39 research outputs found

    The Amphibious Mudskipper: A Unique Model Bridging the Gap of Central Actions of Osmoregulatory Hormones Between Terrestrial and Aquatic Vertebrates

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    Body fluid regulation, or osmoregulation, continues to be a major topic in comparative physiology, and teleost fishes have been the subject of intensive research. Great progress has been made in understanding the osmoregulatory mechanisms including drinking behavior in teleosts and mammals. Mudskipper gobies can bridge the gap from aquatic to terrestrial habitats by their amphibious behavior, but the studies are yet emerging. In this review, we introduce this unique teleost as a model to study osmoregulatory behaviors, particularly amphibious behaviors regulated by the central action of hormones. Regarding drinking behavior of mammals, a thirst sensation is aroused by angiotensin II (Ang II) through direct actions on the forebrain circumventricular structures, which predominantly motivates them to search for water and take it into the mouth for drinking. By contrast, aquatic teleosts can drink water that is constantly present in their mouth only by reflex swallowing, and Ang II induces swallowing by acting on the hindbrain circumventricular organ without inducing thirst. In mudskippers, however, through the loss of buccal water by swallowing, which appears to induce buccal drying on land, Ang II motivates these fishes to move to water for drinking. Thus, mudskippers revealed a unique thirst regulation by sensory detection in the buccal cavity. In addition, the neurohypophysial hormones, isotocin (IT) and vasotocin (VT), promote migration to water via IT receptors in mudskippers. VT is also dipsogenic and the neurons in the forebrain may mediate their thirst. VT regulates social behaviors as well as osmoregulation. The VT-induced migration appears to be a submissive response of subordinate mudskippers to escape from competitive and dehydrating land. Together with implications of VT in aggression, mudskippers may bridge the multiple functions of neurohypophysial hormones. Interestingly, cortisol, an important hormone for seawater adaptation and stress response in teleosts, also stimulates the migration toward water, mediated possibly via the mineralocorticoid receptor. The corticosteroid system that is responsive to external stressors can accelerate emergence of migration to alternative habitats. In this review, we suggest this unique teleost as an important model to deepen insights into the behavioral roles of these hormones in relation to osmoregulation

    Footedness for scratching itchy eyes in rodents

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    The neural bases of itchy eye transmission remain unclear compared with those involved in body itch. Here, we show in rodents that the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) of the trigeminal sensory system is involved in the transmission of itchy eyes. Interestingly, we further demonstrate a difference in scratching behaviour between the left and right hindfeet in rodents; histamine instillation into the conjunctival sac of both eyes revealed right-foot biased laterality in the scratching movements. Unilateral histamine instillation specifically induced neural activation in the ipsilateral sensory pathway, with no significant difference between the activations following left- and right-eye instillations. Thus, the behavioural laterality is presumably due to right-foot preference in rodents. Genetically modified rats with specific depletion of Grpr-expressing neurons in the trigeminal sensory nucleus caudalis of the medulla oblongata exhibited fewer and shorter histamine-induced scratching movements than controls and eliminated the footedness. These results taken together indicate that the Grp-expressing neurons are required for the transmission of itch sensation from the eyes, but that foot preference is generated centrally. These findings could open up a new field of research on the mechanisms of the laterality in vertebrates and also offer new potential therapeutic approaches to refractory pruritic eye disorders

    The gastrin-releasing peptide/bombesin system revisited by a reverse-evolutionary study considering Xenopus

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    Bombesin is a putative antibacterial peptide isolated from the skin of the frog, Bombina bombina. Two related (bombesin-like) peptides, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B (NMB) have been found in mammals. The history of GRP/bombesin discovery has caused little attention to be paid to the evolutionary relationship of GRP/bombesin and their receptors in vertebrates. We have classified the peptides and their receptors from the phylogenetic viewpoint using a newly established genetic database and bioinformatics. Here we show, by using a clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis), that GRP is not a mammalian counterpart of bombesin and also that, whereas the GRP system is widely conserved among vertebrates, the NMB/bombesin system has diversified in certain lineages, in particular in frog species. To understand the derivation of GRP system in the ancestor of mammals, we have focused on the GRP system in Xenopus. Gene expression analyses combined with immunohistochemistry and Western blotting experiments demonstrated that GRP peptides and their receptors are distributed in the brain and stomach of Xenopus. We conclude that GRP peptides and their receptors have evolved from ancestral (GRP-like peptide) homologues to play multiple roles in both the gut and the brain as one of the 'gut-brain peptide' systems

    Oxytocin Influences Male Sexual Activity via Non-synaptic Axonal Release in the Spinal Cord

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    Oxytocinergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus that project to extrahypothalamic brain areas and the lumbar spinal cord play an important role in the control of erectile function and male sexual behavior in mammals. The gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) system in the lumbosacral spinal cord is an important component of the neural circuits that control penile reflexes in rats, circuits that are commonly referred to as the “spinal ejaculation generator (SEG).” We have examined the functional interaction between the SEG neurons and the hypothalamo-spinal oxytocin system in rats. Here, we show that SEG/GRP neurons express oxytocin receptors and are activated by oxytocin during male sexual behavior. Intrathecal injection of oxytocin receptor antagonist not only attenuates ejaculation but also affects pre-ejaculatory behavior during normal sexual activity. Electron microscopy of potassium-stimulated acute slices of the lumbar cord showed that oxytocin-neurophysin-immunoreactivity was detected in large numbers of neurosecretory dense-cored vesicles, many of which are located close to the plasmalemma of axonal varicosities in which no electron-lucent microvesicles or synaptic membrane thickenings were visible. These results suggested that, in rats, release of oxytocin in the lumbar spinal cord is not limited to conventional synapses but occurs by exocytosis of the dense-cored vesicles from axonal varicosities and acts by diffusion—a localized volume transmission—to reach oxytocin receptors on GRP neurons and facilitate male sexual function

    Variation of pro‐vasopressin processing in parvocellular and magnocellular neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: Evidence from the vasopressin‐related glycopeptide copeptin

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    Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is synthesized in parvocellular‐ and magnocellular neuroendocrine neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. Whereas magnocellular AVP neurons project primarily to the posterior pituitary, parvocellular AVP neurons project to the median eminence (ME) and to extrahypothalamic areas. The AVP gene encodes pre‐pro‐AVP that comprises the signal peptide, AVP, neurophysin (NPII), and a copeptin glycopeptide. In the present study, we used an N‐terminal copeptin antiserum to examine copeptin expression in magnocellular and parvocellular neurons in the hypothalamus in the mouse, rat, and macaque monkey. Although magnocellular NPII‐expressing neurons exhibited strong N‐terminal copeptin immunoreactivity in all three species, a great majority (~90%) of parvocellular neurons that expressed NPII was devoid of copeptin immunoreactivity in the mouse, and in approximately half (~53%) of them in the rat, whereas in monkey hypothalamus, virtually all NPII‐immunoreactive parvocellular neurons contained strong copeptin immunoreactivity. Immunoelectron microscopy in the mouse clearly showed copeptin‐immunoreactivity co‐localized with NPII‐immunoreactivity in neurosecretory vesicles in the internal layer of the ME and posterior pituitary, but not in the external layer of the ME. Intracerebroventricular administration of a prohormone convertase inhibitor, hexa‐d‐arginine amide resulted in a marked reduction of copeptin‐immunoreactivity in the NPII‐immunoreactive magnocellular PVN neurons in the mouse, suggesting that low protease activity and incomplete processing of pro‐AVP could explain the disproportionally low levels of N‐terminal copeptin expression in rodent AVP (NPII)‐expressing parvocellular neurons. Physiologic and phylogenetic aspects of copeptin expression among neuroendocrine neurons require further exploration

    Stress Affects a Gastrin-Releasing Peptide System in the Spinal Cord That Mediates Sexual Function: Implications for Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

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    Many men suffering from stress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), report sexual dysfunction, which is traditionally treated via psychological counseling. Recently, we identified a gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) system in the lumbar spinal cord that is a primary mediator for male reproductive functions.To ask whether an acute severe stress could alter the male specific GRP system, we used a single-prolonged stress (SPS), a putative rat model for PTSD in the present study. Exposure of SPS to male rats decreases both the local content and axonal distribution of GRP in the lower lumbar spinal cord and results in an attenuation of penile reflexes in vivo. Remarkably, pharmacological stimulation of GRP receptors restores penile reflexes in SPS-exposed males, and induces spontaneous ejaculation in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, although the level of plasma testosterone is normal 7 days after SPS exposure, we found a significant decrease in the expression of androgen receptor protein in this spinal center.We conclude that the spinal GRP system appears to be a stress-vulnerable center for male reproductive functions, which may provide new insight into a clinical target for the treatment of erectile dysfunction triggered by stress and psychiatric disorders

    Rising income inequality and poverty in Japan

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    Title from first page of PDF file (viewed November 19, 2010)Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-44)The purpose of this paper is to examine income inequality and poverty in Japan, using statistics from the Japanese government and the OECD. This thesis addresses the following questions. What are the current levels and trends in inequality? What are the causes of inequality and poverty? I answer those questions both within nations and across the countries, focusing especially on Japan and OECD countries. The thesis begins with a discussion of Japan's income inequality and poverty. It then analyzes the reasons for Japan's increasing income inequality: population aging and labor market instabilities