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    新卒看護師は先輩看護師のどのような関わりをサポートと認識しているのかを明らかにしようと,23名の新卒看護師を対象に半構成的面接を行い,質的帰納的に分析した.その結果,新卒看護師は先輩看護師からの『ための関わり』および先輩看護師との『関係』によって「やる気の高まり」「自己肯定感」「成長の実感」といった『エネルギーの注入』を感じたり,あるいは「やる気の低下」「自己否定感」「成長の停滞感」といった『エネルギーの喪失』を感じたりしていることが明らかとなった.さらに,新卒看護師の『エネルギー注入/喪失』には『ための関わり』『関係』を支えている職場環境やシステムといった『土壌:働いている場の特性』が関連していた.新卒看護師にエネルギーが注入される関わりをするためには,先輩看護師のアセスメント能力や,コミュニケーション能力,そして看護へのコミットメントが必要であることが示唆された.This paper is intended to describe novice nurses' recognition of the supports they receive from senior nurses. We collected data from 23 nurses with semi-structured interviews, and the data was analyzed using a qualitative-inductive method. Findings that emerged from the data are as follows. The novice nurses were given feelings of "instilled energy" (which is "a rise in motivation"), "feelings of self-affirmation", "feelings they are able to make progress," and so on. They "lost energy" (which is "a decline in motivation"), had "feelings of negative self image," "feelings they are stagnating" and so on depending on "interactions (being able to step up)," and "the relationship (being able to ask, express, and discuss)," with senior nurses. Besides the novice nurses' feelings of "instilled or lost energy" being influenced by interactions and relationship with senior nurses, findings suggest that "the soil or the characteristics of the work place" also play a role. In order to develop interactions that instill energy into novice nurses, it is suggested that senior nurses need assessment abilities, communication abilities, and a strong commitment to the profession of nursing