19 research outputs found

    Inherently Ducted Propfans and Bi-Props

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    The terms inherently ducted propfan (IDP) and inherently ducted biprop (IDBP) denote members of a proposed class of propfan engines that would be quieter and would weigh less than do other propfan engines that generate equal amounts of thrust. The designs of these engines would be based on novel combinations of previously established aerodynamic-design concepts, including those of counter-rotating propfans, swept-back and swept-forward fixed wings, and ducted propfans. Heretofore, noise-reducing propfan designs have provided for installation of shrouds around the blades. A single propeller surrounded by such a shroud is denoted an advanced ducted propeller (ADP); a pair of counter-rotating propellers surrounded by such a shroud is denoted a counter-rotating integrated shrouded propeller (CRISP). In addition to adding weight, the shrouds engender additional undesired rotor/stator interactions and cascade effects, and contribute to susceptibility to choking. An IDP or IDBP would offer some shielding against outward propagation of noise, similar to shielding by a shroud, but without the weight and other undesired effects associated with shrouds. An IDP would include a pair of counter-rotating propellers. The blades of the upstream propeller would be swept back, while those of the downstream propeller would be swept forward (see figure). The downstream blades would have a geometric twist such that their forward-swept tips could act as winglets extending over the tips of the upstream blades. In principle, the resulting periodic coverage of the upstream-blade tips by the downstreamblade tips would suppress outward propagation of noise, as though a short noise-shielding duct were present. Furthermore, it is anticipated that an IDP would be less susceptible to some of the operational limitations of a CRISP during asymmetric flow conditions or reverse thrust operation

    Unsteady potential flow past a propeller blade section

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    An analytical study was conducted to predict the effect of an oscillating stream on the time dependent sectional pressure and lift coefficients of a model propeller blade. The assumption is that as the blade sections encounter a wake, the actual angles of attack vary in a sinusoidal manner through the wake, thus each blade is exposed to an unsteady stream oscillating about a mean value at a certain reduced frequency. On the other hand, an isolated propeller at some angle of attack can experience periodic changes in the value of the flow angle causing unsteady loads on the blades. Such a flow condition requires the inclusion of new expressions in the formulation of the unsteady potential flow around the blade sections. These expressions account for time variation of angle of attack and total shed vortices in the wake of each airfoil section. It was found that the final expressions for the unsteady pressure distribution on each blade section are periodic and that the unsteady circulation and lift coefficients exhibit a hysteresis loop

    Effect of Pylon Wake with and Without Pylon Blowing on Propeller Thrust

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    Pylon trailing edge blowing was investigated as a means of alleviating the effects of the pylon wake on a pusher arrangement of an advanced single-rotation turboprop. Measurements were made of steady-state propeller thrust and pylon wake pressures and turbulence levels with and without blowing. Results show that the pylon trailing edge blowing practically eliminated the pylon wake, significantly reduced the pylon wake turbulence, and had a relatively small effect on the steady-state propeller thrust. The data are presented with a minimum of analysis

    Effect of solidity and inclination on propeller-nacelle force coefficients

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    A series of wind tunnel experiments were conducted to study the effect of propeller solidity and thrust axis inclination on the propeller normal force coefficient. Experiments were conducted in the Langley 14 by 22 foot Subsonic Tunnel with a sting mounted, counterrotation, scale model propeller and nacelle. Configurations had two rows of blades with combinations of 4 and 8 blades per hub. The solidity was varied by changing the number of blades on both rows. Tests were conducted for blade pitch setting of 31.34 deg, 36.34 deg, and 41.34 deg over a range of angle of attack from -10 deg to 90 deg and range of advance ratio from 0.8 to 1.4. The increase in propeller normal force with angle of attack is greater for propellers with higher solidity

    Wing pressure distributions from subsonic tests of a high-wing transport model

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    A wind tunnel investigation was conducted on a generic, high-wing transport model in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel. This report contains pressure data that document effects of various model configurations and free-stream conditions on wing pressure distributions. The untwisted wing incorporated a full-span, leading-edge Krueger flap and a part-span, double-slotted trailing-edge flap system. The trailing-edge flap was tested at four different deflection angles (20 deg, 30 deg, 40 deg, and 60 deg). Four wing configurations were tested: cruise, flaps only, Krueger flap only, and high lift (Krueger flap and flaps deployed). Tests were conducted at free-stream dynamic pressures of 20 psf to 60 psf with corresponding chord Reynolds numbers of 1.22 x 10(exp 6) to 2.11 x 10(exp 6) and Mach numbers of 0.12 to 0.20. The angles of attack presented range from 0 deg to 20 deg and were determined by wing configuration. The angle of sideslip ranged from minus 20 deg to 20 deg. In general, pressure distributions were relatively insensitive to free-stream speed with exceptions primarily at high angles of attack or high flap deflections. Increasing trailing-edge Krueger flap significantly reduced peak suction pressures and steep gradients on the wing at high angles of attack. Installation of the empennage had no effect on wing pressure distributions. Unpowered engine nacelles reduced suction pressures on the wing and the flaps

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a propeller-powered high-lift semispan wing

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    A small-scale semispan high-lift wing-flap system equipped under the wing with a turboprop engine assembly was tested in the LaRC 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel. Experimental data were obtained for various propeller rotational speeds, nacelle locations, and nacelle inclinations. To isolate the effects of the high lift system, data were obtained with and without the flaps and leading-edge device. The effects of the propeller slipstream on the overall longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of the wing-propeller assembly were examined. Test results indicated that the lift coefficient of the wing could be increased by the propeller slipstream when the rotational speed was increased and high-lift devices were deployed. Decreasing the nacelle inclination (increased pitch down) enhanced the lift performance of the system much more than varying the vertical or horizontal location of the nacelle. Furthermore, decreasing the nacelle inclination led to higher lift curve slope values, which indicated that the powered wing could sustain higher angles of attack near maximum lift performance. Any lift augmentation was accompanied by a drag penalty due to the increased wing lift

    Piloted Simulation of Various Synthetic Vision Systems Terrain Portrayal and Guidance Symbology Concepts for Low Altitude En-Route Scenario

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    In support of the NASA Aviation Safety Program's Synthetic Vision Systems Project, a series of piloted simulations were conducted to explore and quantify the relationship between candidate Terrain Portrayal Concepts and Guidance Symbology Concepts, specific to General Aviation. The experiment scenario was based on a low altitude en route flight in Instrument Metrological Conditions in the central mountains of Alaska. A total of 18 general aviation pilots, with three levels of pilot experience, evaluated a test matrix of four terrain portrayal concepts and six guidance symbology concepts. Quantitative measures included various pilot/aircraft performance data, flight technical errors and flight control inputs. The qualitative measures included pilot comments and pilot responses to the structured questionnaires such as perceived workload, subjective situation awareness, pilot preferences, and the rare event recognition. There were statistically significant effects found from guidance symbology concepts and terrain portrayal concepts but no significant interactions between them. Lower flight technical errors and increased situation awareness were achieved using Synthetic Vision Systems displays, as compared to the baseline Pitch/Roll Flight Director and Blue Sky Brown Ground combination. Overall, those guidance symbology concepts that have both path based guidance cue and tunnel display performed better than the other guidance concepts

    Airborne Precision Spacing for Dependent Parallel Operations Interface Study

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    This paper describes a usability study of proposed cockpit interfaces to support Airborne Precision Spacing (APS) operations for aircraft performing dependent parallel approaches (DPA). NASA has proposed an airborne system called Pair Dependent Speed (PDS) which uses their Airborne Spacing for Terminal Arrival Routes (ASTAR) algorithm to manage spacing intervals. Interface elements were designed to facilitate the input of APS-DPA spacing parameters to ASTAR, and to convey PDS system information to the crew deemed necessary and/or helpful to conduct the operation, including: target speed, guidance mode, target aircraft depiction, and spacing trend indication. In the study, subject pilots observed recorded simulations using the proposed interface elements in which the ownship managed assigned spacing intervals from two other arriving aircraft. Simulations were recorded using the Aircraft Simulation for Traffic Operations Research (ASTOR) platform, a medium-fidelity simulator based on a modern Boeing commercial glass cockpit. Various combinations of the interface elements were presented to subject pilots, and feedback was collected via structured questionnaires. The results of subject pilot evaluations show that the proposed design elements were acceptable, and that preferable combinations exist within this set of elements. The results also point to potential improvements to be considered for implementation in future experiments