903 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Auxiliary Verb -khE. in Burmese

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    Model prihvaćanja tehnologije i putevi do online lojalnosti potrošača na tržištima u razvoju

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    The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been well-known for decades. However, the global adoption of the Internet creates new interests in utilizing TAM in e-commerce and the post-consumption intention, especially in emerging markets. Data was collected from 758 online customers via a web-based survey in Vietnam. Particular contribution of the results is that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, fairness, trust and the quality of the customer interface have direct or indirect impacts on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Moreover, in emerging markets, trust was outlined as the strongest factor contributing to customer satisfaction and leading to customer loyalty.Model prihvaćanja tehnologije (engl. technology acceptance model – TAM) dobro je poznat već desetljećima. Međutim globalno prihvaćanje interneta potiče novo zanimanje za primjenu TAM-a u e-trgovanju i postkupovnoj namjeri, posebice na tržištima u razvoju. Podaci su prikupljeni online anketiranjem 758 potrošača u Vijetnamu. Poseban doprinos rezultata jest u tome što pokazuju da percipirana korisnosti jednostavnost korištenja, poštenje, povjerenje i kvaliteta korisničkog sučelja imaju izravan ili neizravan utjecaj na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potrošača. Nadalje, na tržištima u razvoju povjerenje je istaknuto kao najsnažniji čimbenik stvaranja zadovoljstva potrošača koje vodi lojalnosti potrošača

    Determinants of Online Customer Satisfaction in an Emerging Market – a Mediator Role of Trust

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    Background. Customer satisfaction, in many cases affected by trust, is critical to the postconsumption intention and is regarded as the key success factor of sales in general and electronic commerce websites in particular. However few studies indicate clearly the determinants and especially their influential strengths on online customer satisfaction in emerging markets. Research aims. This study investigates what factors determine customer satisfaction. Methods. Conducted research is using data collected from 758 online customers in Vietnam, mostly young people. Key  findings. The particular contribution of these results shows that distributive fairness, customer interface quality, perceived security, perceived usefulness and trust are significant predictors of mcustomer satisfaction; especially, the mediator role of trust is proved.Słowa kluczowe: Young online customer satisfaction, Trust, E-commerce, Mediator rol

    Enterokinase and IAV Infection

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    Cleavage and activation of hemagglutinin (HA) by trypsin-like proteases in influenza A virus (IAV) are essential prerequisites for its successful infection and spread. In host cells, some transmembrane serine proteases such as TMPRSS2, TMPRSS4 and HAT, along with plasmin in the bloodstream, have been reported to cleave the HA precursor (HA0) molecule into its active forms, HA1 and HA2. Some trypsinogens can also enhance IAV proliferation in some cell types (e.g., rat cardiomyoblasts). However, the precise activation mechanism for this process is unclear, because the expression level of the physiological activator of the trypsinogens, the TMPRSS15 enterokinase, is expected to be very low in such cells, with the exception of duodenal cells. Here, we show that at least two variant enterokinases are expressed in various human cell lines, including A549 lung-derived cells. The exogenous expression of these enterokinases was able to enhance the proliferation of IAV in 293T human kidney cells, but the proliferation was reduced by knocking down the endogenous enterokinase in A549 cells. The enterokinase was able to enhance HA processing in the cells, which activated trypsinogen in vitro and in the IAV-infected cells also. Therefore, we conclude that enterokinase plays a role in IAV infection and proliferation by activating trypsinogen to process viral HA in human cell lines