141 research outputs found

    Motion Capture Dataset for Practical Use of AI-based Motion Editing and Stylization

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    In this work, we proposed a new style-diverse dataset for the domain of motion style transfer. The motion dataset uses an industrial-standard human bone structure and thus is industry-ready to be plugged into 3D characters for many projects. We claim the challenges in motion style transfer and encourage future work in this domain by releasing the proposed motion dataset both to the public and the market. We conduct a comprehensive study on motion style transfer in the experiment using the state-of-the-art method, and the results show the proposed dataset's validity for the motion style transfer task

    DNA double-strand break induction in Ku80-deficient CHO cells following Boron Neutron Capture Reaction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Boron neutron capture reaction (BNCR) is based on irradiation of tumors after accumulation of boron compound. <sup>10</sup>B captures neutrons and produces an alpha (<sup>4</sup>He) particle and a recoiled lithium nucleus (<sup>7</sup>Li). These particles have the characteristics of high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation and have marked biological effects. The purpose of this study is to verify that BNCR will increase cell killing and slow disappearance of repair protein-related foci to a greater extent in DNA repair-deficient cells than in wild-type cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells and a DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair deficient mutant derivative, xrs-5 (Ku80 deficient CHO mutant cells), were irradiated by thermal neutrons. The quantity of DNA-DSBs following BNCR was evaluated by measuring the phosphorylation of histone protein H2AX (gamma-H2AX) and 53BP1 foci using immunofluorescence intensity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hours after neutron irradiation, the number of gamma-H2AX and 53BP1 foci in the CHO-K1 cells was decreased to 36.5-42.8% of the levels seen 30 min after irradiation. In contrast, two hours after irradiation, foci levels in the xrs-5 cells were 58.4-69.5% of those observed 30 min after irradiation. The number of gamma-H2AX foci in xrs-5 cells at 60-120 min after BNCT correlated with the cell killing effect of BNCR. However, in CHO-K1 cells, the RBE (relative biological effectiveness) estimated by the number of foci following BNCR was increased depending on the repair time and was not always correlated with the RBE of cytotoxicity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mutant xrs-5 cells show extreme sensitivity to ionizing radiation, because xrs-5 cells lack functional Ku-protein. Our results suggest that the DNA-DSBs induced by BNCR were not well repaired in the Ku80 deficient cells. The RBE following BNCR of radio-sensitive mutant cells was not increased but was lower than that of radio-resistant cells. These results suggest that gamma-ray resistant cells have an advantage over gamma-ray sensitive cells in BNCR.</p

    Distribution of calbindin-D28K immunoreactive neurons in rat primary motor cortex

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    Distribution of calbindin-D28K immunoreactive cells in the primary motor area of the adult rat neocortex was studied in the present experiment. In the primary motor cortex, calbindin-D28K immunoreactivity was found in two populations of cortical neurons. One was composed of neurons heavily labeled with anti-calbindin antibody, which were present in two bands corresponding to cortical layers II-III, and V. The morphological types of these cells were varied they had oval, fusiform or mutiangular somata. The proximal dendrites of the heavily stained cells showed that these cells were non-pyramidal neurons, and they were either bitufted or multipolar cells. The other was a weakly stained population, mainly concentrated in layers II and III, that also contained pyramidal neurons. In addition, one outstanding feature of the neuropil staining deep to layer II was the labeling of the long, vertically oriented bundles of immunoreactive processes. Such a distinct pattern of calbindin-D28K immunoreactive neurons in the primary motor cortex suggests a relatively high density of calcium channels exists in the superficial layers of the rat primary motor cortex

    Experimental model for irradiating a restricted region of the rat brain using heavy-ion beams

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    Heavy-ion beams have the feature to administer a large radiation dose in the vicinity of the endpoint in the beam range, its irradiation system and biophysical characteristics are different from ordinary irradiation instruments like X-rays or gamma-rays. In order to get clarify characteristic effects of heavy-ion beams on the brain, we have developed an experimental system for irradiating a restricted region of the rat brain using heavy-ion beams. The left cerebral hemispheres of the adult rat brain were irradiated at dose of 50Gy charged carbon particles (290MeV/nucleon 5mmspread-out Bragg peak). After irradiation, the characteristics of the heavy-ion beams and the animal model were studied. Histological examination and measurement showed that extensive necrosis was observed between 2.5mmand7.5mmdepth from the surface of the rat head, suggesting a relatively high dose and uniform dose was delivered among designed depths and the spread-out bragg peak used here successfully and satisfactorily retained its high-dose localization in the defined region. We believe that our experimental model for irradiating a restricted region of the rat brain using heavy-ion beams is a good model for analyzing regional radiation susceptibility of the brain

    Expression of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 in the brain of rats exposed to X-irradiation in utero

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    To gain insight to the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved abnormal neuronal migration induced by irradiation, we investigated expression of neuronal cell adhesion molecule L 1 and neuronal migration in the brains through comparison between rats prenatally exposed to X-ray and controls. To observe the pattern of neuronal migration, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was chosen as a marker to label migrating cells. The results showed some of the labeled cells remained in the lower of the cortical plate in the irradiated rats, suggesting that neuronal migration was disrupted by X-ray. To study change of expressing neural cell molecule L1, rat brains were analyzed by SDS-PAGE after isolation of L1 by immunoaffinity chromatography. In the all brain membrane fraction, immunoaffinity purified L1 had bands at 200, 180, 140 and 80 kDa. However, the bands in the irradiated group were very weak when compared with the control. Taking these results into account, abnormal neuronal migration and reduction of expression L1 found in their radiated brain indicated that migration of neural cells may be largely dependent on radial glial fiber as well as neural cell molecules like L1. A decrease in L1 expressionmay be one of reasons of abnormal neuronal migration

    Normal and abnormal neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex

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    Neuronal migration is the critical cellular process which initiates histogenesis of cerebral cortex. Migration involves a series of complex cell interactions and transformation. After completing their final mitosis, neurons migrate from the ventricular zone into the cortical plate, and then establish neuronal lamina and settle onto the outermost layer, forming an “inside-out” gradient of maturation. This process is guided by radial glial fibers, requires proper receptors, ligands, other unknown extracellular factors, and local signaling to stop neuronal migration. This process is also highly sensitive to various physical, chemical and biological agents as well as to genetic mutations. Any disturbance of the normal process may result in neuronal migration disorder. Such neuronal migration disorder is believed as major cause of both gross brain malformation and more special cerebral structural and functional abnormalities in experimental animals and in humans. An increasing number of instructive studies on experimental models and several genetic model systems of neuronal migration disorder have established the foundation of cortex formation and provided deeper insights into the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying normal and abnormal neuronal migration

    Radiation Monitoring and Dose Estimation of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

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    Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection; Environmental Health; Nuclear Energy; Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution; Nuclear Chemistry; Fukushima nuclear plant accident; Environmental contamination by radionuclides; Radiation dose assessment; Aerial radiation dose; Environmental monitorin

    Radiation Monitoring and Dose Estimation of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

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    Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection; Environmental Health; Nuclear Energy; Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution; Nuclear Chemistry; Fukushima nuclear plant accident; Environmental contamination by radionuclides; Radiation dose assessment; Aerial radiation dose; Environmental monitorin

    Salah asuhan

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    Significant contamination of superoxide dismutases and catalases with lipopolysaccharide-like substances

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    Commercially available superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase induced remarkable morphological changes in cultured peritoneal resident macrophages (PRMs). The morphology resembled that of cells stimulated with various macrophage-activating substances such as bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). PRMs treated with SOD and catalase for 24 hr produced a significant amount of nitric oxide. Peritoneal thioglycollate-exudated macrophages (PEMs) that were induced to die by combined treatment with LPS and cycloheximide (protein synthesis inhibitor) were killed by the treatment with SOD and catalase in the presence of cycloheximide. The effect of SOD and catalase was heat-resistant and was not found in PEMs of the C3H/HeJ mouse, a LPS low responder strain. These results strongly indicated the presence of LPS-like substances in the sample of SOD and catalase used. An examination of commercially available SOD and catalase samples for the presence of LPS-like substances demonstrated that many were contaminated. It is quite important to take into consideration that commercially available SODs and catalases may be contaminated with LPS-like substances and the contaminants may affect the results of studies