191 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Near-Infrared N-Heterocyclic Luciferin Analogues for In Vivo Optical Imaging

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    As a means of achieving highly sensitive bioluminescence imaging of deep tissues utilizing the firefly luciferin-luciferase (L-L) reaction, we previously reported a luciferin analogue, AkaLumine, which exhibits high cell-permeability and emits near-infrared (NIR) light with high tissue-penetration by the L-L reaction. However, while AkaLumine enables us to observe targets in deep tissues, its poor solubility in aqueous media limits its utility for in vivo imaging. Herein, to address this issue, we have synthesized three AkaLumine derivatives with N-heterocyclic aromatic rings as new red luciferin analogues that have substantially higher solubility than that of AkaLumine in phosphate buffered saline solution. One of the derivatives (herein termed seMpai) exhibits an emission maximum at 675 nm upon L-L reaction with Photinus pyralis luciferase and presents an activity in mouse-tissue imaging similar to that of AkaLumine. It is hoped that seMpai will extend the application of high-sensitivity NIR bioluminescence imaging in a wide range of biomedical research fields

    Detection of the Onset of Ischemia and Carcinogenesis by Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription Factor-Based In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging

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    An animal model for the early detection of common fatal diseases such as ischemic diseases and cancer is desirable for the development of new drugs and treatment strategies. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor that regulates oxygen homeostasis and plays key roles in a number of diseases, including cancer. Here, we established transgenic (Tg) mice that carry HRE/ODD-luciferase (HOL) gene, which generates bioluminescence in an HIF-1-dependent manner and was successfully used in this study to monitor HIF-1 activity in ischemic tissues. To monitor carcinogenesis in vivo, we mated HOL mice with rasH2 Tg mice, which are highly sensitive to carcinogens and are used for short-term carcinogenicity assessments. After rasH2-HOL Tg mice were treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, bioluminescence was detected noninvasively as early as 9 weeks in tissues that contained papillomas and malignant lesions. These results suggest that the Tg mouse lines we established hold significant potential for monitoring the early onset of both ischemia and carcinogenesis and that these lines will be useful for screening chemicals for carcinogenic potential

    In Vivo Imaging of HIF-Active Tumors by an Oxygen-Dependent Degradation Protein Probe with an Interchangeable Labeling System

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) functions as a master transcriptional regulator for adaptation to hypoxia by inducing adaptive changes in gene expression for regulation of proliferation, angiogenesis, apoptosis and energy metabolism. Cancers with high expression of the alpha subunit of HIF (HIFα) are often malignant and treatment-resistant. Therefore, the development of a molecular probe that can detect HIF activity has great potential value for monitoring tumor hypoxia. HIF prolyl hydroxylases (HPHDs) act as oxygen sensors that regulate the fate of HIFα protein through its oxygen-dependent degradation (ODD) domain. We constructed a recombinant protein PTD-ODD-HaloTag (POH) that is under the same ODD regulation as HIFα and contains protein transduction domain (PTD) and an interchangeable labeling system. Administration of near-infrared fluorescently labeled POH (POH-N) to mouse models of cancers allowed successful monitoring of HIF-active regions. Immunohistochemical analysis for intratumoral localization of POH probe revealed its specificity to HIF-active cells. Furthermore, lack of the PTD domain or a point mutation in the ODD domain abrogated the specificity of POH-N to HIF-active cells. Overall results indicate that POH is a practical probe specific to HIF-active cell in cancers and suggest its large potential for imaging and targeting of HIF-related diseases