98 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced phase transition for single crystalline LaO0.5F0.5BiSe2

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    We have demonstrated a pressure-induced phase transition from a low-Tc phase to a high-Tc phase in a single crystal of the superconductor LaO0.5F0.5BiSe2. The high-Tc phase appears at 2.16 GPa and the maximum superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is observed at 6.7 K under 2.44 GPa. Although the anisotropy ({\gamma}) for the low-Tc phase is estimated to be 20, it is reduced by around half (9.3) in the high-Tc phase. This tendency is the same for the BiS2 system. The Tc of LaO0.5F0.5BiSe2 has continued to increase up to the maximum pressure of this study (2.44 GPa). Therefore applied further pressure has the potential to induce a much higher Tc in this system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Integrated effects of thermal acclimation and challenge temperature on cellular immunity in the plusiine moth larvae Chrysodeixis eriosoma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Temperature is one of the most influential factors for animals. The acclimation (rearing) and challenge temperatures are often more important than the given temperature per se. These effects on physiological responses have been known, but not well understood on immune responses. Here, we investigated the integrated effects of rearing and challenge temperatures on haemocyte populations in larvae of a plusiine moth, Chrysodeixis eriosoma. We hypothesize that the haemocyte concentration is decreased (increased) at higher (lower) temperatures from rearing temperatures and that the proportions of haemocyte types exhibit directional changes at higher (lower) temperatures to compensate for immune reactions. We expect that increasing (decreasing) the challenge temperature from the rearing temperature enhances (reduces) phagocytic activity. We found that higher temperatures slightly decreased the haemocyte concentration. We detected small changes in the proportions of haemocyte types among rearing temperatures, but the changes were non‐directional and most of them were statistically insignificant. We also found the integrated effects only with increases in the challenge temperatures, which resulted in increased phagocytosis, whereas no apparent reactions were detected with decreases in the challenge temperatures. Our results show that the haemocyte concentration is significantly affected by the rearing temperature, which implies that haematopoiesis depends on the ambient temperature.We discuss some adaptive and non‐adaptive components for the positive integrated effects of increases in the challenge temperatures. We also discussed the obtained non‐responsiveness in the integrated effects with decreases in the challenge temperatures

    Ikääntyneiden ravitsemuksen oppimateriaalin tuottaminen Eksoten henkilöstölle Moodleen

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön aiheena oli ikääntyvien ravitsemus. Työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa ikääntyvien ravitsemuksen oppimateriaali Moodle verkko-oppimisalustalle Etelä-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiirin henkilöstön käyttöön. Lisäksi suunniteltiin ja valmistettiin intro-video, joka johdatteli ja herätti kiinnostuksen aiheeseen. Lisäksi tuotettiin tietovisa-tyyppinen kolmen vaihtoehdon kysymyssarja diojen aiheista. Kurssin sisältö koostui PowerPoint-esityksistä, joiden aiheet olivat: ravitsemus ja ikääntyminen, kuidut, D- vitamiinisuositukset, vitamiinit, muistisairaan ravitsemus,ikääntyneen ravitsemusongelmat, juominen ja nestetasapaino sekä Milloin syödään? – käytännönläheisiä vinkkejä muistisairaan kotihoitoon. Jatkossa voisi tutkia, kuinka sähköisen oppimisalustan saisi juurrutettua paremmin henkilöstön käyttöön sekä selvittää kurssin käytön esteet, jotta ne voitaisiin poistaaThe topic of this functional study was elderly nutrition. The objective of the thesis was to design and implement study material about nutrition for the elderly via Moodle eLearning environment for the use of the South Karelia Social and Health Care District staff. In addition an introductory video was designed and produced to spark interest in the topic. Also, a quiz consisting of three option questions based on topics presented in slides was produced. The course content consisted of powerPoint presentations with the following topics: nutrition and aging, fiber, vitamin D recommendations, vitamins,nutrition recommented for a person suffering from a memory disorder, problems with nutrition among the elderly, drinking and fluid balance, as well as When do we eat? - Practical tips for the home care of people suffering from a memory disorder. For further, study it could be recommented to examine how the e-learning platform could be anchored in better use for the staff, as well as to identify the obstacles to the use of the course, so that they could be removed