367 research outputs found

    Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Observations of the OMC-2/3 Region. II. Observational Evidence for Outflow-Triggered Star Formation in the OMC-2 FIR 3/4 Region

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    We have carried out the observations of the OMC-2 FIR 3/4 region with the NMA and ASTE in the H13^{13}CO+^{+} (1--0), 12^{12}CO (3--2, 1--0), SiO (vv=0, JJ=2--1), CS (2--1), and CH3_3OH (JKJ_K=7K_K--6K_K) lines and in the 3.3 mm continuum emission. Our NMA observations in the H13^{13}CO+^{+} emission have revealed 0.07 pc-scale dense gas associated with FIR 4. The 12^{12}CO (3--2,1--0) emission shows high-velocity blue and red shifted components at the both north-east and south-west of FIR 3, suggesting a molecular outflow nearly along the plane of the sky driven by FIR 3. The SiO and the CH3_{3}OH emission are detected around the interface between the outflow and the dense gas. Furthermore, the 12^{12}CO (1--0) emission shows an L-shaped structure in the P-V diagram. These results imply presence of the shock due to the interaction between the molecular outflow driven by FIR 3 and the dense gas associated with FIR 4. Moreover, our high angular-resolution observations of FIR 4 in the 3.3 mm continuum emission have first found that FIR 4 consists of eleven dusty cores. The separation among these cores is on the same order of the Jeans length, suggesting that the fragmentation into these cores has been caused by the gravitational instability. The time scale of the fragmentation is similar to the time scale of the interaction between the molecular outflow and the dense gas. We suggest that the interaction between the molecular outflow from FIR 3 and the dense gas associated with FIR 4 triggered the fragmentation into these dusty cores, and hence the next generation the cluster formation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Rotationally-Driven Fragmentation for the Formation of the Binary Protostellar System L1551 IRS 5

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    Either bulk rotation or local turbulence is widely invoked to drive fragmentation in collapsing cores so as to produce multiple star systems. Even when the two mechanisms predict different manners in which the stellar spins and orbits are aligned, subsequent internal or external interactions can drive multiple systems towards or away from alignment thus masking their formation process. Here, we demonstrate that the geometrical and dynamical relationship between the binary system and its surrounding bulk envelope provide the crucial distinction between fragmentation models. We find that the circumstellar disks of the binary protostellar system L1551 IRS 5 are closely parallel not just with each other but also with their surrounding flattened envelope. Measurements of the relative proper motion of the binary components spanning nearly 30 yr indicate an orbital motion in the same sense as the envelope rotation. Eliminating orbital solutions whereby the circumstellar disks would be tidally truncated to sizes smaller than are observed, the remaining solutions favor a circular or low-eccentricity orbit tilted by up to \sim25^\circ from the circumstellar disks. Turbulence-driven fragmentation can generate local angular momentum to produce a coplanar binary system, but which bears no particular relationship with its surrounding envelope. Instead, the observed properties conform with predictions for rotationally-driven fragmentation. If the fragments were produced at different heights or on opposite sides of the midplane in the flattened central region of a rotating core, the resulting protostars would then exhibit circumstellar disks parallel with the surrounding envelope but tilted from the orbital plane as is observed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Imaging Simulations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect for ALMA

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    We present imaging simulations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect of galaxy clusters for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) including the Atacama Compact Array (ACA). In its most compact configuration at 90GHz, ALMA will resolve the intracluster medium with an effective angular resolution of 5 arcsec. It will provide a unique probe of shock fronts and relativistic electrons produced during cluster mergers at high redshifts, that are hard to spatially resolve by current and near-future X-ray detectors. Quality of image reconstruction is poor with the 12m array alone but improved significantly by adding ACA; expected sensitivity of the 12m array based on the thermal noise is not valid for the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect mapping unless accompanied by an ACA observation of at least equal duration. The observations above 100 GHz will become excessively time-consuming owing to the narrower beam size and the higher system temperature. On the other hand, significant improvement of the observing efficiency is expected once Band 1 is implemented in the future.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ. Note added in proof is include

    Nonlinear Hodge maps

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    We consider maps between Riemannian manifolds in which the map is a stationary point of the nonlinear Hodge energy. The variational equations of this functional form a quasilinear, nondiagonal, nonuniformly elliptic system which models certain kinds of compressible flow. Conditions are found under which singular sets of prescribed dimension cannot occur. Various degrees of smoothness are proven for the sonic limit, high-dimensional flow, and flow having nonzero vorticity. The gradient flow of solutions is estimated. Implications for other quasilinear field theories are suggested.Comment: Slightly modified and updated version; tcilatex, 32 page

    Myopericarditis diagnosed by a 64-slice coronary CT angiography "triple rule out" protocol

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    We report a case of myopericarditis in a 30-year-old male complaining of shortness of breath. In an emergency department (ED) setting, the symptoms of myopericarditis may overlap with many disease entities and can be a challenging diagnosis to make. However, with the use of a 64-section coronary CT angiography in a “triple rule out” (TRO) protocol, we were able to detect a large pericardial effusion surrounding the heart and moderate global hypokinesis in the setting of normal-sized heart chambers and normal coronary arteries. We were further able to exclude pulmonary embolism and thoracic dissection. This is the first reported case of diagnosing myopericarditis using a TRO protocol. It demonstrates the usefulness of TRO in making an emergent diagnosis of myopericarditis while excluding other life-threatening diseases that can lead to earlier appropriate ED disposition and care

    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect at Five Arc-seconds: RXJ1347.5-1145 Imaged by ALMA

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    We present the first image of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Combining 7-m and 12-m arrays in Band 3, we create an SZE map toward a galaxy cluster RXJ1347.5-1145 with 5 arc-second resolution (corresponding to the physical size of 20 kpc/h), the highest angular and physical spatial resolutions achieved to date for imaging the SZE, while retaining extended signals out to 40 arc-seconds. The 1-sigma statistical sensitivity of the image is 0.017 mJy/beam or 0.12 mK_CMB at the 5 arc-second full width at half maximum. The SZE image shows a good agreement with an electron pressure map reconstructed independently from the X-ray data and offers a new probe of the small-scale structure of the intracluster medium. Our results demonstrate that ALMA is a powerful instrument for imaging the SZE in compact galaxy clusters with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity. As the first report on the detection of the SZE by ALMA, we present detailed analysis procedures including corrections for the missing flux, to provide guiding methods for analyzing and interpreting future SZE images by ALMA.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores

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    We have investigated the evolution and distribution of molecules in collapsing prestellar cores via numerical chemical models, adopting the Larson-Penston solution and its delayed analogues to study collapse. Molecular abundances and distributions in a collapsing core are determined by the balance among the dynamical, chemical and adsorption time scales. When the central density n_H of a prestellar core with the Larson-Penston flow rises to 3 10^6 cm^{-3}, the CCS and CO column densities are calculated to show central holes of radius 7000 AU and 4000 AU, respectively, while the column density of N2H+ is centrally peaked. These predictions are consistent with observations of L1544. If the dynamical time scale of the core is larger than that of the Larson-Penston solution owing to magnetic fields, rotation, or turbulence, the column densities of CO and CCS are smaller, and their holes are larger than in the Larson-Penston core with the same central gas density. On the other hand, N2H+ and NH3 are more abundant in the more slowly collapsing core. Therefore, molecular distributions can probe the collapse time scale of prestellar cores. Deuterium fractionation has also been studied via numerical calculations. The deuterium fraction in molecules increases as a core evolves and molecular depletion onto grains proceeds. When the central density of the core is n_H=3 10^6 cm^{-3}, the ratio DCO+/HCO+ at the center is in the range 0.06-0.27, depending on the collapse time scale and adsorption energy; this range is in reasonable agreement with the observed value in L1544.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure