406 research outputs found

    Mobile Healthcare System for Preventive of Metabolic Syndrome

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    Recently, metabolic syndrome affects a great number of people in Japan. Glycemic control can delay the onset and slow the progression of vascular complications. Lifestyle modification including weight reduction can contribute significantly to glycemic control. This paper describes the mobile application of the healthcare support system for metabolic patients

    Molecular interactions of the redox-active accessory chlorophyll on the electron-donor side of photosystem II as studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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    AbstractA Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum upon photooxidation of the accessory chlorophyll (Chlz) of photosystem II (PS II) was obtained at 210 K with Mn-depleted PS II membranes in the presence of fericyanide and silicomolybdate. The observed Chlz+/Chlz spectrum showed two differential bands at 1747/1736 and 1714/1684 cm−. The former was assigned to the free carbomethoxy C = 0 and the latter to the keto C = 0 that is hydrogen-bonded or in a highly polar environment. Also, the negative 1614 cm− band assignable to the macrocycle mode indicated 5-coordination of the central Mg. The negative 1660 cm−1 band, possibly due to the strongly hydrogen-bonded keto C = 0, may suggest oxidation of one more Chlz, although an alternative assignment, the amide I mode of proteins perturbed by Chlz oxidation, is also possible

    Are two nucleons bound in lattice QCD for heavy quark masses? -- Consistency check with L\"uscher's finite volume formula --

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    On the basis of the L\"uscher's finite volume formula, a simple test (consistency check or sanity check) is introduced and applied to inspect the recent claims of the existence of the nucleon-nucleon (NNNN) bound state(s) for heavy quark masses in lattice QCD. We show that the consistency between the scattering phase shifts at k2>0k^2 > 0 and/or k2<0k^2 < 0 obtained from the lattice data and the behavior of phase shifts from the effective range expansion (ERE) around k2=0k^2=0 exposes the validity of the original lattice data, otherwise such information is hidden in the energy shift ΔE\Delta E of the two nucleons on the lattice. We carry out this sanity check for all the lattice results in the literature claiming the existence of the NNNN bound state(s) for heavy quark masses, and find that (i) some of the NNNN data show clear inconsistency between the behavior of ERE at k2>0k^2 > 0 and that at k2<0k^2 < 0, (ii) some of the NNNN data exhibit singular behavior of the low energy parameter (such as the divergent effective range) at k2<0k^2<0, (iii) some of the NNNN data have the unphysical residue for the bound state pole in S-matrix, and (iv) the rest of the NNNN data are inconsistent among themselves. Furthermore, we raise a caution of using the ERE in the case of the multiple bound states. Our finding, together with the fake plateau problem previously pointed out by the present authors, brings a serious doubt on the existence of the NNNN bound states for pion masses heavier than 300 MeV in the previous studies.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures, and 11 tables, title changed, references and comment adde

    Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical quark masses -- Nuclear forces and ΞΞ\Xi\Xi forces --

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    We present the latest lattice QCD results for baryon interactions obtained at nearly physical quark masses. Nf=2+1N_f = 2+1 nonperturbatively O(a){\cal O}(a)-improved Wilson quark action with stout smearing and Iwasaki gauge action are employed on the lattice of (96a)^4 \simeq (8.1\mbox{fm})^4 with a12.3a^{-1} \simeq 2.3 GeV, where mπ146m_\pi \simeq 146 MeV and mK525m_K \simeq 525 MeV. In this report, we study the two-nucleon systems and two-Ξ\Xi systems in 1S0^1S_0 channel and 3S1^3S_1-3D1^3D_1 coupled channel, and extract central and tensor interactions by the HAL QCD method. We also present the results for the NΩN\Omega interaction in 5S2^5S_2 channel which is relevant to the NΩN\Omega pair-momentum correlation in heavy-ion collision experiments.Comment: Talk given at 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), Granada, Spain, 18-24 Jun 2017, 8 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0160

    NΩN\Omega dibaryon from lattice QCD near the physical point

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    The nucleon(NN)-Omega(Ω\Omega) system in the S-wave and spin-2 channel (5^5S2_2) is studied from the (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD with nearly physical quark masses (mπ146m_\pi \simeq 146~MeV and mK525m_K \simeq 525~MeV). The time-dependent HAL QCD method is employed to convert the lattice QCD data of the two-baryon correlation function to the baryon-baryon potential and eventually to the scattering observables. The NΩN\Omega(5^5S2_2) potential, obtained under the assumption that its couplings to the D-wave octet-baryon pairs are small, is found to be attractive in all distances and to produce a quasi-bound state near unitarity: In this channel, the scattering length, the effective range and the binding energy from QCD alone read a0=5.30(0.44)(0.01+0.16)a_0= 5.30(0.44)(^{+0.16}_{-0.01})~fm, reff=1.26(0.01)(0.01+0.02)r_{\rm eff} = 1.26(0.01)(^{+0.02}_{-0.01})~fm, B=1.54(0.30)(0.10+0.04)B = 1.54(0.30)(^{+0.04}_{-0.10})~MeV, respectively. Including the extra Coulomb attraction, the binding energy of pΩp\Omega^-(5^5S2_2) becomes BpΩ=2.46(0.34)(0.11+0.04)B_{p\Omega^-} = 2.46(0.34)(^{+0.04}_{-0.11})~MeV. Such a spin-2 pΩp\Omega^- state could be searched through two-particle correlations in pp-pp, pp-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, a reference adde

    Towards Lattice QCD Baryon Forces at the Physical Point: First Results

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    Lattice QCD calculations of baryon forces are performed for the first time with (almost) physical quark masses. Nf=2+1N_f = 2+1 dynamical clover fermion gauge configurations are generated at the lattice spacing of a0.085a \simeq 0.085 fm on a (96a)4(8.2fm)4(96 a)^4 \simeq (8.2 {\rm fm})^4 lattice with quark masses corresponding to (mπ,mK)(146,525)(m_\pi, m_K) \simeq (146, 525) MeV. Baryon forces are calculated using the time-dependent HAL QCD method. In this report, we study ΞΞ\Xi\Xi and NNNN systems both in 1S0^1S_0 and 3S1^3S_1-3D1^3D_1 channels, and the results for the central and tensor forces as well as phase shifts in the ΞΞ\Xi\Xi (1S0)(^1S_0) channel are presented.Comment: Talk given at the 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), Sendai, Japan, 7-12 Sep 2015, 4 pages, 6 figure