1,568 research outputs found

    Pressure dependence of the oxygen isotope effect in YBa2_2Cu4_4O8_8

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    We have carried out measurements of the pressure dependence to 1.2 GPa of the oxygen isotope effect on TcT_c in the high-TcT_c superconductor YBa2_2Cu4_4O8_8 using a clamp cell in a SQUID magnetometer. This compound lies close to, but just above, the 1/8th^{th} doping point where in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 marked anomalies in isotope effects occur. Both isotopes show the same very large pressure dependence of TcT_c with the result that the isotope exponent remains low (∼\sim0.08) but increases slightly with increasing pressure. This is discussed in terms of stripe suppression, a competing pseudogap and the effect of superconducting fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamic properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 calculated from the electronic dispersion

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    The electronic dispersion for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d) has been determined from angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). From this dispersion we calculate the entropy and superfluid density. Even with no adjustable parameters we obtain an exceptional match with experimental data across the entire phase diagram, thus indirectly confirming both the ARPES and thermodynamic data. The van Hove singularity is crossed in the overdoped region giving a distinctive linear-in-T temperature dependence in the superfluid density there.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observed in the thermopower of underdoped cuprates

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    We calculate the diffusion thermoelectric power of high-Tc cuprates using the resonating-valence-bond spin-liquid model developed by Yang, Rice and Zhang (YRZ). In this model, reconstruction of the energy-momentum dispersion results in a pseudogap in the density of states that is heavily asymmetric about the Fermi level. The subsequent asymmetry in the spectral conductivity is found to account for the large magnitude and temperature dependence of the thermopower observed in underdoped cuprates. In addition we find evidence in experimental data for electron pockets in the Fermi surface, arising from a YRZ-like reconstruction, near the onset of the pseudogap in the slightly overdoped regime.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    Saddle-point van Hove singularity and the phase diagram of high-Tc cuprates

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    We examine the generic phase behavior of high-Tc cuprate superconductors in terms a universal van Hove singularity in the strongly overdoped region. Using a rigid ARPES-derived dispersion we solve the BCS gap equation and show that the pairing interaction or pairing energy cutoff must be a rapidly declining function of doping. This result is prejudicial to a phonon-based pairing interaction and more consistent with a magnetic or magnetically enhanced interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Anomalous peak in the superconducting condensate density of cuprate high T_{c} superconductors at a unique critical doping state

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    The doping dependence of the superconducting condensate density, n_{s}^{o}, has been studied by muon-spin-rotation for Y_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}Ba_{2}(Cu_{1-z}Zn_{z})_{3}O_{7-\delta} and Tl_{0.5-y}Pb_{0.5+y}Sr_{2}Ca_{1-x}Y_{x}Cu_{2}O_{7}. We find that n_{s}^{o} exhibits a pronounced peak at a unique doping state in the slightly overdoped regime. Its position coincides with the critical doping state where the normal state pseudogap first appears depleting the electronic density of states. A surprising correlation between n_{s}^{o} and the condensation energy U_{o} is observed which suggests unconventional behavior even in the overdoped region.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Absence of an isotope effect in the magnetic resonance in high-TcT_c superconductors

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    An inelastic neutron scattering experiment has been performed in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.89\rm YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.89} to search for an oxygen-isotope shift of the well-known magnetic resonance mode at 41 meV. Contrary to a recent prediction (I. Eremin, {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 69}, 094517 (2004)), a negligible shift (at best ≤\leq +0.2 meV) of the resonance energy is observed upon oxygen isotope substitution (16^{16}O→18\to^{18}O). This suggests a negligible spin-phonon interaction in the high-TcT_c cuprates at optimal doping.Comment: 3 figure

    The superfluid density in cuprate high-Tc superconductors - a new paradigm

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    The doping dependence of the superfluid density, r_s, of high-Tc superconductors is usually considered in the context of the Uemura relation, namely Tc proportional to rs, which is generally assumed to apply in the underdoped regime. We show that a modified plot of Tc/Do versus rs, where Do is the maximum d-wave gap at T=0, exhibits universal features that point to an alternative interpretation of the underlying physics. In the underdoped region this plot exhibits the canonical negative curvature expected when a ground-state correlation competes with superconductivity (SC) by opening up a gap in the normal-state DOS. In particular rs is suppressed much faster than Tc/Do or indeed Tc. The pseudogap is found to strongly modify the SC ground state.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted Phys. Rev. Let
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