36 research outputs found


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    「ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」の第工区目である「ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」み぀いけプロゞェクトは、郜垂再生機構ず神戞芞術工科倧孊、そしお䜏民ずの連携で進められおいる宅地開発プロゞェクトである。新しい郊倖居䜏ず持続可胜な地域コミュニティづくりを目指すこのプロゞェクトは、玄6ha の面積に、宅地68区画、緑地公園、街区公園、共同斜蚭コミュニティスペヌスが配眮される。さらにみ぀いけプロゞェクトの蚈画手法を䜿甚しお、「み぀いけ南プロゞェクト」党82 画地の蚈画を行っおいる。ここでは、「グルヌプ募集」を導入した。ここでの「コミュニティづくり」「ルヌルづくり」「すたいづくり」はみ぀いけプロゞェクトでの経隓がいかされおいる。たた、ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」の西端郚に䜍眮する、自然地圢を掻甚した「おらいけプロゞェクト」玄10haを珟圚敎備しおいる。「み぀いけプロゞェクト」「み぀いけ南プロゞェクト」の経隓をいかし継続的な䜏宅コミュニティの創造ず日本の䜏宅が抱える課題の解決を目指しおいる。䜏たう人が自らのたちを誇りに思え、そしお、その環境の䟡倀を共有できるたちを぀くれるか。次の䞖代を芋据えた提案が、今埌のたちづくりの目暙である。The area developed in the first phase within TheGarden City MAITAMON Project is named MITSUIKE.The MITSUIKE project is a residential developmentproject that has been implemented through collaborationbetween KDU, UR and the residents.The town planning methods employed by theMITSUIKE Project which introduced the groupapplication system were also applied to implementthe MITSUIKE Minami Project (for a total of 82 lots).The MITSUIKE Minami project is making use of theexperience obtained through the MITSUIKE project incommunity building, rule development and residentialdesign.Furthermore, the project to develop TERAIKECommunity (approx. 10 ha), located in the westernmostpart of the Garden City MAITAMON, is currently underway, making effective use of natural geographic features.Capitalizing on the experience of the MITSUIKE Projectand the MITSUIKE MINAMI Project, the TERAIKEProject aims to create a sustainable residentialcommunity and to resolve the aforementionedchallenges confronting Japanese housing

    Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide promotes voluntary activity through dopaminergic activation in the medial prefrontal cortex

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    A physically active lifestyle is associated with better health in body and mind, and it is urgent that supporting agents for such lifestyles be developed. In rodents, voluntary locomotor activity as an active physical behavior may be mediated by dopaminergic neurons (DNs). Thiamine phosphate esters can stimulate DNs, and we thus hypothesized that thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD), a thiamine derivative, promotes locomotor activity via DNs in rats. Acute i.p. administration of TTFD enhanced rat locomotor activity in a normal cage. In vivo microdialysis revealed that TTFD-enhanced locomotor activity was synchronized with dopamine release in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Antagonism of the dopamine D1 receptor, but not D2 receptor, in the mPFC fully suppressed TTFD-enhanced locomotor activity. Finally, we found a TTFD dose-dependent increase in voluntary wheel running. Our findings demonstrate that DNs in the mPFC mediates TTFD-enhanced locomotor activity, suggesting the potential of TTFD to induce active physical behavior

    東アゞアたんが構想の基瀎研究/― 「怍民地たんが」ずいう芖点 ―

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    本研究は、近代史を通じお日本の怍民地統治䞋にあった台湟・朝鮮半島・旧満州を䞭心ずする東アゞアを、䞀぀のたんが・アニメヌションの文化圏ずしお仮説的に考え、2 ぀の研究の芖座を提瀺する。䞀぀は「怍民地たんが研究」である。珟圚の日本たんが史の戊前の蚘述は、いわゆる「内地」で出版・発行されたたんがに限定され、「怍民地」における出版物は察象ずされず、他方、東アゞア地域でも日本統治時代の日本たんがはたんが史の察象ずはなりにくい。もう䞀぀の芖点は、倧塚が日本におけるディズニヌの受容を日本たんが史の䞭に䜍眮づけたこずを螏たえ、各地域のディズニヌ受容のあり方を怜蚌するこずで各地域のたんが・アニメヌション衚珟の地域差を描き出せるのではないか、ずいうものである。同䞀の指暙に基づき、その受容の偏差を怜蚌するずいう手法は「映画的手法の受容」においおも可胜であろう。The aim of this study is to suggest two points of time of research by hypothesizing East Asia centering on Taiwan Korea and Manchuria which were under the Japanese colonial rule as a cultural area of a comic or animation through modern history. One is “Research on Comics in the Colonial Era”. At present, the description of Pre-World War Two in the Japanese comic history is limited to the comics which were printed and published in so-called “NAICHI” and the publications which were printed and published in “a colonial area” are excluded from the research subject. In addition, it\u27s difficult to be raised as the research subject even in East Asian regions.The other point of time is when Otsuka Eiji included the Japanese comic\u27s acceptance of Disney in Japanese comic history. If each region\u27s method of accepting Disney should be verified on the basis of Otsuka record, it might be possible to describe the region-specific difference in expression of comics and animations. The method of verifying the deviations in acceptance of Disney on the basis of the same index could be also applied to the verification of “acceptance of cinematic technique”


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    いわゆる「海賊版」は、垞に知的所有暩䟵害の問題ずしおのみ今日、問題化されるが、そもそも日本の挫画衚珟の圢匏性は1930幎代のディズニヌ・アニメヌションの海賊版挫画衚珟を介しお、ハリりッド産アニメヌションのキャラクタヌ䜜画様匏、すなわち「ミッキヌの曞匏」を受容するこずで成立した。これら海賊版は原著䜜を印刷によっお違法コピヌするのではなく原著䜜に察し暡写・翻案・キャラクタヌの借甚を行なうものである。韓囜・台湟でも十五幎戊争終結以降、日本挫画のこのような暡写・翻案型海賊版が刊行されるこずで、挫画衚珟の圢匏や方法が移動する珟象が芋られる。本報告では「ミッキヌの曞匏」が、韓囜・台湟の二地域においおどのように受容されたかに぀いお調査をもずに抂芳する。韓囜においおは、日本ず同時期の1930 幎代にディズニヌの暡写・翻案型海賊版は確認できるが、原則ずしお日本を介しおのディズニヌ流入にずどたり、海賊版による曞匏の倉化は起きおいない。他方、台湟では、1960 幎代に日本挫画の海賊版ず混圚する圢で、ディズニヌ及びアメリカン・コミックの暡写型海賊版の存圚が確認できた。日・韓・台の䞉地域のディズニヌ及び「ミッキヌの曞匏」の受容に぀いおは、今埌も調査研究を続ける。In these days, commonly called a “Pirated Edition” is caused problems of infringing intellectual property rights. However, originally the conventions of the Japanese cartoons expressions were affected by the Disney animation’s pirated edition expressions in 1930s and were accepted the Hollywood animation’s styles of painting, that is, “Mickey’s Form”. After finishing the 15 years war in Japan, South Korean and Taiwanese pirated editions which are imitated or adapted like the Japanese pirated editions were published. Therefore, the cartoons’ expression and the method of drawing were changed.This report examines how “Mickey’s Form” is accepted in South Korea and Taiwan. In 1930s, at the same time in Japan, we could identify Korean’s pirated editions which imitated and adapted Disney’s cartoons. However, the Korean’s pirated editions just imitated and adapted the Disney cartoons, so the form of Korean cartoons were not changed by Disney’s pirated editions. Meanwhile, we verified imitative Taiwanese pirated editions which were mixed Japanese pirated edition, Disney’s cartoons and American cartoons existed in Taiwan in 1960s


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    日本のたんが・アニメヌションの海倖政策は、海倖を垂堎ずみなしコンテンツを茞出する䞀方、東アゞアに察しおは、文化䞭心䞻矩的な察倖プロパガンダずしおの独善さに倧きな問題がある。本研究は海倖の諞地域に存圚する、「日本たんがの圱響䞋でたんがを自ら描こうずする者」たちを想定し、詊隓的なワヌクショップを通じお、その教授方法を開発するこずにある。぀たり、コンテンツの茞出や文化の誇瀺ではなく、衚珟方法の海倖ぞの啓蒙こそが、真の文化亀流ず我々は考える。日本たんがの教授法に぀いおは、戊埌たんがの根幹的な方法である「映画的手法」を教育する、神戞芞術工科倧孊たんが衚珟孊科で2012幎床たで採甚されおいた教授法の有効性が確認できた。日本たんがのコマの統蟞法をカメラアングルやショットなどの映画の抂念で敎理・定矩するこずで、海倖においおも理解が容易に進むこずも確認できた。たた、コマの進行が日本以倖は「巊→右」にあるこずで、コマ内の時間進行に基づく文法に混乱が生じ、それが海倖の描き手の䜜品に共通の「読みにくさ」であるこずも立蚌できた。The authors argue that a major problem of Japan’s foreign policy with regards to manga and animation lies in the fact that foreign countries are viewed as export markets for content on the one hand, while a self-righteous “external propaganda” colored by cultural centrism is being directed toward East Asia on the other. This study aimed to develop, through experimental workshops, manga teaching methods for people from outside Japan aspiring to create manga under the influence of Japanese manga. The authors believe that genuine cultural exchange lies in overseas dissemination of means of expression, rather than in the export of content or display of one’s own culture. The study confirmed the effectiveness of a Japanese manga teaching method adopted by the Department of Manga Media at Kobe Design University until the 2012 academic year. The method involves teaching “movie-style” techniques, which have been central to post-WWII Japanese manga. The study showed that the syntax of Japanese manga panels (koma) was more readily understood by non-Japanese students when explained and defined using motion-picture concepts such as angle and shot. The study also showed that the difference in panel sequence, which runs left to right in all countries except Japan, can confuse the “grammar” of chronological order, posing difficulties to Japanese readers of manga created by non-Japanese manga artists


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    「ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」の第工区目である「ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」み぀いけプロゞェクトは、郜垂再生機構ず神戞芞術工科倧孊、そしお䜏民ずの連携で進められおいる宅地開発プロゞェクトである。新しい郊倖居䜏ず持続可胜な地域コミュニティづくりを目指すこのプロゞェクトは、玄6ha の面積に、宅地68区画、緑地公園、街区公園、共同斜蚭コミュニティスペヌスが配眮される。たた、ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞」の西端郚に䜍眮する、自然地圢を掻甚した「おらいけプロゞェクト」玄10haを珟圚敎備しおいる。「み぀いけプロゞェクト」「み぀いけ南プロゞェクト」の経隓をいかし継続的な䜏宅コミュニティの創造ず日本の䜏宅が抱える課題の解決を目指しおいる。本幎床は、おらいけプロゞェクトの「スペヌスデザむン」、「たちづくりのルヌル」、「䜏たいづくりデザむンガむドラむン」、「䜏民参加型プロセスの怜蚎」、おらいけの目指すたちづくりの「公開講座」、み぀いけプロゞェクトのコミュニティマネゞメントの実践ずしお「ネむチャヌアヌトワヌクショップ」、「絵本づくりプロゞェクトず読み聞かせワヌクショップ」、「ガヌデンシティ舞倚聞の再構築」に぀いお蚀及した。The area developed in the first phase within The Garden City MAITAMON Project is named MITSUIKE. The MITSUIKE project is a residential development project that has been implemented through collaboration between KDU, UR and the residents.Furthermore, the project to develop TERAIKE Community (approx. 10 ha), located in the westernmost part of the Garden City MAITAMON, is currently under way, making effective use of natural geographic features. Capitalizing on the experience of the MITSUIKE Project and the MITSUIKE MINAMI Project, the TERAIKE Project aims to create a sustainable residential community and to resolve the aforementioned challenges confronting Japanese housing.On this year, from TERAIKE project, we report about space design, rule of community, design guidelines of housing, and process including residential participation. And, from community management of MITSUIKE project, we report nature art workshop, picture book project, and reconstructing project’s web design


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    1212 幎、鎚長明は「方䞈蚘」を蚘した。それは、厭䞖感を衚珟したもので、わずか3 メヌトル四方の「方䞈の庵」で曞かれたず䌝えられおいる。それゆえ、「方䞈の庵」には䜙分な機胜はなく日本の䜏たいの原圢ずしおずらえられおいる。このような点から、本研究では、「方䞈の庵」を日本人の䜏たいの原圢ずしおずらえ、地域孊習の察象ずしお掻甚するこずにより、䜏たいに関する珟代的な知芋を埗るこずを目的ずする。なかでも、近幎の環境ず共生する䜏たいのあり方ずその思想の接点を考察するものである。研究のフィヌルドは、神戞垂西区「み぀いけプロゞェクト」呚蟺地区ずし、郜垂再生機構が管理する孊園南緑地里山゚リアを拠点ずした。そこは地域亀流の拠点ずしお䜍眮付けられおおり、様々なワヌクショップやむベントが蚈画されおいる。本研究で蚈画しおいる「方䞈の庵」の補䜜およびその掻甚は、地域亀流の今埌の指針ずなるこずが期埅されおいる。研究方法は、①知識の共有、②斜工ワヌクショップずいう2 段階を蚈画、実斜した。このこずにより、建築を通じた地域孊習のあり方ずしおも新たな展開を瀺したず考えられる。"Hojoki" was written by KAMO no Chomei at “Ho-o hermitage” in 1212. There is a philosophy based on a pessimistic view of life. But that hermitage is not the extra function and is the original form of the house of Japan.The aim of this study is obtained to knowledge about contemporary lifestyle by inflecting as an object of the regional study through “Hojo hermitage”.The subject of the research is “Mitsuike area”: Nishi ward, Kobe city. This study based at Satoyama of South Green area; it had been placed as a base of the regional study at “Mitsuike area”, and various workshops and events were planned.The study method planned two phases, ① shared knowledge of “Hojo hermitage” ②construction workshop of “Hojo hermitage”. By this method, there is new development as the role of the regional study through the building


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    倪錓台ずは、豊䜜の秋を感謝しお氏神に奉玍しおいたもので、倚くの堎合は瀬戞内海沿岞の枯町、持垫町を䞭心に分垃し、祭瀌山車の䞀皮である。重さ、トン、長さ12メヌトル、メヌトルの高さをも぀。160人のかき倫が担ぎ差し䞊げる倪錓台は、仕蟌たれた倪錓を打ち鳎らし、倧勢の人々が担ぎながら緎り歩く。華麗な姿は、祭瀌の䞭でずりわけ際だ぀存圚である。本報告は2009幎10月15日10月17日の間、西条・新居浜祭りの調査、情報収集に基づいお纏めたものである。特に新居浜の䞊郚地区の船朚地区、角野地区、泉川地区、䞭荻地区、四぀地区合蚈19 台の倪錓台を察象ずしおずらえた(1)「倪錓台」の構造原理(2)「倪錓台」ずデザむン(3)「倪錓台」ず色圩など䞉぀の芖点から各地区の倪錓台ず比范しながら、各倪錓台の基本的な構造、デザむン構成芁玠を明らかにするこずを目的ずする。Drum Floats is the one which is dedicated to the god in appreciation for the autumn of the good harvest. In many cases, it could be found in the coasts and the fisherman towns of Setonaikai. It is a kind of festival float which is two and three tons in weight, 12 meters in length and 4 and 5 meters in height. Each drum float which is 4-5m in height carrying a drum and is carried by 160 persons while the drum is played and it is followed by crows of people. Its splendid figure is conspicuous in the festival. This report is made based on the research which was held on 15th to 17th of October, 2009. The research was on Saijo and the Niihama festival. Especially Funaki area in the upper area in Niihama, Kakuno division, the Izumi Kawachi division, Nakaogi area.19 drum floats in the above 4areas were investigated. (1) Structure principle of “drum floats” (2) “drum floats” and its design (3) Drum floats and its colors. The research aims to investigate the fundamental structure of each drum floats and a design constituent factor by comparing with the drum floats of each area from the above three viewpoints

    ECO BOAT の開発/自然゚ネルギヌを最倧限に掻甚した瀬戞内海甚クルヌザヌ

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    近幎、地球環境保党の芳点から内燃機関に倉わる次䞖代動力に関しおの開発が叫ばれおいる。䞭でも電気掚進は自動車関係の開発に䌎い急速にその氎準が向䞊しおきおいる。動力源ずなる電気においおは、自家発電のシステムの研究がなされおきおいるが、珟状の自家発電システムでは未だ電力䟛絊胜力が完党ずは蚀えず、発電攟電の埪環サむクルを満たすシステムを構築するこずは、発電芏暡、コスト面などの偎面からも容易ではない。珟時点での電気掚進の乗り物の蚭蚈においおは、甚途や䜿甚珟堎の蚭定においおこれらの条件に留意する必芁がある。今回研究を行った瀬戞内の島々は䞊蚘の条件に適した地域である。瀬戞内には倚くの矎しい自然の残る小島が点圚しおいるが、長倧橋出珟により、地域の足ずなっおきた小型船舶の定期船の廃止が盞次ぐなど、小さな島々の䜏民の近距離移動の足が消え぀぀あるずいう珟実があった。ベルリン・ノァむれンれヌ矎術孊院ず本孊の孊生ずの共同サヌベむからは、これらの島々の特殊な環境に着目し、瀬戞内ならではの小型の電気掚進船舶の提案がなされた。Recently we must find out the next generation driving system as soon as possible from the viewpoint of saving the earth. There are many ecological driving systems. Of these, particularly electronic driving system is getting better.Nowadays, many people are researching about ecological generation systems, but all the performance of supply energy capacity is quite little, so we don’t have the perfect cycle energy system now. From this reason when we design new ecological transportation we must consider about the scale of the ecological electronic system.“Setouchi” sea is one of the best area for the systems. The people who lives wants new transportation .There are a lot of natural beauty, Islands, but the people can’t go across the Islands freely because of the abolition of the Ferry route. The students of our university and the university of Berlin-Weissensee designed the ecological ship for the peoples


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    昚幎床から匕き続き、自然゚ネルギヌを掻甚した船舶の開発を行った。昚幎床はベルリン・ノァむれンれヌ矎術孊院ず共同で近未来の゚コフレンドリヌな船舶の考察を行ったのに察し、本幎床は具䜓的な船舶を蚭蚈制䜜した。颚力ずいうクリヌンな゚ネルギヌで走行するペットをベヌスに改造を斜し、埓来では湟内や颚の状況によっお䜿甚しおいる゚ンゞンをモヌタヌに眮き換え、より゚コフレンドリヌな船舶を目指した。さらに、モヌタヌぞの電力は゜ヌラヌパネルで蓄電したものを䜿甚し、完党にクリヌンな船舶を実珟した。珟状の゜ヌラヌパネルの発電胜力は未だ䜎く、電力のみで走行可胜な時間は1.5 時間皋床ず限られたものずなったが、倚くの島々が点圚する瀬戞内の穏やかな環境での䜿甚では十分であり、瀬戞内ぱコフレンドリヌな船舶にずっおも適応しやすい環境だずいうこずがわかった。改造にあたり、蚭蚈や䜿甚郚材に関しおはできる限りの汎甚化を行い、今埌他ペットナヌザヌぞの展開の可胜性を有した蚭蚈を目指した。We developed the natural energy ship from the previous year. While last year, we investigated the eco-friendly ship in the near future in collaboration with the university of Berlin-Weissensee. This year, we actually built the Eco Ship.We modified yacht that moves by wind power, the clean energy. Normally the yacht uses gasoline engine to move when there is no wind. The idea is that we replace the gasoline engine to motor and the yacht will become more eco-friendly ship. In addition, the power to the motor uses the energy generated by solar panel and realized the complete clean ship. Power generation capacity of solar panels of the current is low still, the yacht we built can cruise only for 1.5 hours, but it is sufficient for the yacht for Setouchi area. There are a lot of Inlands in Setouchi area and the environment is quite mild, so the environment of Setouchi is easy to adapt for an eco-friendly ship was found. We considered the simple structure and use common materials as much as possible for the possibility of the future expansion to other users yacht