315 research outputs found

    The Thermal Condition in the Classrooms and Students' Thermal Sensation (Report 1) - A Study done from April through July -

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    Dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature in classrooms at the School were measured from April through July in 1990, by means of an Assmann ventilated psychrometer. The thermal sensation of the female students was surveyed by a questinnaire at the same time. Correlation coefficients between the rates of thermal sensation and thermal indicators such as natural temperature, relative humidity, effective temperature and discomfort index were computed. And multiple regressions equations of these indications and partial corelation coefficients were also computed from the temperature and humidity. These data showed that the students' thermal sensation in this season is primarily influenced by temperature and not so much by humidity. The relation between temperature and the rate of students who feel the heat was discussed

    Images of nurses by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course

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    本研究では、看護課程志望の高校生が看護職に対してどのようなイメージを持っているのか、看護教育機関の希望や将来の看護職種の希望は看護職に対するイメージと関係があるのかを明らかにしたいと考えた。岡山県下の全ての高校に在学中の看護課程志望高校生に対して、質問紙調査をおこなった。222名から回答が得られ、分析を行った結果、以下のことが明らかになった。1)看護課程志望高校生は看護職に対して非常に良いイメージを持っており、同時に労働条件の厳しさも理解していた。その良いイメージとは、看護職の持つ尊さや献身性に由来する自負心と、資格のもつ現実的利点であった。しかし、看護職の専門性を表す、高度な知識・判断・技術、生涯教育の必要性の認識は低かった。2)短大・大学を志望する高校生は、看護学校・准看護学校志望者に比べ、看護職は生涯教育を必要とするとイメージしていた。3)看護婦、保健婦、助産婦のどの職種を希望するかによって、看護職に対するイメージに違いがあった。A qusetionnaire survey was done by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course in Okayama Prefecture, to know what images of nurses they had, what course for nursing education they wished to best for and what they would like nursing profession to be. Results of analysing data obtained from 222 students were as follows; 1. They had favorable images of nurses in high rates, although they also recognized the harsh working conditions. Those images were thought to be derived from the preciousness of nursing, devotion to people, and advantage of the license. But recognition of specialty of nursing indicated by items such as knowledge, judgement, skill and continuing education was low. 2. Necessity of continuing education was recognized by students wishing to go on to university or junior college better than students of vocational school of registered and assistant nurses. 3. Images of nurses were different by their choice of profession such as clinical nurses, public health nurses and midwives which they would like to be in the future

    Heat transfer in natural convection with finite-sized particles considering thermal conductance due to inter­particle contacts

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Computational Thermal Sciences following peer review

    A new scale for student nurses to rate image of the elderly

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    Our prior scale for student nurses to rate image of the elderly is inadequate both in number of items used and in exaustiveness of possible images they have. This study attempts to construct a new rating scale by decreasing the number of the previous items and by incorporrating pertinent novel items. A new scale reported here consisits of 20 items, with 15 items being determined through a factor analysisi of the previous 38 items and 5 items being selected after a survey of relevant studies

    Changes of Student Nurses' views and Images of the Elderly before and after Practicing at Nursing Homes

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    A questionnaire survey was done by 76 third year-students of the nursing course before and after practicing at the two nursing homes in 1989. The same questions about their views and images of the aged person were given twice and compared. Question to image consists of 38 paired items respectively opposed to be rated on a seven-point scale. The results showed that their views and images had changed from idealistic to realistic as a result of their practices. These were some differences found in these changes by the home and the period of practice

    The ideas about nursing course of senior high school teachers.

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    近年、4年制大学の増設をはじめとした看護課程における教育の変革が進められつつある。これは質の高い看護の人材を必要とする社会のニーズに応えたものである。著者らはこれらの看護課程に対する意見を、岡山県下の高校で進路指導をしている教師に尋ね、郵送による質問紙法を用いて33名の回答を得た。その結果、以下のことが分かった。1. 51.5%の教師は、看護大学が増えると進学希望者の関心は呼ぶとしており、36.4%は、学生数の一定の増加があるだろうとしている。また、36.4%は教師の立場から看護課程への進学を勧めやすくなると考えている。2. 高校の教師は看護婦不足の理由として労働条件の厳しさを指摘している。3. 高校教師は進路として看護課程を勧める理由を仕事の専門性と奉仕性を多くあげていた。これらは、高等教育化と看護職のイメージの改善の両方が必要であることを示唆している。Currently, improvement of nursing curriculum has been done in Japan, including the establishment of a four year course at universitiy, responding to the social needs for man-power for high quality nursing. A questionnaire survey by mail was done in 1993, to get ideas about the nursing course of high school teachers giving advice to students wishing to go on to university or college. Thirty three high school teachers out of a total of 76 schools in Okayama prefecture responded. The results were as follows; 1, Seventeen teachers (51.5%) answered that the increase of a four year course at university would be an incentive to students. Twelve teachers (36.4%) said that it might increase the number of students choosing the course. And also 12 teachers (36.4%) thought that they could recommend this course to students more easily than before. 2, They pointed out the harsh working conditions as the reason for a shortage of nursing manpower. 3, Their reasons why they recommend the nursing course to students were firstly the specialty and secondly devotion to people

    Amphidinolide H, a Potent Cytotoxic Macrolide, Covalently Binds on Actin Subdomain 4 and Stabilizes Actin Filament

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    AbstractThe actin-targeting toxins have not only proven to be invaluable tools in studies of actin cytoskeleton structure and function but they also served as a foundation for a new class of anticancer drugs. Here, we describe that amphidinolide H (AmpH) targets actin cytoskeleton. AmpH induced multinucleated cells by disrupting actin organization in the cells, and the hyperpolymerization of purified actin into filaments of apparently normal morphology in vitro. AmpH covalently binds on actin, and the AmpH binding site is determined as Tyr200 of actin subdomain 4 by mass spectrometry and halo assay using the yeast harboring site-directed mutagenized actins. Time-lapse analyses showed that AmpH stimulated the formation of small actin-patches, followed by F-actin rearrangement into aggregates via the retraction of actin fibers. These results indicate that AmpH is a novel actin inhibitor that covalently binds on actin

    Nursing students' images of the elderly before and after a two-week nursing practice

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    2週間の特別養護老人ホームの実習前及び実習後の学生の老人イメージを20項目の尺度を用いて調査した。その結果,以下のことが明らかになった。 1. 実習後のイメージの平均得点は,「ユーモアのない」から「ユーモアのある」へ,「生気のない」から「生気のある」へと好ましい方向へ上昇し,一方「経験に富む」,「穏やかな」,「現実的な」は好ましくない方向へ変化した。 2. 3分の1以上の学生が実習後に特にイメージが変化した項目として「ユーモアのない/ユーモアのある」の項目をあげた。 3. 老人像は全体として「暇な」,「弱い」,「孤独な」という否定的な老人イメージと「経験に富む」,「暖かい」という肯定的イメージで捉えられており,このイメージは実習前後で共通していた。実習前後では全体として老人像に大きな変化はなかったものの,実習によって,より活動的な老人イメージを抱き,より現実的に老人をとらえていることが明らかになり,A園での老人看護学実習は教育上意義のある実習であると評価した。This study investigated how nursing students perceived the elderly living in a nursing home for the elderly. Testing was done both before and after they experienced a two-week nursing practice at the nursing home. Three findings were obtained. (1) The students regarded the elderly not only as more humorous and vital but also less experienced, peaceful, and realistic before than after experiencing the practice. (2) Over a third of the students named humorous/not humorous as an item for which they experienced a marked change in image of the elderly. (3) The students generally regarded the elderly as being experienced, warm, bored, weak, and lonely. The findings indicate that the nursing practice provided the students with an opportunity to form better and realistic images of the elderly

    Introduction of thickened food for patient with dysphagia after surgical treatment for tumor in oral cavity

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    口腔腫瘍術後患者は,程度に差はあるが,嚥下・摂食障害をきたしやすい。その経口摂取開始初期の栄養について,患者が満足して,より快適に摂取でき,経口のみで栄養が満たされるような食事を工夫した。そのためには,食べやすさを増すためにトロメリンでとろみをつけ, また,食べ残しがないように患者の嗜好を取り入れた。そして,この嗜好を取り入れたとろみ食を, 口腔腫瘍術後患者一例に提供した。その結果, とろみ食は,食べやすく,全量摂取でき,良好な栄養状態を維持し,口内の移植皮弁へのトラブルもなく有効であるという結果が得られた。また,患者が意欲や自信を持つという精神面への効果も見られた。Following an operation to remove a tumor in the oral cavity, a patient with dysphagia who had received IVH and intubation feeding for 21 days, was given food thickened with proceeded starch and dextrin (Tromelin). The patient acceptance was good and he could chew and swallow safely and easily than if given ordinary food. The psychological and emotional effects of such postoperational care are also discussed

    Variation in bradyrhizobial NopP effector determines symbiotic incompatibility with Rj2-soybeans via effector-triggered immunity

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    The soybean Rj2 gene encodes a TIR-NBS-LRR protein that confers resistance to nodulation by certain rhizobial strains. Here, the authors show that T3SS effector NopP is an avirulence protein that is necessary for Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 122 to trigger Rj2-dependent incompatibility