background: Cerebral stroke is the third leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease, cancerand the leading cause of disability for patients. Hyperbaric oxygen is a non-drug treatment that hasthe potential to improve brain function for patients with ischaemic stroke. The objective of this study wasto evaluate the results of treatment of acute cerebral infarction with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).Materials and methods: This was a case-control study. One hundred ninety-five patients diagnosed withcerebral infarction, with signs of onset within 24 hours, were treated at the Centre for Underwater Medicineand Hyperbaric Oxygen of Vietnam National Institute of Maritime Medicine during the period from January2020 to December 2022. Study group included 100 patients with acute cerebral infarction treated witha combination of HBOT and medication and reference group included 95 patients treated by medicationonly (antiplatelets drugs, statins, control of associated risks factors)Results: After 7 days of treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO), symptoms such as headache, dizziness,nausea, sensory disturbances, and Glasgow score of the study group improved better than that of the referencegroup (p < 0.01). Movement recovery in the study group was better than the reference group:the percentage of patients with mild and moderate paralysis in the study group increased higher than thatof the reference group (86.0% and 68.4%), the degree of complete paralysis of the study group decreasedmore than that of the reference group (14.0% and 31.6%). The degree of independence in daily activitiesin the study group was better than the reference group. In the study group, the percentage of patients withcomplete independence in daily life increased from 27.0% to 84.0%. In the reference group, the rate of patientswho were independent in their daily activities increased from 37.9% to 51.6%. The average numberof treatment days of the study group was 10.32 ± 2.41 days and it the reference group 14.51 ± 3.24 days.Conclusions: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-drug treatment with many good effects in the treatmentof cerebral infarction, especially acute cerebral infarction. HBOT reduces and improves functional symptoms,improves mobility, and reduces treatment time for patients

    Characterization of arsenic-resistant endophytic Priestia megaterium R2.5.2 isolated from ferns in an arsenic-contaminated multi-metal mine in Vietnam

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    Bioremediation is a biological process to remove or neutralize environmental pollutants. This study was carried out to investing at the efficacy of arsenic resistant endophytic bacteria isolated from Pteris vittata, Pityrogramma calomelanos, Blenchum orientale, and Nephrolepis exaltata, which grow in a highly arsenic (As) contamination mining site in Vietnam. Their segmented roots, stems, and leaves were homogenized separately and inoculated on LB agar plates containing 5mM As(III) and As(V). A total of 31 arsenic resistant endophytic strains were selected, in which strain R2.5.2 isolated from the root of P. calomelanos had the highest arsenic resistant capability. Strain R2.5.2 tolerated up to 320 mM and 160 mM of arsenate and arsenite, respectively. The strain developed well on a media of 0.1 5% NaCl, at 20-40ºC and pH 5 9, and actively utilized most of the sugar sources. It had a high IAA biosynthesis capacity with an average concentration of 19.14 mg/L, tolerated to 0.5-16 mM concentration of Ag+, Hg2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Cr4+, and reduced As(V). Based on 16s rDNA, R2.5.2 was identified as Priestia megaterium. The ars C gene coding for arsenate reductase catalyzing reduction of As(V) was successfully amplified in P. megaterium R2.5.2.  The selected strain may have potential use for bioremediation practice


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    The obtained results here demonstrate that the 70% ethanolic leaf extract of A. tonkinensis (AT2), traditionally used in Vietnamese folk medicine for treating arthritic symtoms, has beneficial effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine inhibition and in an experimental arthritic mouse model. LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages treated with AT2 showed a significant decrease in the production of IL-6 and TNFa at concentrations of 12.5, 25 and 50 µg/mL (P0.05), indicating its potential anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of CAIA mice with AT2 also led to diminish the incidence of arthritis at doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight

    Mindsponge-based investigation into the non-linear effects of threat perception and trust on recycled water acceptance in Galicia and Murcia, Spain

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    The water scarcity crisis is becoming more severe across the globe and recycled water has been suggested as a feasible solution to the crisis. However, expanding the use of potable and recycled public water has been hindered by public acceptance. Previous studies suggest threat perception and trust of provided information have positive linear relationships with recycled water acceptance. However, given the complex filtering role of trust in the human mental process, we argue that the effects of threat perception and trust may have non-linear relationships with acceptance of recycled water for drinking. To support and validate this argument, we employed Bayesian Mindsponge Framework analytics on 726 Spanish residents. We found that individuals more concerned about water shortage are less likely to accept using recycled water for drinking if their trust in the water quality and safety is low. Meanwhile, people more concerned about water shortage are more likely to accept using recycled water for drinking if they trust the water quality and safety. The findings suggest the non-linear relationships between threat perception, trust, and recycled water acceptance while validating mindsponge-based reasoning. Moreover, the results also highlight the importance of trust in influencing the mental process’s outcome: recycled water acceptance

    Detection of co-infection and recombination cases with Omicron and local Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Vietnam

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    The first nationwide outbreak of COVID-19 in Vietnam started in late April 2021 and was caused almost exclusively by a single Delta lineage, AY.57. In early 2022, multiple Omicron variants co-circulated with Delta variants and quickly became dominant. The co-circulation of Delta and Omicron happened leading to possibility of co-infection and recombination events which can be revealed by viral genomic data. From January to October 2022, a total of 1028 viral RNA samples out of 4852 positive samples (Ct < 30) were sequenced by the long pooled amplicons method on Illumina platforms. All sequencing data was analysed by the workflow for SARS-CoV-2 on CLC genomics workbench and Illumina Dragen Covid application. Among those sequenced samples, we detected a case of Delta AY.57/Omicron BA.1 co-infection and two cases of infection with Delta AY.57/Omicron BA.2 recombinants which were nearly identical and had different epidemiological characteristics. Since the AY.57 lineage circulated almost exclusively in Vietnam, these results strongly suggest domestic events of co-infection and recombination. These findings highlight the strengths of genomic surveillance in monitoring the circulating variants in the community enabling rapid identification of viral changes that may affect viral properties and evolutionary events

    Viral Metagenomic Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Acute Central Nervous System Infections of Unknown Origin, Vietnam.

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    Central nervous system (CNS) infection is a serious neurologic condition, although the etiology remains unknown in >50% of patients. We used metagenomic next-generation sequencing to detect viruses in 204 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients with acute CNS infection who were enrolled from Vietnam hospitals during 2012-2016. We detected 8 viral species in 107/204 (52.4%) of CSF samples. After virus-specific PCR confirmation, the detection rate was lowered to 30/204 (14.7%). Enteroviruses were the most common viruses detected (n = 23), followed by hepatitis B virus (3), HIV (2), molluscum contagiosum virus (1), and gemycircularvirus (1). Analysis of enterovirus sequences revealed the predominance of echovirus 30 (9). Phylogenetically, the echovirus 30 strains belonged to genogroup V and VIIb. Our results expanded knowledge about the clinical burden of enterovirus in Vietnam and underscore the challenges of identifying a plausible viral pathogen in CSF of patients with CNS infections

    Pharmacists’ Perspectives on the Use of Telepharmacy in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Introduction: Telepharmacy, the application of information and communication technologies in healthcare services, has been adopted in many countries to provide patients with pharmaceutical care. However, it has yet to be widely used in Vietnam. This study was conducted to assess the current status of use and the factors associated with the willingness to use telepharmacy of pharmacists in Vietnam. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from February to July 2021; 414 pharmacists were recruited to fill in an online survey. Results: Overall, 86.7% of participants have used telepharmacy application and 87.2% of them were willing to apply telepharmacy in pharmacy practice. According to our multivariate analysis, the level of readiness was associated with positive attitude (odds ratio [OR] = 4.67; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.26-9.66), and a good behavior (OR = 11.34; 95% CI: 3.84-33.45). Discussion: Developing a telepharmacy system with appropriate features is essential to meet the requirements of pharmacy practice amid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
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