9 research outputs found

    Longitudinal melanonychia caused by hydroxyurea

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    Hidroksiüre, miyeloproliferatif hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılan sitostatik bir kemoterapotik bir ajandır. Uzun dönem tedavide mukokütanöz yan etkiler ve tırnak pigmentasyonu görülebilmektedir. Hidroxiürenin indüklediği melanonişi, en çok kadınlarda en sık olarak da longitidunal çizgilenme şeklinde görülür. Burada polisitemia rubra vera tanısıyla hidroksiüre kullanan, tedavisinin 18. ayında el parmak tırnaklarında longitudinal melanonişi ortaya çıkan 65 yaşında kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Bu vakadan hareketle, miyeloproliferatif hastalıklarda ve orak hücreli aneminin tedavisinde kullanımı gittikçe yaygınlaşan hidroksiürenin çok sayıdaki kutanöz yan etkilerinin farkında olunması amaçlanmıştır.Hydroxyurea is a chemotherapeutic agent which is used in the management of myeloproliferative disorders. Mucocutaneous adverse effects and nail hyperpigmentation can be observed in long-term treatment. Cases of hydroxyurea-induced melanonychia develop predominantly in female patients and the most common pattern is longitudinal bands. Here we present a case of 65-year-old woman patient that has longitudinal melanonychia on the nails of the hands, observed at the eighteenth month of the treatment of hydroxyurea. By means of this case, it is aimed to be aware of the cutaneous side effects of hydroxyurea which is commonly used in myeloproliferative disorders

    Longitudinal melanonychia caused by hydroxyurea

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    Hidroksiüre, miyeloproliferatif hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılan sitostatik bir kemoterapotik bir ajandır. Uzun dönem tedavide mukokütanöz yan etkiler ve tırnak pigmentasyonu görülebilmektedir. Hidroxiürenin indüklediği melanonişi, en çok kadınlarda en sık olarak da longitidunal çizgilenme şeklinde görülür. Burada polisitemia rubra vera tanısıyla hidroksiüre kullanan, tedavisinin 18. ayında el parmak tırnaklarında longitudinal melanonişi ortaya çıkan 65 yaşında kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Bu vakadan hareketle, miyeloproliferatif hastalıklarda ve orak hücreli aneminin tedavisinde kullanımı gittikçe yaygınlaşan hidroksiürenin çok sayıdaki kutanöz yan etkilerinin farkında olunması amaçlanmıştır.Hydroxyurea is a chemotherapeutic agent which is used in the management of myeloproliferative disorders. Mucocutaneous adverse effects and nail hyperpigmentation can be observed in long-term treatment. Cases of hydroxyurea-induced melanonychia develop predominantly in female patients and the most common pattern is longitudinal bands. Here we present a case of 65-year-old woman patient that has longitudinal melanonychia on the nails of the hands, observed at the eighteenth month of the treatment of hydroxyurea. By means of this case, it is aimed to be aware of the cutaneous side effects of hydroxyurea which is commonly used in myeloproliferative disorders

    Polymorphous light eruption: Early starting and a rare clinical appearance

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    Polimorf ışık erüpsiyonu yaygın görülen idiyopatik fotoduyarlı bir dermatozdur. Ultraviyole radyasyon maruziyeti sonrası, ışığa maruz kalan deride, ataklar şeklinde gelişen skar yapmayan kaşıntılı papüller, veziküller ve plaklar ile tanımlanır. Bu çalışmada, atakları 3 yaşında başlayan ve eritema multiforme benzeri döküntüleri olan bir vaka paylaşılmıştır. Bu olgu, atakların çok erken yaşta başlaması ve nadir klinik prezentasyonu nedeniyle sunulmaya değer bulunmuştur.Polymorphous light eruption is a common, idiopathic photosensitivity dermatosis. It is characterized with non-scarring pruritic erythematous papules, vesicles or plaques that occur after ultraviolet exposure on light-exposed skin areas. In this study, we introduce a case with erythema multiforme-like rash whose symptoms has started in 3 years old. This case found worthy to be presented owing to the onset of the attacks at a very early age and rarity

    Investigation of Behçet's Disease and Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis Frequency: The Highest Prevalence in Turkey

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    Background: The Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is the most frequently observed painful pathology of the oral mucosa in the society. It appears mostly in idiopathic form; however, it may also be related with systemic diseases like Behçet’s Disease (BD). Aims: Determining the prevalence of RAS and BD in the Northern Anatolian Region, which is one of the important routes on the Antique Silk Road. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Overall, 85 separate exemplification groups were formed to reflect the population density, and the demographic data of the region they represent. In the first stage, the individuals, who were selected in random order, were invited to a Family Physician Unit at a certain date and time. The dermatological examinations of the volunteering individuals were performed by only 3 dermatology specialists. In the second stage, those individuals who had symptoms of BD were invited to our hospital, and the Pathergy Test and eye examinations were performed. Results: The annual prevalence of RAS was determined as 10.84%. The annual prevalence was determined to be higher in women than in men (p=0.000). It was observed that the prevalence was at the peak level in the 3rd decade, and then decreased proportionally in the following decades (p=0.000). It was also observed that the aphtha recurrence decreased in the following decades (p=0.048). The Behçet’s prevalence was found to be 0.60%. The prevalence in women was found to be higher than in men (0.86% female, 0.14% male; p=0.022). Conclusion: While the RAS prevalence ratio was at an average value when compared with the other societies; the BD prevalence was found as the highest ratio in the world according to the literature