1,402 research outputs found

    Eighteen Degree Water variability

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    The Eighteen Degree Water of the western North Atlantic is formed by deep convection in winter. The circulation and changing properties of Eighteen Degree Water are studied using hydrographic data from a long time series at the Panulirus station (32°10\u27N, 64°30\u27W) and from the Gulf Stream \u2760 experiment...

    Kentucky Alfalfa Conference: A Team Approach to Alfalfa Education and Technology Transfer

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    Alfalfa has played an important role in providing farmers of Kentucky with a high yielding, high quality, persistent forage legume for many years. In 1980, a group of individuals under the leadership of University of Kentucky Forage Extension Specialists organized and implemented the first statewide educational event on alfalfa. This initial meeting gave rise to the Kentucky Alfalfa Conference that celebrated it’s twentieth anniversary in February 2000. This annual event has been co-sponsored by the University of Kentucky, Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council, along with other state and national groups including Certified Alfalfa Seed Council, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Beef Cattle Association and Kentucky Pride Hay Growers Association. It has been supported annually by many agribusiness groups. Over the past twenty years, the conference has recorded an average of 250 producers each year. Statewide hectarage of alfalfa has more than doubled and overall quality has been improved. The conference has expanded beyond the state and has become a regional event

    Effects of eddy vorticity forcing on the mean state of the Kuroshio Extension

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (2015): 1356–1375, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0259.1.Eddy–mean flow interactions along the Kuroshio Extension (KE) jet are investigated using a vorticity budget of a high-resolution ocean model simulation, averaged over a 13-yr period. The simulation explicitly resolves mesoscale eddies in the KE and is forced with air–sea fluxes representing the years 1995–2007. A mean-eddy decomposition in a jet-following coordinate system removes the variability of the jet path from the eddy components of velocity; thus, eddy kinetic energy in the jet reference frame is substantially lower than in geographic coordinates and exhibits a cross-jet asymmetry that is consistent with the baroclinic instability criterion of the long-term mean field. The vorticity budget is computed in both geographic (i.e., Eulerian) and jet reference frames; the jet frame budget reveals several patterns of eddy forcing that are largely attributed to varicose modes of variability. Eddies tend to diffuse the relative vorticity minima/maxima that flank the jet, removing momentum from the fast-moving jet core and reinforcing the quasi-permanent meridional meanders in the mean jet. A pattern associated with the vertical stretching of relative vorticity in eddies indicates a deceleration (acceleration) of the jet coincident with northward (southward) quasi-permanent meanders. Eddy relative vorticity advection outside of the eastward jet core is balanced mostly by vertical stretching of the mean flow, which through baroclinic adjustment helps to drive the flanking recirculation gyres. The jet frame vorticity budget presents a well-defined picture of eddy activity, illustrating along-jet variations in eddy–mean flow interaction that may have implications for the jet’s dynamics and cross-frontal tracer fluxes.A. S. Delman (ASD) and J. L. McClean (JLM) were supported by NSF Grant OCE-0850463 and Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, Grant DE-FG02-05ER64119. ASD and J. Sprintall were also supported by a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF), Grant NNX13AM93H. JLM was also supported by U.S. DOE Office of Science grant entitled “Ultra-High Resolution Global Climate Simulation” via a Los Alamos National Laboratory subcontract. S. R. Jayne was supported by NSF Grant OCE-0849808. Computational resources for the model run were provided by NSF Resource Grants TG-OCE110013 and TG-OCE130010.2015-11-0

    Wastewater Sample Site Selection to Estimate Geographically Resolved Community Prevalence of COVID-19: A Sampling Protocol Perspective

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    Wastewater monitoring for virus infections within communities can complement conventional clinical surveillance. Currently, most SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) clinical testing is voluntary and inconsistently available, except for a few occupational and educational settings, and therefore likely underrepresents actual population prevalence. Randomized testing on a regular basis to estimate accurate population-level infection rates is prohibitively costly and is hampered by a range of limitations and barriers associated with participation in clinical research. In comparison, community-level fecal monitoring can be performed through wastewater surveillance to effectively surveil communities. However, epidemiologically defined protocols for wastewater sample site selection are lacking. Herein, we describe methods for developing a geographically resolved population-level wastewater sampling approach in Jefferson County, Kentucky, and present preliminary results. Utilizing this site selection protocol, samples (n = 237) were collected from 17 wastewater catchment areas, September 8 to October 30, 2020 from one to four times per week in each area and compared to concurrent clinical data aggregated to wastewater catchment areas and county level. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was consistently present in wastewater during the studied period, and varied by area. Data obtained using the site selection protocol showed variation in geographically resolved wastewater SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration compared to clinical rates. These findings highlight the importance of neighborhood-equivalent spatial scales and provide a promising approach for viral epidemic surveillance, thus better guiding spatially targeted public health mitigation strategies

    Horn Fly Control and Growth Implants are Effective Strategies for Heifers Grazing Flint Hills Pasture

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    Horn flies (Haematobia irritans (L.)) are considered the most important external parasite that negatively affects pasture-based beef systems with losses estimated to exceed $1 billion annually to the U.S. beef industry. Control strategies have relied heavily on insecticide applications to control horn flies and are implemented when the economic threshold of 200 flies/animal have been exceeded. When horn fly populations are maintained below 200 flies/animal by treating them with insecticides then the level of stress annoyance behaviors such as leg stomping, head throwing, and skin twitching decreases while grazing increases. While most stocker operators utilize some type of fly control these are rarely used as a single pharmaceutical technology to aid in performance of the animals. Additional pharmaceutical technologies are utilized in combination of others, with the use of de-wormers and implants showing the largest impact with performance of stockers. The objective of this study was to compare a commercial injectable insecticide, LongRange, to an insecticidal ear tag for horn fly control and determine the impact of weight performance on stockers when fly control technologies were used in combination with implants versus no implants

    Scattering and leapfrogging of vortex rings in a superfluid

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    The dynamics of vortex ring pairs in the homogeneous nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is studied. The generation of numerically-exact solutions of traveling vortex rings is described and their translational velocity compared to revised analytic approximations. The scattering behavior of co-axial vortex rings with opposite charge undergoing collision is numerically investigated for different scattering angles yielding a surprisingly simple result for its dependence as a function of the initial vortex ring parameters. We also study the leapfrogging behavior of co-axial rings with equal charge and compare it with the dynamics stemming from a modified version of the reduced equations of motion from a classical fluid model derived using the Biot-Savart law.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Global patterns of diapycnal mixing from measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate

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    The authors present inferences of diapycnal diffusivity from a compilation of over 5200 microstructure profiles. As microstructure observations are sparse, these are supplemented with indirect measurements of mixing obtained from (i) Thorpe-scale overturns from moored profilers, a finescale parameterization applied to (ii) shipboard observations of upper-ocean shear, (iii) strain as measured by profiling floats, and (iv) shear and strain from full-depth lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP) and CTD profiles. Vertical profiles of the turbulent dissipation rate are bottom enhanced over rough topography and abrupt, isolated ridges. The geography of depth-integrated dissipation rate shows spatial variability related to internal wave generation, suggesting one direct energy pathway to turbulence. The global-averaged diapycnal diffusivity below 1000-m depth is O(10?4) m2 s?1 and above 1000-m depth is O(10?5) m2 s?1. The compiled microstructure observations sample a wide range of internal wave power inputs and topographic roughness, providing a dataset with which to estimate a representative global-averaged dissipation rate and diffusivity. However, there is strong regional variability in the ratio between local internal wave generation and local dissipation. In some regions, the depth-integrated dissipation rate is comparable to the estimated power input into the local internal wave field. In a few cases, more internal wave power is dissipated than locally generated, suggesting remote internal wave sources. However, at most locations the total power lost through turbulent dissipation is less than the input into the local internal wave field. This suggests dissipation elsewhere, such as continental margins

    Abuse in Women and Men with and without Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

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    We aimed to investigate the history of abuse in childhood and adulthood and health-related quality of life (HRQL) in women and men with FGID in the general adult population. A cross-sectional study in a random population sample (n = 1,537, 20–87 years) living in Östhammar municipality, Sweden, in 1995 was performed. Persons with FGID (n = 141) and a group of abdominal symptom-free controls (SSF, n = 97) were selected by means of a validated questionnaire assessing gastrointestinal symptoms (the ASQ). Abuse, anxiety and depression (the HADS) and HRQL (the PGWB) were measured. Women with FGID had a higher risk of having a history of some kind of abuse, as compared with the SSF controls (45% vs.16%, OR = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.01–3.9; SSF = 1), in contrast to men (29% vs. 24% n.s.). Women with a history of abuse and FGID had reduced HRQL 91 (95% CI 85–97) as compared with women without abuse history 100 (95% CI 96–104, P = 0.01, “healthy” = 102–105 on PGWB). Childhood emotional abuse was a predictor for consulting with OR = 4.20 (95% CI: 1.12–15.7.7). Thus, previous abuse is common in women with FGID and must be considered by the physician for diagnosis and treatment of the disorder

    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding ticks, tick-borne pathogens, and tick prevention among beef producers in Oklahoma

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    Tick-borne diseases are increasing in the United States, with regional need to understand how knowledge of ticks translates into preventative behavior among specific occupational groups. Little is known regarding what livestock producers know about ticks and their perceived personal and herd-based risk despite being one of the largest agro-industries in the United States. Using a nonprobability convenience sampling protocol, 183 beef producers representing 65% of the counties in Oklahoma completed a 15-question survey focused on knowledge of ticks and perceived risks ticks pose to their cattle and themselves, their methods of prevention (personal and their cattle), and sources of information. Most producers thought ticks were not a major problem for their cattle (58%), themselves, their families, and those who worked for them (66%). Most were personally concerned about spotted fever group rickettsiosis (79%) but had never heard of ehrlichiosis (9%). Eighty-five percent used at least one type of personal protective behavior, and 86% used at least one source of information for issues with ticks on their cattle. As the first published tick-focused survey involving livestock producers in the United States, it is apparent that beef producers in the central region are cognizant of ticks on their cattle and perceive ticks to be a risk on some level. However, increasing their knowledge of all areas of ticks and tick-borne pathogens, especially preventative measures for humans and cattle, is needed.Peer reviewedEntomology and Plant PathologyAnimal and Food Science