2 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the home nursing science lecture performance through the teaching evaluation scale

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    The home nursing science course has become more important, so the quality of that course must be improved for the students, in Jap an. To improve the home nursing science lecture, we conducted a survey of first-year nursing students of nursing school for associate nurses, using a scale to assess the teaching-learning process in nursing lectures. In addition, the evaluation of the lecture was also done by colleague teacher. According to the study, it was found that it has been important to develop the motivation of students, and to make approach for positive attitude of students. Then, teachers have been progressed by themselves with aspiration


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    application/pdf精神に障害を持つ親と生活する子どもは、親の病気について説明されていないことが多く、訳がわからないまま、病気の親に合わせる生活が余儀なくされていた。このような生活状況の中で、適切な保護や養育を受けられない子どもは、誰にも相談することができず、家の中でも""孤独""を感じ、親に負担をかけない""いい子""の生活を送っていた。これらの子どもは、認められた経験に乏しく自信が持てないなど""生きづらさ""を感じ、成人後の生活にも影響していた。Children living with mentally ill parents have often been obliged to spend their lives adjusted to their parents without information of their parents' medical condition. Under such circumstances, children have been spending their lives as ""good children"" being at home all alone. These children are hardly recognized and cannot have the feeling of confidence, so sometimes feel terrible about their lives and their adulthood have been influenced.平成21~23年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書2159289