130 research outputs found

    Active Control of Aerodynamic Feedback Noise from a Small Step on a Backward-facing Step

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    In order to reduce an aerodynamic tonal noise from a rear-view mirror, active control technique with oscillating jets was utilized. Since the aerodynamic tonal noise of rear-view mirror was generated by a small perturbation caused by a small step on a surface of the rear-view mirror, oscillating jets were introduced to break it. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to measure aerodynamic sound and flow fields around the two dimensional backward-facing step. The experimental results showed that the noise reduction level depended on the frequency and intensity of the oscillating jets. The noise reduction level was over 20 dB at the oscillation frequency about 400Hz and the amplitude of the jet about 0.1 m/s. Both of the frequency and intensity of the jet were smaller than the frequency of the feedback noise (2 kHz) and the velocity of the uniform flow (30 m/s). These results indicated that the oscillating jets effectively reduced aerodynamic noise with small amount of energy

    Magnetic properties of the Ag-In-rare-earth 1/1 approximants

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    We have performed magnetic susceptibility and neutron scattering measurements on polycrystalline Ag-In-RE (RE: rare-earth) 1/1 approximants. In the magnetic susceptibility measurements, for most of the RE elements, inverse susceptibility shows linear behaviour in a wide temperature range, confirming well localized isotropic moments for the RE3+^{3+} ions. Exceptionally for the light RE elements, such as Ce and Pr, non-linear behaviour was observed, possibly due to significant crystalline field splitting or valence fluctuation. For RE = Tb, the susceptibility measurement clearly shows a bifurcation of the field-cooled and zero-field-cooled susceptibility at Tf=3.7T_{\rm f} = 3.7~K, suggesting a spin-glass-like freezing. On the other hand, neutron scattering measurements detect significant development of short-range antiferromagnetic spin correlations in elastic channel, which accompanied by a broad peak at ω=4\hbar\omega = 4~meV in inelastic scattering spectrum. These features have striking similarity to those in the Zn-Mg-Tb quasicrystals, suggesting that the short-range spin freezing behaviour is due to local high symmetry clusters commonly seen in both the systems.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Neutron scattering study on spin correlations and fluctuations in the transition-metal-based magnetic quasicrystal Zn-Fe-Sc

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    Spin correlations and fluctuations in the 3d-transition-metal-based icosahedral quasicrystal Zn-Fe-Sc have been investigated by neutron scattering using polycrystalline samples. Magnetic diffuse scattering has been observed in the elastic experiment at low temperatures, indicating development of static short-range-spin correlations. In addition, the inelastic scattering experiment detects a QQ-independent quasielastic signal ascribed to single-site relaxational spin fluctuations. Above the macroscopic freezing temperature Tf7T_{\rm f} \simeq 7 K, the spin relaxation rate shows Arrhenius-type behavior, indicating thermally activated relaxation process. In contrast, the relaxation rate remains finite even at the lowest temperature, suggesting a certain quantum origin for the spin fluctuations below TfT_{\rm f}.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Molecular Transformation of 2-Methylazulenes: An Efficient and Practical Synthesis of 2-Formyl- and 2-Ethynylazulenes

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    First published: 09 Jan 20182-Formylazulene derivatives have been obtained in good yields by the reactions of 2-methylazulenes with N,N-dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal, followed by oxidative cleavage of the intermediately formed enamines with NaIO4. Vilsmeier formylation of 1-phenyl-3-methylazulenes also afforded the corresponding 2-formylazulenes in moderate yields. The treatment of a 2-methylazulene derivative bearing a formyl group at the 1-position with sodium methoxide led, through a self-condensation reaction, to a trans-1-(azulen-1-yl)-2-(azulen-2-yl)ethylene derivative, the structure of which was verified by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The 2-formylazulenes obtained were transformed into 2-ethynylazulenes in good yields by a modified Seyferth-Gilbert reaction. The reactivity of a 1-iodoazulene bearing a 2-formyl function in palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions has also been examined.ArticleEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2018(9):1145-1157 (2018)journal articl

    Significance of portal venous VEGF during liver regeneration after hepatectomy.

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    BACKGROUND: Although some studies have hypothesized portal venous blood is important for liver regeneration, no studies have established organs whose venous effluent flow into the portal vein secrete liver regenerating factors into the portal vein during liver regeneration. The aim of this study was to elucidate up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the portal vein, and expressions of hepatic regenerating factors in organs whose venous effluent flows into the portal vein during liver regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: VEGF protein in systemic and portal venous blood, as well as expression of VEGF, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alfa (HIF-1alpha), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and HGF activator (HGFA) mRNA were evaluated in the regenerating liver, spleen, and intestine following 70% partial hepatectomy (PHx) in rats. RESULTS: The portal VEGF protein level was significantly higher than the systemic level post-PHx (portal/systemic at 72, 120, and 168 h post-PHx: 17.2/13.0, 20.2/12.8, and 24.0/14.7 pg/mL; P = 0.003, P = 0.022 and P = 0.032, respectively). VEGF mRNA expressions were significantly higher in the liver (P = 0.000027: 168 h), spleen (P = 0.000059: 72 h) and intestine (P = 0.01: 24-72 h) post-PHx compared with pre-PHx. HIF-1alpha, HGF, and HGFA mRNA expressions in the liver, intestine, and spleen were also significantly higher post-PHx compared to pre-PHx. CONCLUSIONS: Portal VEGF was significantly higher than systemic VEGF, and expressions of VEGF, HIF-1alpha, HGF, and HGFA mRNA in the liver, spleen and intestine were also up-regulated during liver regeneration. These results suggest that hepatic regenerating factors derived from the spleen or intestine may contribute liver regeneration

    A flexible representation of omic knowledge for thorough analysis of microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: In order to understand microarray data reasonably in the context of other existing biological knowledge, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the data utilizing every aspect of available omic knowledge libraries. So far, a number of bioinformatics tools have been developed. However, each of them is restricted to deal with one type of omic knowledge, e.g., pathways, interactions or gene ontology. Now that the varieties of omic knowledge are expanding, analysis tools need a way to deal with any type of omic knowledge. Hence, we have designed the Omic Space Markup Language (OSML) that can represent a wide range of omic knowledge, and also, we have developed a tool named GSCope3, which can statistically analyze microarray data in comparison with the OSML-formatted omic knowledge data. RESULTS: In order to test the applicability of OSML to represent a variety of omic knowledge specifically useful for analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana microarray data, we have constructed a Biological Knowledge Library (BiKLi) by converting eight different types of omic knowledge into OSML-formatted datasets. We applied GSCope3 and BiKLi to previously reported A. thaliana microarray data, so as to extract any additional insights from the data. As a result, we have discovered a new insight that lignin formation resists drought stress and activates transcription of many water channel genes to oppose drought stress; and most of the 20S proteasome subunit genes show similar expression profiles under drought stress. In addition to this novel discovery, similar findings previously reported were also quickly confirmed using GSCope3 and BiKLi. CONCLUSION: GSCope3 can statistically analyze microarray data in the context of any OSML-represented omic knowledge. OSML is not restricted to a specific data type structure, but it can represent a wide range of omic knowledge. It allows us to convert new types of omic knowledge into datasets that can be used for microarray data analysis with GSCope3. In addition to BiKLi, by collecting various types of omic knowledge as OSML libraries, it becomes possible for us to conduct detailed thorough analysis from various biological viewpoints. GSCope3 and BiKLi are available for academic users at our web site

    Air Cells Using Negative Metal Electrodes Fabricated by Sintering Pastes with Base Metal Nanoparticles for Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy

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    Research on the produce of renewable energy as a source of solar power has continuously advanced. We have proposed an energy cycle that uses solar-pumped pulse lasers and base metal nanoparticles. Here, Fe and Al nanoparticles were prepared by laser ablation in liquid for the energy cycle. Solar power was confined in base metal nanoparticles. Metal plates were fabricated by sintering metal paste with base metal nanoparticles. Electricity was generated by air cells using the sintered metal plate. A highly repetitive laser pulse, which was an alternative to lasers driven by solar power, was used for laser ablation in liquid, and metal oxides (Fe3O4 or Al2O3) were reduced and metal nanoparticles were fabricated. Metal plates with a low electrical resistance were fabricated by sintering them at a low temperature of 520 K. The electrical properties of the air cells fabricated using sintered paste with nanoparticles as negative electrical cathodes were the same as those of the air cells fabricated in a blast furnace. It was found that the sintered metal nanopaste could be used for air cells

    The Satb1 Protein Directs Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation toward Lymphoid Lineages

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    SummaryHow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) produce particular lineages is insufficiently understood. We searched for key factors that direct HSC to lymphopoiesis. Comparing gene expression profiles for HSCs and early lymphoid progenitors revealed that Satb1, a global chromatin regulator, was markedly induced with lymphoid lineage specification. HSCs from Satb1-deficient mice were defective in lymphopoietic activity in culture and failed to reconstitute T lymphopoiesis in wild-type recipients. Furthermore, Satb1 transduction of HSCs and embryonic stem cells robustly promoted their differentiation toward lymphocytes. Whereas genes that encode Ikaros, E2A, and Notch1 were unaffected, many genes involved in lineage decisions were regulated by Satb1. Satb1 expression was reduced in aged HSCs with compromised lymphopoietic potential, but forced Satb1 expression partly restored that potential. Thus, Satb1 governs the initiating process central to the replenishing of lymphoid lineages. Such activity in lymphoid cell generation may be of clinical importance and useful to overcome immunosenescence