24 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Instrument Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - Adult Form

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    Objective: to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - (RHDS) Adult Form for use in Brazil. Method: a methodological study was conducted in 2015, in Brazil’s federal capital, following the eight stages scientifically established. Results: analysis proved the maintenance of semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalences and kept both the face and content validity of the original version. The judging committee and the pre-test participants declared they understood the RHDS items and answer scale. Conclusion: the instrument is culturally adapted for Brazil and can be used as one of the stages for planning hospital discharge. Descriptors: Nursing Methodology Research; Transitional Care; Continuity of Patient Care; Patient-Centered Care; Patient Discharg

    Diminished ovarian reserve and adverse reproductive outcomes:Epidemiologic studies on their association

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    Het starten van een gezin op latere leeftijd is een tendens van de laatste vier decennia. Bij de meeste vrouwen daalt de vruchtbaarheid echter vanaf hun mid-dertiger jaren. Dit betekent dat vele paren proberen om zwanger te worden in een periode waarin de fecunditeit van de vrouw, dat wil zeggen de kans op een zwangerschap per cyclus, al afneemt. Deze afname in de kans op zwangerschap is geassocieerd met het verlies van eicellen. Vrouwen worden geboren met een beperkt aantal eicellen dat gedurende de reproductieve levensfase steeds verder afneemt door eisprongen en celdood. Het overgebleven aantal eicellen dat een vrouw op een bepaald moment nog heeft, wordt de ovariële reserve genoemd. Uiteindelijk leidt het verlies aan eicellen tot de overgang (menopauze). Behalve een afname in het aantal eicellen neemt ook de kwaliteit van deze eicellen af als de vrouw ouder wordt. Hierdoor neemt met het stijgen van de leeftijd haar kans op een zwangerschap met een chromosomale afwijking toe, met name de kans op een trisomie (bijvoorbeeld Down syndroom) of een miskraam. Het is onduidelijk of de afname van het aantal eicellen, de ovariële reserve, in direct verband staat met de afname van de kwaliteit van de resterende eicellen. Dit proefschrift onderzoekt de hypothese dat een verminderde eicelvoorraad geassocieerd is met een lagere kwaliteit van de resterende eicellen, hetgeen leidt tot een verhoogd risico op een miskraam of trisomie zwangerschap. In dit proefschrift worden drie afgeleiden voor verminderde ovariële reserve gebruikt: 1) een operatie aan de eierstokken (ovariële chirurgie), 2) een lage hoeveelheid eicellen bij een IVF-behandeling met hormoonstimulatie en 3) blootstelling aan sigarettenrook in de baarmoeder, dat wil zeggen dat de moeder rookte toen ze zwanger was van de vrouw die wordt onderzocht. Als afgeleide van verminderde eicelkwaliteit zijn zwangerschap van een vrucht met een trisomie en miskraam gebruikt. Bovendien veronderstelden we dat blootstelling aan sigarettenrook in de baarmoeder door schade aan de eierstokken leidt tot een verminderde ovariële reserve vroeg in het leven en daardoor ook geassocieerd is met menopauze op jongere leeftijd

    O uso do espaço livre público nas manifestações culturais em Joinville-SC

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2017.O espaço livre público é o local da vida pública, o principal local de interação social nas cidades, o palco para as manifestações cotidianas da sociedade. Diante da revalorização do espaço livre público como local social, multiplicam-se as demandas pela realização de atividades, eventos e manifestações culturais nestes locais. Entretanto, a influência dessas atividades no uso e na apropriação dos espaços livres públicos é pouco explorada. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar a influência das manifestações culturais no uso da Praça Nereu Ramos. Para isso, caracterizou-se o cenário cultural municipal e foram comparados o uso da praça durante a realização de manifestações culturais e no cotidiano. A metodologia adotada se baseia nos estudos sobre o sistema de espaços livres e sua apropriação, bem como, nos estudos Ambiente-Comportamento. Os principais métodos adotados foram a coleta de dados in loco, através do mapeamento comportamental dos usuários no espaço selecionado e a aplicação de entrevistas. As análises estão estruturadas em três dimensões: Estrutural, Experiencial e Perceptiva. A análise estrutural caracterizou a dinâmica da área central dando enfoque aos espaços livres públicos contidos no centro, em especial a Praça Nereu Ramos. A análise experiencial identificou como a praça é vivenciada, tanto no cotidiano quanto durante a realização de um evento cultural. Essa análise se baseou nos mapas comportamentais para compreender os usos do espaço e nas entrevistas para caracterizar o perfil dos usuários. A análise perceptiva se baseou nas entrevistas para interpretar a percepção que os usuários têm do espaço da praça, em relação à sua infraestrutura e à realização de eventos culturais em espaços públicos da cidade. Como resultado observou-se que a presença do evento cultural atraiu um público específico para a praça que somou novos usos e atividades aos observados no cotidiano, enriquecendo sua vida pública. Entretanto, esse público demostrou uma menor compreensão do espaço, e não estabeleceu relação afetiva com ele, o que demostra um estágio inferior de apropriação em relação ao usuário cotidiano. As políticas públicas de difusão cultural e incentivo ao uso dos espaços livres foram bem avaliadas pelos entrevistados, indicando a necessidade de manutenção e ampliação dessas ações.Abstract : The public open space is the place of public life, the main place of social interactions and the stage for the cultural and everyday manifestations of a society. In face of revaluation of the public space as a social place, demands for the realization of activities, events and cultural manifestations in this public space are multiplying. However, studies explored poorly the influence of these activities on the use and appropriation of these places. This dissertation aims to analyze the influence of cultural manifestations in the use of Nereu Ramos Square. For this, the municipal cultural scene was characterized and the use of the square was compared during a cultural manifestation and in the daily life. The methodology bases on studies about the free space system and its appropriation, as well as, in the Environment-Behavior studies. The main methods adopted were the collection of data in loco, through the behavioral mapping of the users in the selected space and the application of interviews. Analyzes are structured in three dimensions: Structural, Experiential and Perceptive. The structural analysis characterized the dynamics of the central area, giving focus to the public spaces contained in the center, especially the Nereu Ramos Square. The experiential analysis identified how people experienced the square, both in the daily life and during a cultural event. This analysis bases on behavioral maps to understand the uses of space and on interviews to characterize the profile of users. The perceptive analysis uses the interviews to interpret the perception that the users have of the space of the square, in relation to its infrastructure and the presence of cultural events in public spaces of the city. As a result, it was observed that the presence of the cultural event attracted a specific group to the square that added new uses and activities to those observed in daily life, enriching its public life. However, this group has shown less understanding of space, and has not established an affective relationship with it, which demonstrates a lower stage of appropriation than the everyday user. In addition, the interviewees evaluated well the public policies of cultural diffusion and incentive to the use of free spaces, indicating the need to maintain and amplify these actions

    A New Weak Chelator in Endodontics: Effects of Different Irrigation Regimens with Etidronate on Root Dentin Microhardness

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    This study investigated the effect of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA), etidronic (HEBP), and citric acid (CA) associated in different irrigation regimens on root dentin microhardness. Forty-five root halves of single-rooted teeth were sectioned into thirds that were embedded in acrylic resin, polished, randomly assigned into 3 groups, and treated as follows: G1: saline solution; G2: 5% NaOCl + 18% HEBP, mixed in equal parts; and G3: 2.5% NaOCl. After measurements, the G3 samples were distributed into subgroups G4, G5, and G6, which were submitted to 17% EDTA, 10% CA and 9% HEBP, respectively. Following the new measurements, these groups received a final flush with 2.5% NaOCl, producing G7, G8, and G9. Microhardness was measured with Knoop indenter under a 25 g load for 15 seconds, before and after treatments. The data were statistically analyzed using paired Student’s t-test (α<0.05) to compare values before and after treatments and analysis of variance (ANOVA) (α<0.05) to detect any differences among thirds. Except G1, all tested irrigation regimens significantly decreased the microhardness. There were no differences between root thirds before treatments, and all root thirds exhibited equal responses to same treatment. Except saline, all tested irrigation regimens reduced the root dentin microhardness

    Production of chitinolytic enzymes for the preparation of potentially bio-active amino-oligosaccharides

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    Orientadores: Telma Teixeira Franco, Sueli RodriguesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: Estudos sobre quitina e quitosana têm atraído interesse devido à sua possível conversão em oligossacarídeos, que são solúveis em água e apresentam atraentes atividades biológicas. Para este fim, métodos eficazes para a produção de amino-oligossacarídeos (AGO's) potencialmente bioativos são necessários. O trabalho objetivou estudar a viabilidade de Fermentação em Estado Sólido (FES) para a produção de um extrato enzimático adequado para a obtenção de AGO's. Inicialmente foi identificado um fungo adequado para a FES utilizando cascas de camarão como substrato, sendo uma cepa de Trichoderma polysporum selecionada. A otimização das condições da fermentação para obtenção de um extrato enzimático capaz de produzir AGO's com grau de polimerização em torno de 5, grau de polimerização considerado o mínimo adequado para bioatividades foi realizada e as enzimas produzidas por T. polysporum sob diferentes condições de fermentação (submersa e sólida) foram analisados por eletroforese, seguida pela atividade de coloração e por atividades enzimáticas utilizando substratos cromogênicos específicos. Atividades enzimáticas de ß-N-acetilglucosaminidase, quitobiosidase e uma pequena quantidade de exo-quitinase e endo-quitinase foram observadas. O extrato da FES foi utilizado para degradar parcialmente diferentes quitosanas com fração molar de N-acetilglicosamina (FA) de valor 0,27 ou 0,56, e uma quitosana cormecial com FA em torno de 0,15. Os AGO's produzidos foram caracterizados por cromatografia em camada delgada e espectrometria de massa. Uma metodologia para separação de padrões oligoméricos acetilados e desacetilados por cromatografia líquida com detecção amperométrica pulsada dos oligossacarídeos foi desenvolvida e otimizou-se a hidrólise enzimática para produção dos AGO's de quitosanas. Hetero-oligômeros bioativos com grau de polimerização entre 2 e 7 foram produzidos, apresentando atividade antimicrobiana em Pseudomonas syringae e potencializando a explosão oxidativa em células de arroz, utilizando quitosana como elicitor (ambas atividades foram encontradas em concentrações de 50 µg/mL de AGO's)Abstract: Studies on chitin and chitosan have drawn interest because of their possible conversion into oligosaccharides, which are water-soluble and present attractive biological activities. To this end, cost effective methods for the production of potentially bio-active chito-oligosaccharides (COS) are required. In this work we decided to study the feasibility of using solid state fermentation (SSF) for the production of a suitable enzyme extract for the eventual obtention of COS. The first step was the identification of a suitable fungus for solid satet fermentation (SSF) using shrimp shells as a substrate, and a strain of Trichoderma polysporum was eventually selected. The second step involved the optimisation of growth conditions to obtain enzyme preparations capable of producing COS with degrees of polymerisation of at least 5, this typically being the minimum DP for reliable bio-activities. The SSF extract was used to partially degrade different well characterised chitosans with a molar fraction of N-acetylglucosamine (FA) value of 0.27 or 0.56, and a commercial chitosan obtained from Sigma (FA around 0.15). The chitosanolytic enzymes produced by T. polysporum under different fermentation conditions were analysed by electrophoresis followed by activity staining and the enzyme activities of ß-N-acetylglucosaminidase, chitobiosidase and a small amount of exo-chitinase and endo-chitinase were observed. After hydrolysis, the complex mixture was precipitated, and the supernatant containing the COS produced was analysed using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry. We detected the presence of chitinase rather than chitosanase activity and the production of hetero-oligomers with degrees of polymerisation between 2 and 7. The bio-activity of these oligomer mixtures in rice plants cells and against the growth of Pseudomonas syringae was foundedDoutoradoDesenvolvimento de Processos QuímicosDoutor em Engenharia Químic