90 research outputs found

    Financing Port Dredging Costs: Taxes Versus User Fees

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    The article examines the use of user fee and tax programs to finance the cost of port dredging. The article discusses the U.S. Water Resources Development Act, the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, the Harbor Maintenance Tax, which is an ad valorem tax on the cargo\u27s value, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, articles from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, national user fee program proposals by the former U.S. President Bill Clinton administration, Moriarity\u27s Rule, and the Shapley Value Rule

    Determinants of the Probability of Ship Injuries

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    This study investigates determinants of the probability that an individual onboard a ship of a given shipping line will be injured (given that the ship is not involved in an accident). A Probit regression statistical model is used to investigate such determinants when ships are in port and on given types of containerships. Probit estimation results suggest that an individual is less likely to be injured in port onboard a ship that is larger in size and underway, but more likely to be injured if involved in a fall. An individual is less likely to be injured onboard a containership with AMO union officers if it is larger in size and during the daytime. An individual is less likely to be injured onboard a containership with MEBA and MMP union officers if it is larger in size, when the weather is clear and when he/she is wearing steel-toed safety boots

    Modeling of Commercial Maritime Port Recoverability from Security Disruptions: Work-in-Progress

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    This article describes active research in commercial maritime port\u27s recovery from security disruptions which explores the synergy of economic and simulation models in investigating the recoverability of ports after security incidents. Previous study has identified decision variables and throughput simulation models of port operation. However, none of these models have been utilized to investigate port\u27s recovery from a security disruption and in evaluating recoverability investments. The method of research includes analysis of recorded disruptions, identification of impediments to recovery and investment criteria for recoverability. This article provides managers insight into including security and continuity of operation in managing various types of systems

    The Effects of Subsidies on Public Transit Long-Run Costs

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    This paper investigates sources of public transit long-run cost increases attributable to transit subsidies. The sources include wage, vehicle capital price and service increases. Service expansion is found to be the major source. Transit cost increases related to subsidies are classified as input price, output and finance effects of these subsidies. Transit costs are more responsive to federal operating subsidies, followed in declining order by local operating, state operating and capital subsidies, respectively

    Determinants of injuries in passenger vessel accidents

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Accident Analysis & Prevention 82 (2015): 112-117, doi:10.1016/j.aap.2015.05.025.This paper investigates determinants of crew and passenger injuries in passenger vessel accidents. Crew and passenger injury equations are estimated for ferry, ocean cruise, and river cruise vessel accidents, utilizing detailed data of individual vessel accidents that were investigated by the U.S. Coast Guard during the time period 2001-2008. The estimation results provide empirical evidence (for the first time in the literature) that crew injuries are determinants of passenger injuries in passenger vessel accidents.This study was partially funded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Code: A-PL59). Di Jin would like to thank the support from the J. Seward Johnson Fund in Support of the Marine Policy Center of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Determinants of the severity of cruise vessel accidents

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 13 (2008): 86-94, doi:10.1016/j.trd.2007.12.001.This study investigates determinants of the property damage and injury severities of cruise vessel accidents. Detailed data of individual cruise vessel accidents for the 11-year time period 1991-2001 that were investigated by the U.S. Coast Guard were used to estimate cruise-vessel accident property damage and injury severity equations. The estimation results suggest that cruise vessel damage cost per vessel gross ton is greater for: allision, collision, equipment-failure, explosion, fire, flooding, and grounding cruise vessel accidents than for other types of accidents and a human cause. The accident injury severity is greater for ocean cruise than for inland waterway and harbor/dinner cruise vessel accidents and a human cause. The unit damage cost of $207 for explosion accidents is greater than that for other types of accidents. If the accident is caused by a human factor, the probability of non-fatal and fatal injuries increases by 0.0877 and 0.0077, respectively