16 research outputs found

    Le réapprovisionnement continu dans les réseaux industriels, vers une meilleure gestion des interfaces de la supply chain

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    The replenishment constitutes a determining factor in the optimization of Stream among the operators of a same sector, within the framework of the partnership. In this article we approach the Replenishment as a constituent of the chain of value allowing loosening a competitive advantage within the context of the strategic alliances and of the organizations networking. Our Analysis field concerns the interface supplier's and\or industrial subcontractors - Industrial firms (mechanical engineering industries and electronics) and the interface: industrial suppliers - Distributors (the large-scale distribution). In the end we present the result of the inquest based of the practice in the Replenishment and management the interface for Moroccan's enterprise

    Logistique hospitalière : proposition d’une grille de sélection des indicateurs pour le pilotage de la performance

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    This article deals with the problem of performance of logisticindicator in public hospitals. The objective is the conception of a tool of indicators to pilot the logistic performance in a public hospital. The review of literature on indicators of performance and health care logistics leads us to focus on some important parameters of indicators’ conception and then to model somelogisticsprocesses in hospitals. Our contribution is to reconcilethesetwo blocks of information and to conceive a toolhelping to choose the appropriate performance assessment of the hospitallogistics

    Logistique hospitalière : proposition d’une grille de sélection des indicateurs pour le pilotage de la performance

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    This article deals with the problem of performance of logisticindicator in public hospitals. The objective is the conception of a tool of indicators to pilot the logistic performance in a public hospital. The review of literature on indicators of performance and health care logistics leads us to focus on some important parameters of indicators’ conception and then to model somelogisticsprocesses in hospitals. Our contribution is to reconcilethesetwo blocks of information and to conceive a toolhelping to choose the appropriate performance assessment of the hospitallogistics

    Geoquímica de REE aplicada al estudio genético de la fluorita en el distrito minero de El Hammam (Marruecos Central)

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    The macroscopic and geochemical investigations of REE in fluorites of the mining district of El Hammam reveal several types of fluorite: green massive fluorite (FV type A), green brecciated fluorite (FV type B), white fluorite (FBl) and blue fluorite shaded in yellow (FBj). All these fluorites seem crystallized into four stages that have occurred over time. Thinks to its high REE content, FV type A is the oldest. This is followed by FV type B, FBl, and finally FBj, which are inceasingly depleted in REE. The FV type A and FV type B are attributed to magmatic fluids, associated with lamprophyres and monzogranites respectively. The other fluorites (FBl and FBj) are generated mainly by the remobilization of the green fluorites (FV type A&B), and associated with interaction of magmatic and surficial fluids with the sedimentary and/or metamorphic host rocks. The footprint of basinal fluids becomes increasingly evident when comparing the FBl to FBjLa investigación macroscópica y geoquímica de REE en fluoritas del distrito minero de El Hammam revelan varios tipos de fluorita: fluorita verde masiva (FVtipoA), brechas verdes de fluorita (FVtipoB), blanco de fluorita (FBl) y fluorita azul sombreada en amarillo (FBj). Todas estas fluoritas aparecen cristalizadas en cuatro etapas que se han sucedido en el tiempo. Debido a su contenido de alta REE, FV tipo A puede interpretarse como la más antigua. Esta etapa se continúa con FV tipo B, FBl, y finalmente FBj progresivamente empobrecidas en REE. La FV tipo A y FV tipo B se atribuyen a los fluidos magmáticos, así como diques de lamprófido y monzogranito respectivamente. Las otras fluoritas (FBL y FBj) se generan principalmente por la removilización de las fluoritas verdes (FV tipo A y B), resultante de la interacción de fluidos magmáticos con agua meteórica en relación con las rocas sedimentarias y/o metamórficas del encajante. La impronta de estos fluidos de cuenca se hace cada vez más evidente cuando se compara FBl y FB

    Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Guenfouda Clay Deposit, Jerada Province, Northeastern Morocco

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    peer reviewedThe Guenfouda clay deposit is located at about 36km to the southwest of Oujda city and 6km to the south of Guenfouda village. It belongs to the Jerada Province of the northeastern Morocco and hosted within the Upper Visean calc-alkaline dacite lava interbedded within a schisto-volcanic complex. This deposit is mined for more than 15 years and the product being mainly used for refractories and industrial ceramics. This clay deposit is funnel or trough-like in form, narrowing downwards and display a E–W trend, which follows the major dextral strike-slip fault that passes through the south of the deposit. Based on mineral assemblages, four lateral alteration zones were defined from the north to south parts of the deposit: the Illite zone, the Pyrophyllite-illite zone, the Pyrophyllite zone and the Quartz zone. The presence of high-temperature minerals such as pyrophyllite, diaspore, the alteration zonation pattern and the chemical characteristics are diagnostic of hypogene origin. However, the variation diagrams, Zr vs TiO2 and P2O5 vs SO3 as well as the values of the chemical Index of Weathering (CIW) and the Alteration Index (AI) revealed a mixed type. It seems that the genesis of Guenfouda clay deposit was first controlled by the eastwest strike-slip faults, which brought ascending hydrothermal solutions that led to clay formation and finally, the weathering processes have continued and extended the argillization


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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the evolution of the logistic concept and its strategic position in the process going from the supplier to the client. We process the case of the logistics to the SO.DER.S manufacture. Then, we present results of an inquiry led within different enterprises of the region of Fès. We propose the ways of development of this function and we insist on its contribution in the process of placement at level of Moroccan enterprises rear of the internationalization of markets.Dans cet article, nous présentons l'évolution du concept logistique et sa position stratégique dans le processus allant du fournisseur vers le client. Nous traitons le cas de la logistique à la SODERS. En suite, nous présentons les résultats d'une enquête menée au sein de différentes entreprises de la région de Fès. Nous proposons les voies de développement de cette fonction et nous insistons sur sa contribution dans le processus de mise à niveau des entreprises marocaines à l'aube de la mondialisation des marchés


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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the evolution of the logistic concept and its strategic position in the process going from the supplier to the client. We process the case of the logistics to the SO.DER.S manufacture. Then, we present results of an inquiry led within different enterprises of the region of Fès. We propose the ways of development of this function and we insist on its contribution in the process of placement at level of Moroccan enterprises rear of the internationalization of markets.Dans cet article, nous présentons l'évolution du concept logistique et sa position stratégique dans le processus allant du fournisseur vers le client. Nous traitons le cas de la logistique à la SODERS. En suite, nous présentons les résultats d'une enquête menée au sein de différentes entreprises de la région de Fès. Nous proposons les voies de développement de cette fonction et nous insistons sur sa contribution dans le processus de mise à niveau des entreprises marocaines à l'aube de la mondialisation des marchés

    L’histoire éruptive du volcan monogénique quaternaire de Timahdite (Moyen Atlas, Maroc)

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    Le volcan de Timahdite fait partie de la province volcanique alcaline quaternaire du Moyen Atlas et se compose d’un maar à cratère grossièrement elliptique entouré d’un anneau de tufs, au sein duquel se niche un cône strombolien. Les travaux de cartographie, pétrographie, morphoscopie et granulométrie réalisés sur les dépôts volcaniques de cet appareil montrent que son édification s’est déroulée en quatre phases éruptives qui se relayent dans le temps : (I) une phase phréatomagmatique, (II) une première phase effusive à l’origine du lac de lave, (III) une phase strombolienne et (IV) la phase effusive terminale. La phase phréatomagmatique, engendrée par l’interaction magma-eau, est constituée par des déferlantes basales de plus en plus sèches et entrecoupées de niveaux de retombées. La première phase effusive est représentée par un lac de lave basaltique qui colmate le cratère du maar et déborde vers l’est pour se canaliser dans le lit de l’Oued Guigou. La phase strombolienne se met en place à la suite d’une courte pause représentée par une discordance angulaire synchrone de la mise en place du lac de lave. Cette troisième phase est matérialisée par un cône de scories avec une séquence pyroclastique dominée par des retombées stromboliennes auxquels sont associées des bombes fusiformes et en bouse de vache. La phase effusive terminale correspond à la mise en place de la coulée basaltique terminale et sa brèche qui nappent le sommet et le flanc sud-est du cône. Outre les causes volcanologiques et tectoniques, la variabilité du bilan hydrique de l’Oued Guigou a pu jouer un rôle majeur dans la dynamique de construction du volcan de Timahdite, influençant largement les dynamismes éruptifs et les modalités de dépôts.The Timahdite volcano is part of the Middle Atlas quaternary alkaline volcanic province and consists of a roughly elliptical crater maar surrounded by a tuff ring within which is edified a Strombolian cone. The cartography, petrography, morphoscopy and granulometry work carried out on the volcanic deposits of this edifice show that its construction took place in four eruptive phases which are relayed in time: (I) a phreatomagmatic phase, (II) a first effusive phase at the origin of the lava lake, (III) a Strombolian phase and (IV) the second effusive phase. The phreatomagmatic phase, generated by the magma-water interaction, consists of increasingly dry base surge interstratified with fallout levels. The first effusive phase is represented by a basalt lava lake which overflows the crater of the maar and pours out to the east and channeled into the Oued Guigou valley. The Strombolian phase is set up following a short pause represented by an angular unconformity. This third phase is materialized by a scoria cone with a pyroclastic sequence dominated by Strombolian fallout with ellipsoidal and cow pie bombs. The second effusive phase corresponds to the setup of the second basalt flow and its breccia which cover the top and the south-east flank of the cone. Besides the volcanological and tectonic causes, the variability of the water balance of Oued Guigou could play a major role in the dynamics of construction of the Timahdite volcano, largely influencing the eruptive dynamics and the deposits modalities