161 research outputs found

    Study of the Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium in the Sculptor Supercluster with Suzaku

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    We studied the high temperature plasma in the direction of the Sculptor supercluster at z=0.108 with Suzaku. Suzaku carried out four observations in the supercluster: namely, A2811, A2811 offset, A2804, A2801 regions in 2005 Nov.--Dec., including the regions beyond the virial radii of these clusters. The study needed precise background estimation because the measured intensity of the redshifted lines, especially those from oxygen, were strongly affected by the the Galactic emission. The spectra taken in the regions outside of the virial radii of the member clusters were used as the background which included both the Galactic and Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) components. We also used the background data which were taken near the Sculptor supercluster. Temperature and metal abundance profiles were determined to the virial radii of the member clusters, and then we searched for the oxygen line emission in the region outside of the virial radii of the clusters. As a result, the temperature of the clusters decreased toward the virial radii, and the spectral fits for the filament region did not require extra component other than the Galactic and CXB components. We constrained the intensities of O VII and O VIII lines to be less than 8.1 and 5.1 photons cm^-2 s^-1 arcmin^-2, respectively, as 2-sigma upper limits. The intensity of O VII indicates n_H < 1.6e-5 cm^-3 (Z/0.1 Z_solar)^-1/2 (L/25 Mpc)^-1/2, which corresponds to an over density, delta < 60 (Z/0.1 Z_solar)^-1/2 (L/25 Mpc)^-1/2.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Suzaku observations of the Hydra A cluster out to the virial radius

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    We report Suzaku observations of the northern half of the Hydra A cluster out to ~1.4 Mpc, reaching the virial radius. This is the first Suzaku observations of a medium-size (kT ~3 keV) cluster out to the virial radius. Two observations were conducted, north-west and north-east offsets, which continue in a filament direction and a void direction of the large-scale structure of the Universe, respectively. The X-ray emission and distribution of galaxies elongate in the filament direction. The temperature profiles in the two directions are mostly consistent with each other within the error bars and drop to 1.5 keV at 1.5 r_500. As observed by Suzaku in hot clusters, the entropy profile becomes flatter beyond r_500, in disagreement with the r^1.1 relationship that is expected from accretion shock heating models. When scaled with the average intracluster medium (ICM) temperature, the entropy profiles of clusters observed with Suzaku are universal and do not depend on system mass. The hydrostatic mass values in the void and filament directions are in good agreement, and the Navarro, Frenk, and White universal mass profile represents the hydrostatic mass distribution up to ~ 2 r_500. Beyond r_500, the ratio of gas mass to hydrostatic mass exceeds the result of the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe, and at r_100, these ratios in the filament and void directions reach 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. We discuss possible deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium at cluster outskirts. We derived radial profiles of the gasmass- to-light ratio and iron-mass-to-light ratio out to the virial radius. Within r_500, the iron-mass-to-light ratio of the Hydra A cluster was compared with those in other clusters observed with Suzaku.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures; Accepted for publication in PAS

    C1B domain peptide of protein kinase Cγ significantly suppresses growth of human colon cancer cells in vitro and in an in vivo mouse xenograft model through induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

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    Two peptides derived from the C1B domain of protein kinase Cγ (PKCγ) were shown to associate with classical PKC isozymes and modulate their activities. These C1B peptides are designated C1B1 (amino acid residues 101-112) and C1B5 (residues 141-151). Since PKC enzyme activity is shown to be involved in colon cancer development, the effect of C1B peptides on the growth of various human colon cancer cell lines was examined in vitro and in vivo. Sub-micromolar to micromolar levels of both C1B peptides induced approximately 60-70% growth attenuation in multiple colon cancer cell lines in a soft agar tumor colony assay; however, C1B5 peptide was not cytotoxic to normal colon epithelial cells in two dimensional culture. The effect of C1B5 peptide on colony growth of COLO205 cells was reversed by treatment with the PKCα/β inhibitor, Ro-32-0432. C1B peptide treatment attenuated COLO205 cells via two mechanisms: 1) cell cycle arrest and 2) stimulation of apoptosis. This is evident in G[subscript 2] arrest and increases in levels of cleaved caspase 3 and p53 phosphorylated at serine 20. Intratumoral injection of C1B5 peptide (20 mg/kg/day, every three days) markedly attenuated the growth of subcutaneous xenografts of COLO205 cells in SCID mice by 76% compared to the control. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that C1B peptides have negligible effects on normal tissues but are potentially effective chemotherapeutic agents for colon cancer

    Suzaku Observation of HCG 62: Temperature, Abundance, and Extended Hard X-ray Emission Profiles

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    We present results of 120 ks observation of a compact group of galaxies HCG~62 (z=0.0145z=0.0145) with Suzaku XIS and HXD-PIN\@. The XIS spectra for four annular regions were fitted with two temperature {\it vapec} model with variable abundance, combined with the foreground Galactic component. The Galactic component was constrained to have a common surface brightness among the four annuli, and two temperature {\it apec} model was preferred to single temperature model. We confirmed the multi-temperature nature of the intra-group medium reported with Chandra and XMM-Newton, with a doughnut-like high temperature ring at radii 3.3--6.5' in a hardness image. We found Mg, Si, S, and Fe abundances to be fairly robust. We examined the possible ``high-abundance arc'' at 2\sim 2' southwest from the center, however Suzaku data did not confirm it. We suspect that it is a misidentification of an excess hot component in this region as the Fe line. Careful background study showed no positive detection of the extended hard X-rays previously reported with ASCA, in 5--12 keV with XIS and 12--40 keV with HXD-PIN, although our upper limit did not exclude the ASCA result. There is an indication that the X-ray intensity in r<3.3r<3.3' region is 70±1970\pm 19% higher than the nominal CXB level (5--12 keV), and Chandra and Suzaku data suggest that most of this excess could be due to concentration of hard X-ray sources with an average photon index of Γ=1.38±0.06\Gamma=1.38\pm 0.06. Cumulative mass of O, Fe and Mg in the group gas and the metal mass-to-light ratio were derived and compared with those in other groups. Possible role of AGN or galaxy mergers in this group is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages with 9 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ Vol 60, second Suzaku special issu

    Discovery of the Central Excess Brightness in Hard X-rays in the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 1795

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    Using the X-ray data from \ASCA, spectral and spatial properties of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) of the cD cluster Abell 1795 are studied, up to a radial distance of 12\sim 12' (1.3\sim 1.3 h501h_{50}^{-1} kpc). The ICM temperature and abundance are spatially rather constant, although the cool emission component is reconfirmed in the central region. The azimuthally- averaged radial X-ray surface brightness profiles are very similar between soft (0.7--3 keV) and hard (3--10 keV) energy bands, and neither can be fitted with a single-β\beta model due to a strong data excess within 5\sim5' of the cluster center. In contrast, double-β\beta models can successfully reproduce the overall brightness profiles both in the soft and hard energy bands, as well as that derived with the \ROSAT PSPC. Properties of the central excess brightness are very similar over the 0.2--10 keV energy range spanned by \ROSAT and \ASCA. Thus, the excess X-ray emission from the core region of this cluster is confirmed for the first time in hard X-rays above 3 keV. This indicates that the shape of the gravitational potential becomes deeper than the King-type one towards the cluster center. Radial profiles of the total gravitating matter, calculated using the double-β\beta model, reveal an excess mass of 3×1013 M\sim 3 \times 10^{13}~ M_{\odot} within 150h501\sim 150 h^{-1}_{50} kpc of the cluster center. This suggests a hierarchy in the gravitational potential corresponding to the cD galaxy and the entire cluster.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; to appear ApJ 500 (June 20, 1998

    In-Orbit Demonstration of Propellant-Less Formation Flight with Momentum Exchange of Jointed Multiple CubeSats in the MAGNARO Mission

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    Recently, small satellites such as CubeSats have been applied to a variety of missions such as scientific observations and remote sensing. One of attractive applications that can be relatively easily achieved by small satellites are multi-satellite missions such as formation flight and constellation. As a new method to realize these multi-satellite missions, we propose a method to separate jointed multiple satellite magnetically to generate ΔV without thrusters. To demonstrate the proposed method, we are developing a 3U sized CubeSat called MAGNARO (MAGnetically separating NAnosatellite with Rotation for Orbit control)

    Suzaku Observations of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2052

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    The results from Suzaku XIS observations of the relaxed cluster of galaxies Abell2052 are presented. Offset pointing data are used to estimate the Galactic foreground emission in the direction to the cluster. Significant soft X-ray excess emission above this foreground, the intra-cluster medium emission, and other background components is confirmed and resolved spectroscopically and radially. This excess can be described either by (a) local variations of known Galactic emission components or (b) an additional thermal component with temperature of about 0.2 keV, possibly associated with the cluster. The radial temperature and metal abundance profiles of the intra-cluster medium are measured within \sim 20 in radius (about 60% of the virial radius) from the cluster center . The temperature drops radially to 0.5-0.6 of the peak value at a radius of \sim 15'. The gas-mass-weighted metal abundance averaged over the observed region is found to be 0.21 +- 0.05 times solar.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ (2008), 19 pages, postscript figure