171 research outputs found

    Boron and chlorine abundances in Antarctic chondrites: A PGA study

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    Boron and chlorine abundances were determined by prompt gamma-ray analysis for Antarctic meteorites of 22 carbonaceous chondrites and 12 ordinary chondrites. Both B and Cl contents of most Antarctic meteorites analyzed in this study are systematically higher than those for non-Antarctic chondrites of corresponding groups, implying that Antarctic meteorites of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrite groups were contaminated with not only Cl (and other halogens like I) but also B. Boron and Cl contents are correlated with each other in Antarctic ordinary chondrites whereas no apparent correlation can be seen for carbonaceous chondrites. Considering that interior portions were used for carbonaceous chondrites while interior and outer portions were randomly sampled for ordinary chondrite used in this study, B and Cl are distributed differently between the two groups of chondrite, suggesting that B and Cl independently behaved following their own chemical properties after contaminant(s) carrying these elements adhered on the surface of meteorites. Sea mist is a probable candidate for such a contaminant. Leaching experiments showed that no B is essentially recovered by water and acetone even from pulverized specimens, from which a fairly large fraction of Cl is recovered, confirming that B and Cl reside independently in chondrite samples and further that both elements behaved differently after sticking to these samples on Antarctica

    ガク ガンメン リョウイキ ニオケル チョウオンパ ガゾウ ヒョウジ リョウイキ ニ カンスル ケントウ

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the advantages of different fields of view (FOV) between Linear, Sector, and real-time panoramic view (SieScape^TM) in B-mode ultrasonography for the maxillofacial region. This prospective study included 103 maxillofacial examinations of 60 patients with space-occupying lesions and/or suspected of metastatic regional lymph nodes from oral cancer. These lesions were examined by ultrasonographic study with three different kinds of FOV, including Linear, Sector, and SieScape^. These images were digitally recorded and compared. Each examination was classified into 5 maxillofacial anatomical parts, 1) buccal & lip part, 2) parotid gland part, 3) submandibular part, 4) submental & sublingual part, and 5) neck part. The advantage of FOV was evaluated according to these anatomical parts. 1) Buccal & lip part: 16 examinations were collected. Linear and/or sector FOV provided sufficient images for observing the lesion and adjoining anatomical landmarks. 2) Parotid gland part: 7 examinations were obtained. The whole gland could be observed only in SieScape^ in a single image. 3) Submandibular part: 43 examinations were obtained. The whole submandibular gland could be observed in Sector FOV, which was also useful to observe the structure adjoining the mandible, because the slanting ultrasound beam avoided the lingual mandibular bone and the deeper structure of the gland could be observed. Furthermore, for cases with many submandibular lymph nodes, sagittal SieScape^ images provided a suitable reference image for later observation. 4) Submental & sublingual part: Linear FOV provided sufficient images. Sector FOV was also useful, if the lesion was large or located next to the mandible. 5) Neck part: The quality of diagnostic information did not differ between the three kinds of FOVs employed here, since this area was too large to observe in a single image. Furthermore, the exact location was hard to identify in the later evaluation since the anatomic structures did not much differ between upper and middle neck portions. In the ultrasonographic examination of the maxillofacial area, we should select proper FOV to obtain useful diagnostic information

    Experimental determination and mathematical modeling of standard shapes of forming autophagosomes

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    オートファゴソーム標準形態の実験的決定と数理モデル --オートファジーを司る膜構造体の形の特徴を実験と理論で解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-01-12.The formation of autophagosomes involves dynamic morphological changes of a phagophore from a flat membrane cisterna into a cup-shaped intermediate and a spherical autophagosome. However, the physical mechanism behind these morphological changes remains elusive. Here, we determine the average shapes of phagophores by statistically investigating three-dimensional electron micrographs of more than 100 phagophores. The results show that the cup-shaped structures adopt a characteristic morphology; they are longitudinally elongated, and the rim is catenoidal with an outwardly recurved shape. To understand these characteristic shapes, we establish a theoretical model of the shape of entire phagophores. The model quantitatively reproduces the average morphology and reveals that the characteristic shape of phagophores is primarily determined by the relative size of the open rim to the total surface area. These results suggest that the seemingly complex morphological changes during autophagosome formation follow a stable path determined by elastic bending energy minimization

    コウクウガン ケイブ テンイ リンパセツ ノ ケンシュツ ニ タイスル チョウオウパ サンジゲン イメージング ノ ユウヨウセイ

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    Three dimensional ultrasonographic imaging was performed for the cervical lymphadenopathy. Forty lymph nodes with suspicion of metastatic lymphadenopathy out of 20 patients with oral cancers were served for the present study. We could not judge the presence/absence of the metastasis by routine B mode or power Doppler imaging alone. Out of the 40 lymph nodes, 18 metastatic lymphadenopathies were proved histopathologically. Additionally, 11 lymph nodes out of 8 patients with nonspecific reactive lymphadenopathies were included as the control. The pattern of the circumferential blood flow of the lymph nodes was reviewed by the three-dimensional maximum intensity projection (3D MIP) view that was obtained from 3D power Doppler imaging. They were divided into 4 categories ; linear blood flow, mesh like blood flow, spotty blood flow and no circumferential flow. The spotty flow was almost exclusively found in the metastatic lymph nodes. Its accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for detecting metastatic lymphadenopathy were 0.73, 0.44, 0.95, 0.89, and 0.68, respectively. This spotty flow was situated at the marginal portion and/or around the lymph nodes by the analysis of the two-dimensional display. We could not differentiate whether it was arterial or venous flow. As the three dimensional sonographic imaging is the time-consuming technique compared to the routine B mode or power Doppler imaging, we cannot routinely perform it. However, it would play a supplementary role for detecting lymph node metastasis, especially if we cannot judge them by the two dimensional imaging alone


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    Although the number of women actively working in Japan has increased since the Act on Promotion of Womenʼs Participation and Advancement in the Workplace in 2016, Japanʼs level of gender equality still lags behind most countries. Iceland has held 1st place in the Global Gender Gap Index for 9 consecutive years. Nearly a century since womenʼs suffrage in 1915 and after a mass feminist movement in the 1970s and 1980s, an unexpected opportunity came from the financial crisis of 2008. In the shift from specializing in fishing to global finance, reckless investment and loose management by male elites caused a financial crisis that shook the nation.After the financial crisis, Icelandʼs citizens chose a female prime minister who emphasized welfare policy, and an investment company promoting female values founded by women was established. After an era of creating inequality and distortion due to excessive competition, the time has come for a new era emphasizing sustainable growth and work-life balance. In a mature society, female values such as trust, cooperativeness, long-term perspective, and risk awareness are needed rather than male values of competition and aggressiveness. Promotion of female values in Japan is indispensable not only for resolving the labor shortage but also for social developments in business and politics

    Lingual tonsillolith on PR and CT

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    Objectives: Lingual tonsilloliths are not as well-known to radiologists than palatine tonsilloliths, although they might be common in clinical practice. The aim of this investigation was to clarify the prevalence and imaging characteristics of lingual tonsilloliths using panoramic radiographs and CT images. Methods: This study included 2244 patients without pathology at the base of tongue who had undergone panoramic radiography and CT of the maxillofacial region. The size, number and position of lingual tonsilloliths relative to the mandible and tongue were evaluated. Results: Lingual tonsilloliths were observed in 33 (1.5%) and 108 (4.8%) of all patients on panoramic radiographs and CT images, respectively. The prevalence was higher in patients aged ≥40 years than in those aged < 40 years (χ2, p < 0.01). They appeared as small, round- or rod-shaped calcified bodies, and they always located closely anterior (1–17 mm) to the anterior border of oropharyngeal airway on panoramic radiographs. Lingual tonsilloliths were superimposed over the surrounding soft tissue inferior to the body of the mandible, posteroinferior to the angle of the mandible and posterior to the mandible in 16 (48.5%), 15 (45.5%) and 1 (3.0%) individual, respectively. A significant correlation was observed between the detectability on panoramic radiographs and size (Spearman’s r = 0.961, p < 0.01) of tonsilloliths, as revealed by CT images. Conclusion: Lingual tonsilloliths commonly appear on CT. They also appear on panoramic radiography and may superimpose the surrounding soft tissue of the mandible. Although lingual tonsilloliths may resemble other pathological calcifications including submandibular sialoliths and lingual osseous cholistoma, they can be differentiated by carefully observing panoramic radiographs. When clinicians detect calcified bodies near the base of tongue, lingual tonsilloliths should be included in the differential diagnoses

    Prevalence and Imaging Characteristics of Palatine Tonsilloliths Detected by CT in 2,873 Consecutive Patients

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    Tonsilloliths are calcified structures that develop in tonsillar crypts. They are commonly detected in daily clinical practice. The prevalence of tonsilloliths was 16 to 24% in previous reports, but it is inconsistent with clinical experience. The aim of this study is to clarify the prevalence, number, and size distribution of tonsilloliths using computed tomography (CT) in a relatively large number of patients. Materials and Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the scans of 2,873 patients referred for CT examinations with regard to tonsilloliths. Results. Palatine tonsilloliths were found in 1,145 out of 2,873 patients (39.9%). The prevalence of tonsilloliths increased with age, and most commonly in patients of ages 50–69. The prevalence in the 30s and younger was statistically lower than in the 40s and older (P < 0.05). The number of tonsilloliths per palatine tonsil ranged from one to 18. The size of the tonsilloliths ranged from 1 to 10 mm. For the patients with multiple CT examinations, the number of tonsilloliths increased in 51 (3.9%) and decreased in 84 (6.5%) of the tonsils. Conclusions. As palatine tonsilloliths are common conditions, screenings for tonsilloliths during the diagnosis of soft tissue calcifications should be included in routine diagnostic imaging

    CT imaging of nasopharyngeal and eustachian tube tonsilloliths

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    Objectives: Nasopharyngeal tonsilloliths (NT) and eustachian tube tonsilloliths (ET) are not as well-known to radiologists as palatine and lingual tonsilloliths. The aim of this investigation was to determine the prevalence and imaging characteristics of NT and ET using CT and panoramic radiographs. Methods: We retrospectively assessed the scans of 2244 patients who underwent consecutive CT and panoramic radiographs of the maxillofacial region. The prevalence, size, number, and position of NT and ET were analysed. Results: NT and ET were detected in 14 (0.6%) and 6 (0.3%) of 2244 patients on CT, respectively, but they were undetectable on panoramic radiographs. No significant difference was found in the prevalence with respect to sex. Although there was also no significant difference in the prevalence among age groups, tonsilloliths were most commonly noted in patients over 40 years old; they appeared as small and round calcified bodies, ranging from 1 to 3 mm in diameter. All NT were found 0 to 3 mm beneath the nasopharyngeal mucosal surface. Conclusions: The prevalence of NT and ET on CT was lower than that of palatine and lingual tonsilloliths. However, since they are encountered more frequently than clinically significant calcifying diseases such as retropharyngeal calcific tendinitis, clinicians should be able to correctly diagnose NT and ET based on their anatomical features