10 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan USAhatani Tomat di Desa Tonsewer Kecamatan Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aims to determine the costs and farm income. Research carried on in March to May 2010 in the village of Tonsewer, district of Tompaso, Regency of Minahasa. The data obtained in this study include primary data and secondary data. The method of collecting data was obtained by interview using the questionnaire as a tool in data collection. Primary data were obtained from tomato farmers and secondary data obtained from the relevant authorities of this research. Results showed that most farmers in the village of respondents aged 28-67 years, having elementary through high school levels, the number of dependents a family of 3 to 4 people and is the owner of tenant farmers. This study uses the income analysis to determine the level of income from tomato farmers and comparative analysis between revenue and costs to determine the level of success of farming tomatoes. The results showed that the average farmer's income of Rp 3,386,987.8 per two planting seasons or Rp 4,908,784.6 per one planting season. R/C > 1 is a successful farmer in tomato farming

    Hubungan Administratif dengan Kelompok Tani di Kecamatan Langowan Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research aims to know the relation of administration with farmer group class in East Langowan Subdistrict of Minahasa Regency. The study was conducted from April to July 2017. The data used were primary data obtained through the administrative examination of the activities and financial administration of each farmer group and direct interviews using questionnaires that were asked to the heads of farmer groups in East Langowan Sub District. Secondary data obtained directly from books, and articles. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis by using table. The Research results showed that the three classes of farmer groups in East Langowan Subdistrict of Minahasa Regency consisting of Beginner Class, Advanced Class and Middle Class, have no relationship with the administration of farmer groups in East Langowan District of Minahasa Regency. The better the administration of a farmer group does not mean that the farmer group should be at the highest grade level

    Identifikasi Aktivitas Perekonomian Masyarakat Sekitar Pelabuhan Amurang

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    This study aims to determine the activities of the Amurang Port on the economy of the communities around the harbor. This research was conducted at the Amurang, Sub-district of West Amurang, South Minahasa Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The reason for using qualitative methods for this research seeks to find answers to questions relating to the socio-economic life of the commonity who are residing around the port. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data was collected by using observation, interview and documentation. The research found that the activities in Amurang Port can increase the income of local communities, opening up a new business thus increasing employment absortion, there are trading activities and there are social-economic activities around the harbor. Thus the presence of the Amurang Port has a positive impact for the people that are around the port Amurang form of employment absortion and increased income of communit

    Daya Dukung Lahan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This research aims to determine the carryng capacity of agricultural land food crops in Southern Districts Minahasa. This research from preparation of the final report of the study conducted in March to June 2015. Data is taken from secondary data obtained from the Central Statistical Agencies and the Department of Agriculture in Southern Minahasa. The data analysis used is the level of the carryng capacity of agricultural land. From the research the level of the carrying capacity of agricultural land, the lowest in the sub-district of Modoinding was in the amount of 0,076 and the highest in the sub-district of Maesaan that is equal to 1,113. Carrying value of the level of agricultural land in the Southern District Minahasa amounted to 0,414. This means that the Southern Minahasa District has not been able to perform self-suffieciency and has not been able to provide a decent life for its people, therefore the carrying capacity of agricultural land food crops in Southern Minahasa district needs to be improved especially through increased productivity and reduce the rate of population growth

    Daya Saing Industri Kacang Goyang di Kotamobagu (Studi Kasus di USAha Dagang Berusaha dan USAha Dagang Kabela)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the Competitivences of ‘Kacang Goyang\u27 industry of ‘UD Berusaha\u27 and ‘UD Kabela\u27 Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. This study was conducted over three months from July to October 2015 in Motoboi Kecil, South Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. Data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by interview using questionnaires and secondary data derived from Dinas Pertanian. The used analysis is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The result showed that consumers are satisfied with the level of the cleanliness, appearance and performance. Prices offered by the two businesses are affordable and is according to the contents of products and flavors. The consumen is satisfied with the price. Consumers\u27 considended that the two companies have a clean and comfortable place, but there are some aspects that should be corrected such as, location and parking. Consumers also considened that this two companies provide a good service in the aspect of speed, knowledge and friendliness, but consumers have not been satisfied in the physical aspect, dressed, and neatness.*lrr

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Agrowisata Rurukan

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the right strategy in developing Rurukan agro tourism area. The research location was conducted in two urban villages: Rurukan and Rurukan 1, East Tomohon Subdistrict, Tomohon City. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months from November 2016 to January 2017. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data are data taken through direct observation on site, interview with respondents who selected 10 people to fill out the research questionnaire as follows: Government (3 people), namely Lurah Rurukan, Lurah Rurukan One, and Officials of Tomohon City Tourism Office, Community Shop (2 persons) and Tour Manager (5 persons). Secondary data is data obtained from the offices of two urban villages and Tourism Office. The analytical method used SWOT Analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development strategy of Rurukan agro tourism area is Rapid growth strategy. This development strategy is in accordance with the position of Rurukan area that needs a progeny strategy to support growth, through several strategies that can be implemented, namely: (1) Utilizing some existing tourism object to attract investors so that it can become a growing tourism sector and interest in Tomohon ; (2) utilizing the famous agro tourism with its trademark to become a cultural development area, especially in Tomohon City; (3) utilizing a good soil fertility level in the Rurukan area to be planted with fruits such as strawberries, which are highland fruit trees to be enjoyed by tourists

    Dampak Program Puap terhadap Pendapatan Petani Jagung Mareris di Desa Kawangkoan Kecamatan Kalawat

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the income of Mareris corn farmers before and after receiving the PUAP program in Kawangkoan Village, Subdistrict Kalawat, North Minahasa Regency. The benefit of this research is as a reference material to increase the income of farmer\u27s corn.This research takes 3 (three) months starting from June 2016 in Kawangkoan Village, Kalawat Subdistrict. Method of data retrieval used in this research is primary data and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from interviews of farmers belonging to Marerist group. Secondary data is supporting data obtained from agricultural extension officer. Sampling is done by using the quota of 15 peasants. The results showed that at a confidence level α = 5%, tcount = 7.628 > ttable = 2.145 so H0 was rejected and H1 accepted. Thus there are differences in income of corn farmers before and after receiving PUAP the program

    Total Quality Management pada Balai Latihan Pendidikan Teknik Gmim Kaaten Tomohon di Kota Tomohon

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    The aim of this research is to know the application of Total Quality Management at Technical Training Center (BLPT) GMIM KAATEN TOMOHON. The study was conducted from February to April 2017. The data used in this study are primarily qualitative data relating to the measurement of Total Quality Mananagement, consists of Customer Focus data, Obsession with quality, Long-term commitment, Team Work, Education and training. Data collection uses a list of questions to be asked directly to the management and employees and Consumers. The results of the study and discussion on the application of Total Quality Management to the customers and to the leadership and employees of BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon indicate that included in the highly satisfied category are Obsessions on Quality, Long Term Commitment, Teamwork, and for Education and Training. While the included in the category of satisfaction is Focus on Customers

    Efisiensi Pemasaran Bawang Merah di Desa Tonsewer Kecamatan Tompaso Barat Kabupaten Minahasa

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    The research result showed that there was 2 marketing channel of onion in Tonsewer village, Tompaso Barat Sub District, Minahasa Regency that are: (1) Channel 1 : Farmer→ Retailer→ Consumer, (2) Channel 2 : Farmer→ Collecting trader→ Retailer→ Consumer. The highest marketing margin was obtained by collecting trader that is Rp. 4.333,33 (Karombasan market), did the lowest is Rp. 2.333,33 (Tomohon market). While the highest marketing margin obtained by retailer that is Rp. 4.000,00 (Karombasan market) and the lowest is Rp. 2.333,33 (Langowan and Kawangkoan market). The highest profit margin is Rp. 3.924,48 (Karombasan market) and the lowest is Rp. 2.246,16 (Langowan and Kawangkoan market)