243 research outputs found
Dynamical density-density correlations in one-dimensional Mott insulators
The dynamical density-density correlation function is calculated for the
one-dimensional, half-filled Hubbard model extended with nearest neighbor
repulsion using the Lanczos algorithm for finite size systems and analytically
for large on site repulsion compared to hopping amplitudes. At the zone
boundary an excitonic feature exists for any finite nearest neighbor repulsion
and exhausts most of the spectral weight, even for parameters where no exciton
is visible at zero momentum.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, epsf, 3 postscript figure
Dynamical spin correlations in Heisenberg ladder under magnetic field and correlation functions in SO(5) ladder
The zero-temperature dynamical spin-spin correlation functions are calculated
for the spin-1/2 two-leg Heisenberg ladder in a magnetic field above the lower
critical field Hc1. The dynamical structure factors are calculated which
exhibit both massless and massive excitations. These modes appear in different
sectors characterized by the parity in the rung direction and by the momentum
in the direction of the chains. The structure factors have power-law
singularities at the lower edges of their support. The results are also
applicable to spin-1 Heisenberg chain. The implications are briefly discussed
for various correlation functions and the pi-resonance in the SO(5) symmetric
ladder model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, added references; final version to appear in
Phys. Rev.
Remarks on the notion of quantum integrability
We discuss the notion of integrability in quantum mechanics. Starting from a
review of some definitions commonly used in the literature, we propose a
different set of criteria, leading to a classification of models in terms of
different integrability classes. We end by highlighting some of the expected
physical properties associated to models fulfilling the proposed criteria.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, Proceedings of Statphys 2
The fate of spinons in spontaneously dimerised spin-1/2 ladders
We study a weakly coupled, frustrated two-leg spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder. For
vanishing coupling between the chains, elementary excitations are deconfined,
gapless spin-1/2 objects called spinons. We investigate the fate of spinons for
the case of a weak interchain interaction. We show that despite a drastic
change in ground state, which becomes spontaneously dimerised, spinons survive
as elementary excitations but acquire a spectral gap. We furthermore determine
the exact dynamical structure factor for several values of momentum transfer.Comment: 8 pages of revtex, 7 figures; discussion of physical picture for
ground state and excitations in the "twistless" ladder expanded, version to
appear in Phys Rev
Quantum spin Hamiltonians for the SU(2)_k WZW model
We propose to use null vectors in conformal field theories to derive model
Hamiltonians of quantum spin chains and corresponding ground state wave
function(s). The approach is quite general, and we illustrate it by
constructing a family of Hamiltonians whose ground states are the chiral
correlators of the SU(2)_k WZW model for integer values of the level k. The
simplest example corresponds to k=1 and is essentially a nonuniform
generalization of the Haldane-Shastry model with long-range exchange couplings.
At level k=2, we analyze the model for N spin 1 fields. We find that the Renyi
entropy and the two-point spin correlator show, respectively, logarithmic
growth and algebraic decay. Furthermore, we use the null vectors to derive a
set of algebraic, linear equations relating spin correlators within each model.
At level k=1, these equations allow us to compute the two-point spin
correlators analytically for the finite chain uniform Haldane-Shastry model and
to obtain numerical results for the nonuniform case and for higher-point spin
correlators in a very simple way and without resorting to Monte Carlo
techniques.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure
Dynamical Structure Factors of the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain with Inverse-Square Exchange and Ising Anisotropy
The dynamical properties of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain are studied
by the exact diagonalization and the recursion method of finite systems up to
24 sites. Two types of the exchange interaction are considered: one is the
nearest-neighbor type, and the other is the inverse-square one. As the Ising
anisotropy becomes larger, there appears a noticeable difference in the
transverse component S^{xx}(q,\omega) between the two types of the exchange.
For the nearest-neighbor type, the peak frequency of S^{xx}(q,\omega) for each
q approaches the center of the continuum spectrum. On the contrary, the peak
frequency for the inverse-square type moves to the upper edge of the continuum,
and separates from the continuum for the anisotropy larger than the threshold
value. Whether the interaction between domain walls (solitons) is absent or
repulsive in the Ising limit leads to this difference in the behavior of
S^{xx}(q,\omega). In the longitudinal component S^{zz}(q,\omega), on the other
hand, the feature of the dynamics is scarcely different between the two types.
The energy gap and the static properties are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages. A hard copy of 16 figures is available on request.
Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
Direct Observation of Field-Induced Incommensurate Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional S=1/2 Antiferromagnet
Neutron scattering from copper benzoate, Cu(C6D5COO)2 3D2O, provides the
first direct experimental evidence for field-dependent incommensurate low
energy modes in a one-dimensional spin S = 1/2 antiferromagnet. Soft modes
occur for wavevectors q=\pi +- dq(H) where dq(H) ~ 2 \pi M(H)/g\mu_B as
predicted by Bethe ansatz and spinon descriptions of the S = 1/2 chain.
Unexpected was a field-induced energy gap , where
as determined from specific heat measurements. At H = 7 T
(g\mu_B H/J = 0.52), the magnitude of the gap varies from 0.06 - 0.3 J
depending on the orientation of the applied field.Comment: 11 pages, 5 postscript figures, LaTeX, Submitted to PRL 3/31/97,
e-mail comments to [email protected]
Dynamical Properties of the 1/r^2-Type Supersymmetric t-J Model in a Magnetic Field: Manifestation of Spin-Charge Separation
Quasi-particle picture in a magnetic field is pursued for dynamical spin and
charge correlation functions of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model
with inverse-square interaction. With use of exact diagonalization and the
asymptotic Bethe-ansatz equations for finite systems, excitation contents of
relevant excited states are identified which are valid in the thermodynamic
limit. The excitation contents are composed of spinons, antispinons, holons and
antiholons obeying fractional statistics. Both longitudinal and transverse
components of the dynamical spin structure factor are independent of the
electron density in the region where only quasi-particles with spin degrees of
freedom (spinons and antispinons) contribute. The dynamical charge structure
factor does not depend on the spin-polarization density in the region where
only quasi-particles with charge (holons and antiholons) are excited. These
features indicate the strong spin-charge separation in dynamics, reflecting the
high symmetry of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table (PS file), 15 figures (JPEG file). Submitted to J.
Phys. Soc. Jp
Spectral functions of the 1D Hubbard model in the U -> \infty limit: How to use the factorized wave-function
We give the details of the calculation of the spectral functions of the 1D
Hubbard model using the spin-charge factorized wave-function for several
versions of the U -> +\infty limit. The spectral functions are expressed as a
convolution of charge and spin dynamical correlation functions. A procedure to
evaluate these correlation functions very accurately for large systems is
developed, and analytical results are presented for the low energy region.
These results are fully consistent with the conformal field theory. We also
propose a direct method of extracting the exponents from the matrix elements in
more general cases.Comment: 15 pages,7 eps figures, RevTeX, needs epsf and multico
Tunneling in the topological mechanism of superconductivity
We compute the two-particle matrix element and Josephson tunneling amplitude
in a two-dimensional model of topological superconductivity which captures the
physics of the doped Mott insulator. The hydrodynamics of topological
electronic liquid consists of the compressible charge sector and the
incompressible chiral topological spin liquid. We show that ground states
differing by an odd number of particles are orthogonal and insertion of two
extra electrons is followed by the emission of soft modes of the transversal
spin current. The orthogonality catastrophe makes the physics of
superconductivity drastically different from the BCS-theory but similar to the
physics of one-dimensional electronic liquids. The wave function of a pair is
dressed by soft modes. As a result the two particle matrix element forms a
complex d-wave representation (i.e., changes sign under degree
rotation), although the gap in the electronic spectrum has no nodes. In
contrast to the BCS-theory the tunneling amplitude has an asymmetric broad peak
(much bigger than the gap) around the Fermi surface. We develop an operator
algebra, that allows one to compute other correlation functions.Comment: 18 pages, 2 eps figures, revtex, psfig, significant changes have been
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