552 research outputs found

    Measuring instrument of carbon dioxide concentration in seawater

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    The Measuring instrument of carbon dioxide concentration in seawater (pCO(2)) is developed. The instrument consists of an equilibrator, a non-dispersive infrared gas analyzer (NDIR), a carrier gas generator and a processing signal generator. The equilibrator has a cross section of 3 c㎡ and is 15 cm tall. The principle of pCO(2) measurement is based on the equilibration of a carrier gas phase with a seawater sample and subsequent determination of the carbon dioxide concentration in the carrier gas. The carrier gas circuit of the NDIR is opened to the atmosphere to maintain the carrier gas line at a barometric pressure. The present instrument can measure pCO(2) within the measuring error of about 2 ppm with sample water of about 180ml every 20 min

    The Effects of Free Will Beliefs in Japan: Disbelief in Free Will Impairs Overriding Impulsive Decisions

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    The present research aims at testing the effects of disbelief in free will on overriding impulsive decisions in Japan. Past research conducted in Western countries has found that induced disbelief in free will can weaken motivation of self-control. In the present research, the authors tested the generalizability of the findings in a study involving Japanese students. Results show that participants whose belief in free will was challenged reported less likelihood and desirability of overriding the impulsive decision. These findings suggest that some basic assumptions of the effects of disbelief in free will could be generalized across cultures

    Process and Factors of Self-Directive Lesson Improvement as Learning Effectiveness by Professional Development: In History Lesson Improvement by A.P Magwood

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    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of professional development by H.L Erickson as an educational consultant. For this purpose, this study focuses on history lesson plans presented during a usual teaching day by A.P Magwood̶a social studies teacher. This study attempts to answer the following question: What factors affect lesson improvement of social studies teachers? The findings may be summarized as follows. The aim of the history lesson was “Analyzing U.S. History through concepts to better understand the present.” The teacher refined the construction of the lesson to achieve the aim. In particular, concepts used in the lesson unit changed in quality and quantity. The teacher critically examined and used the theory by the educational consultant. This research has implications for the professional development of social studies teachers

    アメリカ社会科における教員研修の思想と方法 : 社会科教師の資質・能力形成を視点として

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    内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(教育学)Doctor of Philosophy in Educationdoctora

    Development of a Professional Development Program to Promote the Reconfiguration and Exploration of Life Environment Studies as a View of the Subject : Analysis and Discussion of the “Essence” of Life Environment Studies

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    This paper proposes a training program for teachers in charge of life environment studies (LES), including a discussion of the relevant particulars. The development policy for the training program is as follows. The objective of training, in addition to fostering an understanding of the existence of alternative opinions and practices and encouraging reflection on the part of teachers themselves, is to promote the reconfiguration and exploration of how LES is viewed as a curricular subject. For this purpose, the substance of the training program has been set bearing in mind the following three points. The first deals with the opinions and practices of the teachers themselves as well as the plans and other materials developed by them. The second deals with research findings (e.g., academic articles) in the field of LES pedagogy. The third deals with excellent unit case studies and practice-oriented videos. Moreover, I will prepare multiple unit case studies with different unit configurations based on the common LES philosophy of “cultivating the foundations of self-reliance.” Training will be conducted with a focus on analysis and discussion of materials including the unit case studies and lesson videos. Based on the above, I have developed an actual professional development (PD) program for LES. The program is ultimately a model, and its time allocation and contents will require changes depending on the needs and schedules of the participants. To enhance possibilities for critiquing the training program, it has been prepared in the format of a syllabus for use in the developmental study of social studies teaching. The progression of the training is as follows. In the Introduction, after imparting the training objectives, participants study “Why Teach LES?” and “Relationships and Differences between LES and Related Subject Areas (Early Childhood Education, Integrated Learning, Science, and Social Studies).” In Stage 1, participants will gain an understanding of the existence of other options in the curriculum through the following process: cases study analyses of curriculums (year, unit, and lesson planning for LES), followed by plan development and by presentation and discussion. In Stage 2, participants will gain an understanding of the existence of other options in teaching through the following process: analysis of lesson videos, followed by teaching implementation (mock lessons) and by the presentation and discussion of recorded teaching implementations. The Wrap-Up will summarize the overall training program. In addition, participants will also be asked to conduct an evaluation of the training program itself. This program, through a series of training exercises, is intended to facilitate the analysis and discussion of the essence of LES. We believe that this sort of curricular and pedagogical training is also required in the field of LES education.This article translated into Japanese is published in the journal Gakushu Shisutemu Kenkyu, Vol.3

    Development of a Professional Development Program to Promote the Reconfiguration and Exploration of Life Environment Studies as a View of the Subject : Analysis and Discussion of the “Essence” of Life Environment Studies

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    本稿では,生活科を担当する教員の研修プログラムについて,その具体を含めて提案する。 研修プログラムの開発方針は,以下の通りである。研修目標は,異なる実践や意見の存在を把握させ,教師自身の省察を促すとともに,生活科教科観の吟味・再構築を図ることである。そのために,以下の3点に留意して研修内容を設定する。1点目は,教師自身の実践や意見,さらには,彼ら(彼女ら)が開発したプラン等を取り扱う。2点目は,生活科教育学における研究成果(学術論文など)を取り扱う。3点目は,優れた単元事例や実践映像を取り扱う。なお,単元事例に関しては,「自立の基礎を養う」という生活科における共通理念の下,異なる単元構成を持つものを複数設定する。研修は,単元事例や授業映像などの分析・議論を中心におこなう。 以上を踏まえて,実際に生活科教員研修プログラムを開発する。あくまでモデルであり,参加者のニーズやスケジュールに応じて,時間配分や内容を,追加・省略していく必要がある。研修プログラムの批判可能性を高めるために,社会科授業の開発研究で用いられる教授書の形式で作成する。 研修の展開は,次の通りである。導入部は,研修の目標を把握させた上で,「生活科を教える意味」,「生活科と関連科目・領域(幼児教育,総合的な学習,理科,社会科)との関係または違い」について検討する。展開部1は,「カリキュラム(生活科の年間計画・単元計画・授業計画)の事例分析→プラン開発→発表・議論」を通して,カリキュラムにおける他の選択肢の存在を把握する。展開部2は,「指導事例(授業映像)の分析→指導(模擬授業)の実施→実施(録画)した指導の発表・議論」を通して,指導における他の選択肢の存在を把握する。終結部は,研修の総括をする。また,研修自体に対する評価をおこなわせる。 本プログラムは,一連の研修を通して,「生活科らしさ(=本質)」を分析・議論していくものとなっている。このような教科教育学的な研修が,生活科教育においても求められるのではないか。This paper proposes a training program for teachers in charge of life environment studies (LES), including a discussion of the relevant particulars. The development policy for the training program is as follows. The objective of training, in addition to fostering an understanding of the existence of alternative opinions and practices and encouraging reflection on the part of teachers themselves, is to promote the reconfiguration and exploration of how LES is viewed as a curricular subject. For this purpose, the substance of the training program has been set bearing in mind the following three points. The first deals with the opinions and practices of the teachers themselves as well as the plans and other materials developed by them. The second deals with research findings (e.g., academic articles) in the field of LES pedagogy. The third deals with excellent unit case studies and practice-oriented videos. Moreover, I will prepare multiple unit case studies with different unit configurations based on the common LES philosophy of “cultivating the foundations of self-reliance.” Training will be conducted with a focus on analysis and discussion of materials including the unit case studies and lesson videos. Based on the above, I have developed an actual professional development (PD) program for LES. The program is ultimately a model, and its time allocation and contents will require changes depending on the needs and schedules of the participants. To enhance possibilities for critiquing the training program,it has been prepared in the format of a syllabus for use in the developmental study of social studies teaching. The progression of the training is as follows. In the Introduction, after imparting the training objectives, participants study “Why Teach LES?” and “Relationships and Differences between LES and Related Subject Areas (Early Childhood Education, Integrated Learning, Science, and Social Studies).” In Stage 1,participants will gain an understanding of the existence of other options in the curriculum through the following process: cases study analyses of curriculums (year, unit, and lesson planning for LES), followed by plan development and by presentation and discussion. In Stage 2, participants will gain an understanding of the existence of other options in teaching through the following process: analysis of lesson videos, followed by teaching implementation (mock lessons) and by the presentation and discussion of recorded teaching implementations. The Wrap-Up will summarize the overall training program. In addition, participants will also be asked to conduct an evaluation of the training program itself. This program, through a series of training exercises, is intended to facilitate the analysis and discussion of the essence of LES. We believe that this sort of curricular and pedagogical training is also required in the field of LES education

    The Development and Characteristics of Teacher Education in Early Life Environment Studies : Practices to Share the Essence of the Subject <Research Article>

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    本稿では,1992年の完全実施前後から1998年の学習指導要領改訂頃に注目し,初期生活科における教師教育論の展開と特質を明らかにする。分析対象としては,大学用テキストを取り上げる。初期生活科においては,どのような生活科教師の育成が目指されていたのか。それをどのように育成しようとしたのか。これらの問いを検討した。結果,以下の2点が明らかになった。第1に,教科の本質を教師たちと共有することが目指されている。第2に教科の本質を捉えさせる方法には,4つのパタンを見出すことができる。それらは,理論的説明型,代替案提示型,授業事実による構築型,人生経験による構築型である。理論的説明型は,子どもの学習を重視するものと,子どもを取り巻く社会を重視するものに分かれる。このような初期生活科の教師教育論は,教科教育における教員養成・研修の根源的なあり方を示している。This study focuses on teacher education for life environment studies (LES) from around 1992 to 1998 and aims to clarify the development and characteristics of teacher education in early LES through an analysis of LES textbooks for pre-service teachers. The following two questions are addressed: (1) What kind of LES teachers were intended to be produced in early LES? (2) How were they intended to be produced? The analysis revealed two points. First, the aim of sharing the essence of the subject with pre/in-service teachers. Second, the results show four different approaches to conveying an understanding of the essence of the subject: (1) the theoretical explanation type, (2) the alternative presentation type, (3) the construction from lessons type, and (4) the construction from life experiences type. The first of these is further divided into a child's-learning-oriented type and a society-surrounding-the-child type. This research may help design teacher education in relation to curriculum and instruction