744 research outputs found

    Refining Coarse-grained Spatial Data using Auxiliary Spatial Data Sets with Various Granularities

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    We propose a probabilistic model for refining coarse-grained spatial data by utilizing auxiliary spatial data sets. Existing methods require that the spatial granularities of the auxiliary data sets are the same as the desired granularity of target data. The proposed model can effectively make use of auxiliary data sets with various granularities by hierarchically incorporating Gaussian processes. With the proposed model, a distribution for each auxiliary data set on the continuous space is modeled using a Gaussian process, where the representation of uncertainty considers the levels of granularity. The fine-grained target data are modeled by another Gaussian process that considers both the spatial correlation and the auxiliary data sets with their uncertainty. We integrate the Gaussian process with a spatial aggregation process that transforms the fine-grained target data into the coarse-grained target data, by which we can infer the fine-grained target Gaussian process from the coarse-grained data. Our model is designed such that the inference of model parameters based on the exact marginal likelihood is possible, in which the variables of fine-grained target and auxiliary data are analytically integrated out. Our experiments on real-world spatial data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019

    Spin-Orbit Torques in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo Alloys

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    The spin-orbit torque switching of ferrimagnetic Gdx_x(Fe90_{90}Co10_{10})100x_{100-x} films was studied for both transition metal (TM)-rich and rare earth (RE)-rich configurations. The spin-orbit torque driven magnetization switching follows the same handedness in TM-rich and RE-rich samples with respect to the total magnetization, but the handedness of the switching is reversed with respect to the TM magnetization. This indicates that the sign of the spin-orbit-torque-driven magnetic switching follows the total magnetization, although transport based techniques such as anomalous Hall effect are only sensitive to the transition metal magnetization. These results provide important insight into the physics of spin angular momentum transfer in materials with antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices


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    Machinability of Cast Iron

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    The machinability of cast iron was investigated from the standpoint of chip formation, tool life, and surface finish. Cutting mechanisms of cast iron were analysed based upon the flow region concept. The effects of feed and rake angle on the cutting process were discussed. The most suitable tool material for cutting cast iron was selected and effects of cutting conditions on tool life were investigated over a wide range. Machinability based upon surface finish is discussed in connection with tool wear

    Long-term maintenance of human induced pluripotent stem cells by automated cell culture system.

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    自動培養装置によるヒトiPS細胞の長期間培養に成功 . 京都大学プレスリリース. 2015-11-27.Pluripotent stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, are regarded as new sources for cell replacement therapy. These cells can unlimitedly expand under undifferentiated conditions and be differentiated into multiple cell types. Automated culture systems enable the large-scale production of cells. In addition to reducing the time and effort of researchers, an automated culture system improves the reproducibility of cell cultures. In the present study, we newly designed a fully automated cell culture system for human iPS maintenance. Using an automated culture system, hiPS cells maintained their undifferentiated state for 60 days. Automatically prepared hiPS cells had a potency of differentiation into three germ layer cells including dopaminergic neurons and pancreatic cells

    Evaluating temperature effects on leaching behavior of geogenic arsenic and boron from crushed excavated rocks using shaking and nonshaking batch tests

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    The leaching behavior of arsenic and boron is evaluated in this work through two types of excavated rocks with geogenic contaminants under different temperatures. Excavated rocks with geogenic contaminants are expected to be used in embankments with appropriate countermeasures being taken against the risks brought about by geogenic contamination. The leaching behavior might change because of changes in the ground temperature. However, the effects of temperature on the leaching behavior of such rocks have not been well examined. Herein, batch leaching tests at temperatures between 5 and 60 °C were performed under shaking and nonshaking conditions. Mudstone and shale rock were crushed into particles smaller than 2 mm, which were required for the tests. The tests were carried out for durations ranging from 6 h to 15 days because changes in leaching kinetics also require careful evaluation. After conducting the nonshaking tests for 15 days at 40 °C, the mudstone sample leached arsenic and boron at concentrations of approximately 0.7 and 1.0 mg/L, respectively. The arsenic and boron concentrations were about 20 and 40% higher than those of the sample leached at a temperature of 20 °C. Elevated temperatures were seen to increase the leaching kinetics of the toxic elements. For the shale rock sample, the leaching rate for arsenic was 7.7 × 10⁻²/h at 40 °C, which was about 2.5 times greater than the value at 30 °C. The nonshaking tests showed higher leaching amounts of arsenic and boron than the shaking tests, especially at elevated temperatures. As unrealistic estimations should be avoided, nonshaking tests are suggested. Moreover, nonshaking tests lasting longer than 6 h are necessary due to the relatively slow dissolution of minerals