132 research outputs found

    The perturbation of the quantum Calogero-Moser-Sutherland system and related results

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    The Hamiltonian of the trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model coincides with some limit of the Hamiltonian of the elliptic Calogero-Moser model. In other words the elliptic Hamiltonian is a perturbed operator of the trigonometric one. In this article we show the essential self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian of the elliptic Calogero-Moser model and the regularity (convergence) of the perturbation for the arbitrary root system. We also show the holomorphy of the joint eigenfunctions of the commuting Hamiltonians w.r.t the variables (x_1, >..., x_N) for the A_{N-1}-case. As a result, the algebraic calculation of the perturbation is justified.Comment: Revised version, 35 page

    A Manga-Driven System Requirements Development PBL Exercise

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    We conducted a Project-Based Learning (PBL)-type exercise incorporating Japanese cartoon (manga) techniques into Requirements Development (RD) processes. Manga has established techniques, such as those for character setting and story development, that we thought are also valid for RD processes. Using this manga-driven method, students were able to clarify high-level project goals early in the development life-cycle, and succeeded in defining high quality and unique system ideas.Comment: SEEM201

    Research on the making of Japanese language class to build <Authentic Learning>: "Zhuangzi" as a teaching material

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    This paper summarizes the results of research conducted to clarify the inner facts and methods of creating a Japanese language class that builds "authentic learning". In this research, first of all, we focused on the use of "language perspectives and ideas", which are considered to be unique to Japanese language studies, and searched for the specifics of them using "Zhuangzi" as a teaching material. By focusing on words that are different from previous learning ("人皆" and "此獨") , learning for modern social and cultural problems and individual problems that live in society and groups, it became clear that people can deepen their thoughts

    Magnetization Reversal and Specific Loss Power of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cellular Environment Evaluated by AC Hysteresis Measurement

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    The effect of intracellular hyperthermia induced by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) has been evaluated using a theoretical model. In this study, magnetization reversal of MNPs in the cellular environment under an AC magnetic field was evaluated on the basis of measured AC hysteresis loops. The specific and intrinsic loss powers—SLP and ILP—were also estimated from the area of AC hysteresis loops. The measured samples were a liquid sample dispersed in water, a fixed sample mixed with an epoxy bond, and a cellular sample. In the cellular environment, the rotations of particles and magnetic moments were inhibited by particle-cell and dipole-dipole interactions, respectively. The heat dissipation of the MNPs in the cellular environment was lower than that of the liquid and fixed samples. Moreover, the SLP in a single cell was estimated. The temperature increase of a single cell was calculated on the basis of the conventional theoretical model and the SLP measured in a single cell

    Embedded Ubiquitous Services on Hospital Information Systems.

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    A Hospital Information Systems (HIS) have turned a hospital into a gigantic computer with huge computational power, huge storage and wired/wireless local area network. On the other hand, a modern medical device, such as echograph, is a computer system with several functional units connected by an internal network named a bus. Therefore, we can embed such a medical device into the HIS by simply replacing the bus with the local area network. This paper designed and developed two embedded systems, a ubiquitous echograph system and a networked digital camera. Evaluations of the developed systems clearly show that the proposed approach, embedding existing clinical systems into HIS, drastically changes productivity in the clinical field. Once a clinical system becomes a pluggable unit for a gigantic computer system, HIS, the combination of multiple embedded systems with application software designed under deep consideration about clinical processes may lead to the emergence of disruptive innovation in the clinical field

    Research on the making of Japanese language class to build <Authentic Learning>: " Zhuangzi " as a teaching material

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    本稿は、「深い学び」を構築する国語科授業づくりの内実や方法を明らかにするために行った研究の成果をまとめたものである。本研究では,まず国語科特有のものとされている「言葉による見方・考え方」を働かせることに注目し、その具体を、『荘子』「応帝王第七」「渾沌」を教材として探っていった。これまでの学習とは異なった言葉(「人皆」 と「此獨」)に着目することで,近現代の社会的,文化的な問題や社会や集団の中で生きる個の問題に対する,学習者の「思いや考え」を深めることができることが明らかとなった

    Non-resonant global mode in LHD partial collapse with net toroidal current

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    A transition from an interchange mode to a non-resonant mode is found in the nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulation for the partial collapse in a large helical device (LHD) plasma with a net toroidal current. This transition can occur when the magnetic shear is weak and the rotational transform is close to unity in the core region. In this transition, the mode number of the dominant Fourier component is reduced. As a result of the nonlinear evolution, the (m, n) = (1, 1) component can be dominant, where m and n are the poloidal and the toroidal mode numbers, respectively. This transition is considered to be a candidate to explain the observation in the LHD experiments with the net toroidal current that show partial collapses are caused by the (1, 1) mode

    Notes of the Teaching practice on the Japanese language education (5) : For the time to come

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    本研究は, より優れた中等教育授業者を育成する国語科教育実習のあり方を求めて, 実習現場で生起している出来事の記述, 分析, 考察を行い, それを通じて, ①中等国語科教員養成プログラム(学部教育+附属実習)の教育内容の体系化, ②中等国語科教育実習指導体制の確立, にかかわる提言を試みることを目的としている。 2009年度は, 単元及び教材と授業の具体に即した記述, 分析を積み重ねてより実践的なモデルを構築していく研究の3年次として, 「古典」単元の実習授業を取り上げた。 古典単元における実習生の躓きで顕著なことは, 単元構想段階での単元の主題に対する思索不足であることが, 本年度「古典単元」の諸記録シートの分析を通じて明らかになった。従って, 実習生のこの問題点を考察の俎上に上せ, 単元の主題に対する思索不足の原因を明らかにした。また, 「古典単元における授業力獲得のための課題と指導のポイント」として, 上記の課題に対する働きかけを, 実習活動の諸局面に即して記述した。さらに, 実習生の変化変容の内実をよく指し示す具体例を取り上げ分析・考察した

    Notes of the Teaching practice on the Japanese language education (2)

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