23 research outputs found


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    In this paper we compare the motivations, views on life and pre-course knowledge of occupational therapy among entering students from the year 1999 and 2008. In 1999 a total of 49 students were enrolled and in 2008 a total of 42 students were enrolled. Informed awareness of the subject area increased significantly between 1999 and 2008 (p<0.01), which followed a similar trend of the nation. Students who entered in 2008 had increased information about occupational therapy from their high school teachers. We also found the later period student sought advice from enrolled students and that location was a greater factor in their enrollment decision. For students entering in 2008 there was a shift in their focal concerns. We used the Basic Quality of Life Scale (BAQL) to quantify differences between the groups and found differences in levels of desire, confidence, lifestyle and social networks between the groups

    アルツハイマー型および血管性軽度認知障害(MCI)の神経心理学的徴候 : 日本版COGNISTATによる認知障害プロフィールの検討

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    Objective: The goal of this research is to investigate the neuropsychological characteristics of probable Alzheimer type mild impairment (MCI) and vascular MCI (VaMCI). Participants: Post acute stroke patients (n=22) were recruited from the post stroke rehabilitation unit; and community dwelling elderly people without cardiovascular disease, stroke and dementia (n=11) were also recruited. Methods: Cognitive performance was assessed using the Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (COGNISTAT). Participants were classified into five groups by their COGNISTAT scores and MCI criteria: elderly people with normal cognitive functions (controls) (n=7), MCI (n=4), VaMCI (n=18), vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) (n=4) and post stroke with non cognitive impairment (NCI) (n=2). Results: Deficits of construction and judgment were seen in MCI and VaMCI compared to controls. However, MCI were significantly more impaired on tests of repetition and Memory compared to the controls and VaMCI. Construction and judgment scores correctly classified participants (96.9%) into two groups (controls and MCI groups), and repetition and memory score correctly discriminated between MCI and VaMCI (100.0%) by the discriminant analysis. Conclusions: The results suggested that impairments of construction and judgment were characteristics of both MCI and VaMCI, though deficits of repetition and memory were specific features of MCI

    学生の考える高齢者QOLに関する一考察 : 高齢者QOLと比較して

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    This study aimed to investigate the quality of life (QOL) of elderly people as judged by university students. A comparison was made between the QOL of the elderly as judged by university students with the actual QOL of the elderly. Subjects were 136 elderly with a mean age of 73.1±5.5 years, and 35 students with a mean age 21.7±1.12 years. A basic QOL scale was applied for the measurement of QOL. It was found that the elderly QOL judged by the students was generally a low value. Moreover, subjective well-being was viewed differently by the two groups. It was found that the elderly QOL judged by students was influenced by the students own QOL. It was concluded that the QOL of elderly peoples as judged by university students related to the actual QOL of the students


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    Wheelchair seating is a technique to support individuals with disabilities by applying modular wheelchairsand seating posture-supporting devices to maintain a stable posture and execute functional movementswhen using wheelchairs. The clients were 8 individuals with disabilities and 21 young physicallyunimpaired persons. The measurement methods were the thorax excursion for a person of disabilitieswho adjusted slide ratio 0% (pelvic retroversion slants an angle of 0 degrees) , 5% , 10% and 15% in thewheelchair . As a result of measurement, It was revealed that changes in posture in the disabled elderlyare different from those of healthy people. In this study, it was inspected about pelvic retroversion slantand thorax of ratio in the sitting position in a wheelchair, and the association between long-time wrongsitting position and breathing function disorder was mentioned

    「ズレ度」と車いす駆動との関係 : 健常学生を対象とした基礎的研究

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    We aimed to determine how the "slide" in the sitting position during wheelchair driving was related to increased displacement and seating comfort. Slide was evaluated using a "slide ratio". Comfort was evaluated using a visual analog scale. This study was conducted with the cooperation of 30 university students. Wheelchair driving was shown to be affected by a displacement level of more than 15% and the majority of students rated a 5% displacement level as comfortable. These values can be used to develop an index of evaluation and revalution of wheelchair seating


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    Purpose : The distribution of muscle pain after skiing has not been reported. We planned a short term tour of skiing in Gokase Highland ski area in Miyazaki and investigated the distribution of muscle pain after skiing. Methods : Twenty three subjects (10 male, 13 female) participated in the 2 days skiing. Nine subjects were beginners, 14 subjects had experiences of skiing. After the ski tour, the muscle pain was recorded using a sheet. Results and Discussion : The appearance of muscle pain in an upper arm in the beginner group was higher than the other group. The appearance of muscle pain in a thigh was lower in the beginner group. In general, we know that the muscle pain occurs in the front of thigh after skiing. Snowplow tur "Pflughbogen", often used in a beginner, may occur the muscle pain in a thigh. In this study, the subjects who had experiences of skiing might ski by Snowplow turn


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    Wheelchair seating is a method of supporting individuals with disabilities that utilizes modular wheelchairs and seating posture-supporting devices to maintain a stable posture, facilitating the execution of functional movements while using a wheelchair. With the cooperation of 18 physical and occupational therapists, this study examined the actual status of 164 individuals with disabilities for whom seating intervention was being provided.The results revealed an association between decreased ability to maintain a sitting posture in a wheelchair and lower Braden Scale scores, indicating an increased risk for pressure ulcers (r=‒0.756, p<0.001). Likewise, among individuals targeted for seating intervention, the ability to maintain a sitting posture was also significantly correlated with Functional Independence Measure scores. This assessment demonstrated that poorer seating ability was associated with a lower total score (r=‒0.778, p<0.001) as well as with eating (r=‒0.727, p<0.001) and wheelchair locomotion (r=‒0.666, p<0.001). These results suggest the requirement for active assessment of and intervention for individuals with disabilities targeted for seating intervention to prevent the development of pressure ulcers and to support their activities of daily living.In order to develop wheelchair seating-related knowledge and intervention techniques, it is necessary to conduct large-scale studies and to promote more accurate recognition of the status of individuals with disabilities targeted for seating intervention


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sports drinks on respiratory quotient (RQ) during moderate exercise, Six young male subjects (aged 20 yr) participated in this study, after the informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Subjects performed a maximal test and four exercises at 50% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO[2]max) using a bicycle ergometer. During exercise tests VO[2], carbon dioxide excretion and RQ were measured by the respiratory gas analyzer. Subjects randomly drunk water or three sports drinks (Pocarisweat, VAAM, Gatorade) (200 ml) before 10 min at the beginning of each exercise, then exercised at 50% VO[2]max for 20min. At rest VO[2] and RQ were 3.6±0.4 ml/kg/min and 0.90±0.09, respectively. VO[2] increased 1.6±3.8 ml/kg/min at 20 min exercise (p<0.001). RQ during exercise was not statistically different from at rest. The differences in VO[2] and RQ among four drinks were not found. These results suggest that VO[2] and RQ during exercise is not extended by the intake of sports drinks

    Photosensitivity and Acute Liver Insufficiency in Late-Onset Erythropoietic Protoporphyria with a Chromosome 18q Abnormality

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    Late-onset erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is rare, and it is usually associated with an acquired somatic mutation of the ferrochelatase gene secondary to hematological malignancy such as myelodysplastic syndrome or myeloproliferative disorder. In 0.5–1% of patients with EPP, deposition of protoporphyrin in the liver leads to progressive liver insufficiency. Herein, we report the case of a 67-year-old female who developed EPP with typical photosensitivity and hemolytic anemia. Six months later, she was admitted with acute liver damage with a rapidly progressing course, and developed liver insufficiency. She recovered from the liver insufficiency after undergoing plasmapheresis and red blood cell exchange transfusion. A bone marrow examination revealed normal features; however, a cytogenetic analysis identified an abnormal clone of cells with a translocation between chromosomes 13q12 and 18q21.1. This is the first report of a patient who recovered from liver insufficiency. The results of this report suggest that plasmapheresis and red blood cell exchange transfusion are effective for treating liver insufficiency in patients with late-onset EPP


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    The validity of the isolation test in manual muscle testing was investigated. The flexion force of the knee joint was measured for the following leg positions: lateral rotation, mid position and medial rotation. The results showed that muscle strength was the highest for lateral rotation, followed by mid position, and medial rotation, in this order (11.08, 10.69 and 9.68kg, respectively). If the flexion force of the knee joint in mid position is the sum of medial and lateral rotators, then flexion force should be highest in mid position, but this did not hold true. Also, if the activities of medial rotators are suppressed in lateral rotation, then flexion force should be decreased by the degree of suppression, but this did not hold true. The same applies to medial rotation. Hence, the isolation test in manual muscle testing lacks validity