9 research outputs found

    Effect of O-glycosylation and tyrosinesulfation of leech-derived peptides on binding and inhibitory activity against thrombin

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    Synthesis of sulfated and unsulfated (glyco)peptide fragments of Hirudin P6 (a potent anticoagulant from the leech 'Hirudinaria manillensis') is described. The effect of O-glycosylation and tyrosine sulfation on thrombin binding and peptidolytic activity was investigated, together with the inhibition of fibrinogen cleavage

    Identification of a Catalytic Exosite for Complement Component C4 on the Serine Protease Domain of C1s

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    The classical pathway of complement is crucial to the immune system, but it also contributes to inflammatory diseases when dys-regulated. Binding of the C1 complex to ligands activates the pathway by inducing autoactivation of associated C1r, after which C1r activates C1s. C1s cleaves complement component C4 and then C2 to cause full activation of the system. The interaction between C1s and C4 involves active site and exosite-mediated events, but the molecular details are unknown. In this study, we identified four positively charged amino acids on the serine protease domain that appear to form a catalytic exosite that is required for efficient cleavage of C4. These residues are coincidentally involved in coordinating a sulfate ion in the crystal structure of the protease. Together with other evidence, this pointed to the involvement of sulfate ions in the interaction with the C4 substrate, and we showed that the protease interacts with a peptide from C4 containing three sulfotyrosine residues. We present a molecular model for the interaction between C1s and C4 that provides support for the above data and poses questions for future research into this aspect of complement activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 189: 2365-2373

    CCR7 Sulfotyrosine Enhances CCL21 Binding

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    Chemokines are secreted proteins that direct the migration of immune cells and are involved in numerous disease states. For example, CCL21 (CC chemokine ligand 21) and CCL19 (CC chemokine ligand 19) recruit antigen-presenting dendritic cells and naïve T-cells to the lymph nodes and are thought to play a role in lymph node metastasis of CCR7 (CC chemokine receptor 7)-expressing cancer cells. For many chemokine receptors, N-terminal posttranslational modifications, particularly the sulfation of tyrosine residues, increases the affinity for chemokine ligands and may contribute to receptor ligand bias. Chemokine sulfotyrosine (sY) binding sites are also potential targets for drug development. In light of the structural similarity between sulfotyrosine and phosphotyrosine (pY), the interactions of CCL21 with peptide fragments of CCR7 containing tyrosine, pY, or sY were compared using protein NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy in this study. Various N-terminal CCR7 peptides maintain binding site specificity with Y8-, pY8-, or sY8-containing peptides binding near the α-helix, while Y17-, pY17-, and sY17-containing peptides bind near the N-loop and β3-stand of CCL21. All modified CCR7 peptides showed enhanced binding affinity to CCL21, with sY having the largest effect

    Sulfopeptide probes of the CXCR4/CXCL12 interface reveal oligomer-specific contacts and chemokine allostery

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    Tyrosine sulfation is a post-translational modification that enhances protein–protein interactions and may identify druggable sites in the extracellular space. The G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 is a prototypical example with three potential sulfation sites at positions 7, 12, and 21. Each receptor sulfotyrosine participates in specific contacts with its chemokine ligand in the structure of a soluble, dimeric CXCL12:CXCR4(1–38) complex, but their relative importance for CXCR4 binding and activation by the monomeric chemokine remains undefined. NMR titrations with short sulfopeptides showed that the tyrosine motifs of CXCR4 varied widely in their contributions to CXCL12 binding affinity and site specificity. Whereas the Tyr21 sulfopeptide bound the same site as in previously solved structures, the Tyr7 and Tyr12 sulfopeptides interacted nonspecifically. Surprisingly, the unsulfated Tyr7 peptide occupied a hydrophobic site on the CXCL12 monomer that is inaccessible in the CXCL12 dimer. Functional analysis of CXCR4 mutants validated the relative importance of individual CXCR4 sulfotyrosine modifications (Tyr21 > Tyr12 > Tyr7) for CXCL12 binding and receptor activation. Biophysical measurements also revealed a cooperative relationship between sulfopeptide binding at the Tyr21 site and CXCL12 dimerization, the first example of allosteric behavior in a chemokine. Future ligands that occupy the sTyr21 recognition site may act as both competitive inhibitors of receptor binding and allosteric modulators of chemokine function. Together, our data suggests that sulfation does not ubiquitously enhance complex affinity and that distinct patterns of tyrosine sulfation could encode oligomer selectivity, implying another layer of regulation for chemokine signaling

    Sulfopeptide Probes of the CXCR4/CXCL12 Interface Reveal Oligomer-Specific Contacts and Chemokine Allostery

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    Tyrosine sulfation is a post-translational modification that enhances protein–protein interactions and may identify druggable sites in the extracellular space. The G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 is a prototypical example with three potential sulfation sites at positions 7, 12, and 21. Each receptor sulfotyrosine participates in specific contacts with its chemokine ligand in the structure of a soluble, dimeric CXCL12:CXCR4(1–38) complex, but their relative importance for CXCR4 binding and activation by the monomeric chemokine remains undefined. NMR titrations with short sulfopeptides showed that the tyrosine motifs of CXCR4 varied widely in their contributions to CXCL12 binding affinity and site specificity. Whereas the Tyr21 sulfopeptide bound the same site as in previously solved structures, the Tyr7 and Tyr12 sulfopeptides interacted nonspecifically. Surprisingly, the unsulfated Tyr7 peptide occupied a hydrophobic site on the CXCL12 monomer that is inaccessible in the CXCL12 dimer. Functional analysis of CXCR4 mutants validated the relative importance of individual CXCR4 sulfotyrosine modifications (Tyr21 > Tyr12 > Tyr7) for CXCL12 binding and receptor activation. Biophysical measurements also revealed a cooperative relationship between sulfopeptide binding at the Tyr21 site and CXCL12 dimerization, the first example of allosteric behavior in a chemokine. Future ligands that occupy the sTyr21 recognition site may act as both competitive inhibitors of receptor binding and allosteric modulators of chemokine function. Together, our data suggests that sulfation does not ubiquitously enhance complex affinity and that distinct patterns of tyrosine sulfation could encode oligomer selectivity, implying another layer of regulation for chemokine signaling

    Tyrosine sulfation of chemokine receptor CCR2 enhances interactions with both monomeric and dimeric forms of the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1).

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    Background: Chemokine receptors are post-translationally sulfated on tyrosine residues. Results: A tyrosine-sulfated fragment of CCR2 binds more tightly to the monomeric form than the dimeric form of the chemokine MCP-1. Conclusion: Binding to sulfated CCR2 promotes conversion of MCP-1 from inactive dimer to active monomer. Significance: Tyrosine sulfation may regulate the ability of chemokine receptors to be activated by chemokines

    Polysialylation controls dendritic cell trafficking by regulating chemokine recognition

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    The addition of polysialic acid to N- and/or O-linked glycans, referred to as polysialylation, is a rare posttranslational modification that is mainly known to control the developmental plasticity of the nervous system. Here we show that CCR7, the central chemokine receptor controlling immune cell trafficking to secondary lymphatic organs, carries polysialic acid. This modification is essential for the recognition of the CCR7 ligand CCL21. As a consequence, dendritic cell trafficking is abrogated in polysialyltransferase-deficient mice, manifesting as disturbed lymph node homeostasis and unresponsiveness to inflammatory stimuli. Structure-function analysis of chemokine-receptor interactions reveals that CCL21 adopts an autoinhibited conformation, which is released upon interaction with polysialic acid. Thus, we describe a glycosylation-mediated immune cell trafficking disorder and its mechanistic basis